{"Gewicht":"1.39kg","Abmessungen": "43cm : 43 x 31 x 29","Volumen":"39 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Eine Reisetasche aus recyceltem Material\n","content":"Der Stoff dieses Rucksacks besteht aus RPET, einem Material, das aus 9 vollständig recycelten Plastikflaschen hergestellt wird und für eine umweltfreundlichere Mobilität sorgt.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5c3a989e-ab29-454e-a0d4-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917100-05.jpg"},{"title":"WASSERFEST\n","content":"Das wasserfeste Material in Kombination mit der Regendecke bietet Ihrem Haustier idealen Schutz bei schlechtem Wetter.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2e33833a-d562-4f47-9412-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917100-06.jpg"},{"title":"EINE BEQUEME HAUSTIERTASCHE\n","content":"Der Rucksack kann gekippt werden, um eine Komfortzone für längere Reisen zu schaffen. Außerdem ist das Polster abnehmbar und waschbar. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/44ad7d6c-725d-40df-9066-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917100-07.jpg"},{"title":"AUSSTATTUNG FÜR IHREN KOMFORT \n","content":"Der Brustgurt sorgt dafür, dass der Rucksack bei jeder Aktivität gut sitzt. \nDarüber hinaus sind die Rückseite des Rucksacks und die Schultergurte mit einem 3D-Mesh-Schaumstoff versehen, der für optimalen Komfort sorgt und Schwitzen verhindert. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/23577582-607b-4862-b6a5-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917100-08.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1038:Rainproof"]

Material recycled
Pet Carrier
{"Gewicht":"2.72kg","Abmessungen": "48cm : 48 x 39 x 30","Volumen":"42 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Eine Reisetasche aus recyceltem Material\n","content":"Der Stoff dieser Haustiertasche besteht aus RPET, einem Material, das aus 10 vollständig recycelten Plastikflaschen hergestellt wird und für eine umweltfreundlichere Mobilität sorgt.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c1d462b9-662b-473d-8af1-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917000-05.jpg"},{"title":"WASSERFEST\n","content":"Das wasserfeste Material in Kombination mit der Regendecke bietet Ihrem Haustier idealen Schutz bei schlechtem Wetter.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ad38e3ed-41bb-46f7-bc41-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917000-06.jpg"},{"title":"EINE BEQUEME HAUSTIERTASCHE\n","content":"Der Rucksack kann gekippt werden, um eine Komfortzone für längere Reisen zu schaffen. Außerdem ist das Polster abnehmbar und waschbar. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/74e317b8-0583-4099-a5dc-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917000-08.jpg"},{"title":"IHR KOFFER PASST SICH ALL IHREN BEWEGUNGEN AN\n","content":"Zusätzlich zu ihrem Trolley-System verfügt die RASPAIL-Haustiertasche über 2 Doppelräder, die sehr wendig und geräuscharm sind. Sie wurden speziell für eine flexible und angenehme Handhabung entwickelt.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/67ef7c23-488c-4df2-a7b1-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328917000-09.jpg"},{"title":"MIT DEM TROLLEY-SYSTEM KOMPATIBEL\n","content":"Dank der Schlaufe auf der Rückseite kann der Rucksack sicher am Trolley-System des Koffers befestigt werden. \n","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Gewicht":"0.63kg","Abmessungen": "48cm : 48 x 30 x 17","Volumen":"25 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Ein Rucksack aus recyceltem Material\n","content":"Der Stoff dieses Rucksacks besteht aus RPET, einem aus 9 vollständig recycelten Wasserflaschen hergestellten Material. Die RASPAIL-Reisetasche für eine umweltfreundlichere Mobilität.\n\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5a458bf8-9d8b-4d1b-a899-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328960002-05.jpg"},{"title":"WASSERFEST\n","content":"Das wasserfeste Material bietet Ihren Sachen idealen Schutz bei schlechtem Wetter.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f1ad9eb1-84a6-4422-b9dc-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328960002-06.jpg"},{"title":"Gut durchdachter Innenraum\n","content":"\nDer RASPAIL-Rucksack hat ein gepolstertes Fach, in dem ein 15-Zoll-Notebook Platz findet. Der Rucksack hat außerdem ein Anti-RFID-Fach (Radio Frequency Identification), das den Diebstahl von elektronischen Daten verhindert. Das perfekte Fach für alle Karten und das Handy!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7f598893-134d-4b38-b23f-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328960002-07.jpg"},{"title":"AUSSTATTUNG FÜR IHREN KOMFORT \n","content":"\nDie Rückseite des Rucksacks und die Schultergurte sind mit einem 3D-Mesh-Schaumstoff ausgestattet, der für optimalen Komfort sorgt und Schwitzen verhindert. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/258c7a3d-b1ec-41fa-8628-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328960002-08.jpg"},{"title":"MIT DEM TROLLEY-SYSTEM KOMPATIBEL\n","content":"Dank der Schlaufe auf der Rückseite kann der Rucksack sicher am Trolley-System des Koffers befestigt werden. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a29c1dee-0827-4e9c-bba8-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328960002-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1065:Data protection RFID","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof","1011:PC Protection"]
{"Gewicht":"0,16kg","Dimension":"15 x 24 x 8 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"PRACTICAL FORMAT","content":"The innovative format of the mini Raspail is designed to allow you to carry all your everyday essentials. Inside and outside pockets make cards and phones easily accessible. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ff110886-444f-4885-85de-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328911164-05.jpg"},{"title":"FLEXIBLE WEARING AND CARRYING","content":"The shoulder strap is adjustable to suit your comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/151866d6-69a4-4bb1-8c16-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328911164-06.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the messenger bag is a tough ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cd5726a8-2694-4b04-8bfa-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328911164-07.jpg"}]
["1038:Rainproof","1065:Data protection RFID","1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Gewicht":"0.75kg","Abmessungen": "30,50cm : 30 x 44 x 18","Volumen":"24 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Eine Reisetasche aus recyceltem Material\n","content":"Der Stoff der Tasche besteht aus RPET, einem Material, das aus 6 vollständig recycelten Plastikflaschen hergestellt wird und für eine umweltfreundlichere Mobilität sorgt.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d272cdd9-34d0-4942-ae15-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914502-05.jpg"},{"title":"WASSERFEST\n","content":"Das wasserfeste Material bietet Ihren Sachen idealen Schutz bei schlechtem Wetter.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ce20b80-772f-49f1-93fa-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914502-06.jpg"},{"title":"Gut durchdachter Innenraum\n","content":"Die Tasche von RASPAIL hat ein gepolstertes Fach, in dem ein 14-Zoll-Notebook Platz findet. Der Rucksack hat außerdem ein Anti-RFID-Fach (Radio Frequency Identification), das den Diebstahl von elektronischen Daten verhindert. Das perfekte Fach für alle Karten und das Handy!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bb3777d6-a1a4-4158-a0d8-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914502-07.jpg"},{"title":"AUSSTATTUNG FÜR IHREN KOMFORT \n","content":"\"Der verstellbare Riemen sorgt dafür, dass er bei jeder Aktivität sicher an Ort und Stelle bleibt. \nAußerdem besteht der Tragriemen aus einem 3D-Mesh-Schaumstoff, der für optimalen Tragekomfort sorgt und Schwitzen verhindert. \"\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/45c16743-0658-46b7-b081-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914502-08.jpg"},{"title":"MIT DEM TROLLEY-SYSTEM KOMPATIBEL\n","content":"Dank der Schlaufe auf der Rückseite kann der Rucksack sicher am Trolley-System des Koffers befestigt werden. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c0281abd-9c3c-47b4-8fce-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914502-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1065:Data protection RFID","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1011:PC Protection","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Gewicht":"0,55kg","Dimension":"26 x 38 x 15 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"COMFORTABLE","content":"The messenger bag's innovative format is designed to make it easy to transport your personal belongings. Clever compartments for quick access.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/63dca28f-86a6-4a8b-a0cb-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914402-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"The messenger bag's foamed and adjustable shoulder straps allow you to carry it in comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/51c78531-f77e-440b-9040-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914402-06.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the messenger bag is a tough ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f3bea6dc-21ba-44bd-9a35-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914402-07.jpg"},{"content":"A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2ae03b54-175b-430d-ba00-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328914402-08.jpg"}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1065:Data protection RFID","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof","1035:Tablet protection"]
{"Gewicht":"2,76kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"EASY TO CARRY","content":"The three side handles make it easy to hold. The adjustable straps mean you can change the capacity of this travel bag to suit your needs. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7a0d1fb5-ccc9-4b44-9d95-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921199-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the travel bag is a trusty ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7fd9ada3-d1e8-4b92-b90c-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921199-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique luggage closure system is 3 times more resistant than a conventional closure. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a7d85103-e478-4cff-8859-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921199-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Storage is optimised with two dividers and a set of adjustable straps to secure the contents of the travel bag.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bf6f2eb8-da91-4a4d-aa4e-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921199-08.jpg"},{"title":"WELL DESIGNED STORAGE","content":"Separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings by placing them in the special compartment. It's easy to do as the pocket can be accessed from the outside. "}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1096:TSA combination padlock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1039:Easy storage","1038:Rainproof","1076:Central opening"]

Material recycled
Cabin suitcase
S Slim (55cm)
{"Gewicht":"2.12kg","Abmessungen": "32cm : 32 x 57 x 29","Volumen":"47 L","Materialien":"","Innen":"
- 1 flache Tasche
- Ein Satz Träger und ein Trenner mit Reißverschluss
- Polyester 150 Denier
- Recycled lining
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- 2 Rollen
- Hauptfach mit ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schiebern
- Garantieschild mit QR-Code
- Wasserabweisend
- Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
- Schutzfuß
- Recyceltes material
- TSA Kombinations-Vorhängeschloss
- Seitlicher Griff mit Transportgurten
- Seitliche Schuhtasche
- Oberer Griff
[{"title":"A TRAVEL BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"We make the fabric used for these travel bags from rPET, a plastic that comes from entirely recycled water bottle, with each bag made from 38 in total! Now it's your turn to travel responsibly!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6432d956-fbec-4f3a-b23e-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921099-05.jpg"},{"title":"Waterproof luggage","content":"This luggage has an innovative feature that anyone who loves travelling will greatly appreciate: waterproof material. With its supple waterproof fabric providing protection from the rain as well as hard-wearing durability, the RASPAIL range gives you complete security and peace of mind on your travels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/710be8ce-cab0-49ce-a455-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921099-06.jpg"},{"title":"Multiple lifting and carrying options","content":"In addition to its extremely quiet and hardwearing rollerblade-inspired wheels, this cabin bag can also be lifted and carried in multiple different ways. It not only features a handle on its top but also two additional loops that serve as an extra handle, enabling you to easily carry the bag up and down stairs or load it in the boot of your car!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4c7a739d-f864-4a10-a106-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921099-07.jpg"},{"title":"Conveniently practical opening","content":"This bag opens from the top, giving you a complete view of the whole interior and making it easy to properly store and arrange your items and belongings. It also has a separate zipped compartment at the bottom into which you can slip a pair of shoes: ideal for preventing the rest of your belongings getting dirty after you've been hiking. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2fc88f5a-993a-408a-8e54-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328921099-08.jpg"}]
{"Gewicht":"2.79kg","Abmessungen": "28,50cm : 28 x 64 x 35","Volumen":"56 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER","Innen":"
- 50/50-Konstruktion
- Zwei Sätze Träger und zwei Trenner mit Reißverschluss
- Polyester 150 Denier
- Recycled lining
- Kompressionsträger
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- 2 Rollen
- Zwei große Taschen vorne
- Hauptfach mit ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schiebern
- Garantieschild mit QR-Code
- Wasserabweisend
- Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
- Schutzfuß
- Recyceltes material
- TSA Kombinations-Vorhängeschloss
- Oberer Griff
- Seitlicher Griff
- Frontgriff
[{"title":"EASY TO CARRY","content":"The three side handles make it easy to hold. The adjustable straps mean you can change the capacity of this travel bag to suit your needs. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/716ff598-4113-4fdc-b87d-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the travel bag is a trusty ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9955ce0a-1b90-474c-ae5d-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique luggage closure system is 3 times more resistant than a conventional closure. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a96c9df4-1726-4930-b2b7-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Storage is optimised with two dividers and a set of adjustable straps to secure the contents of the travel bag.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e0f8ccc5-33c6-4eac-96f1-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-18.jpg"},{"title":"WELL DESIGNED STORAGE","content":"Separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings by placing them in the special compartment. It's easy to do as the pocket can be accessed from the outside. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/469656ca-97e4-47fe-b798-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-19.jpg"}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1076:Central opening","1096:TSA combination padlock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1039:Easy storage","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Gewicht":"2.99kg","Abmessungen": "30,50cm : 30 x 73 x 35","Volumen":"71 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER","Innen":"
- 50/50-Konstruktion
- Zwei Sätze Träger und zwei Trenner mit Reißverschluss
- Polyester 150 Denier
- Recycled lining
- Kompressionsträger
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- 2 Rollen
- Zwei große Taschen vorne
- Hauptfach mit ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schiebern
- Garantieschild mit QR-Code
- Wasserabweisend
- Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
- Schutzfuß
- Recyceltes material
- TSA Kombinations-Vorhängeschloss
- Oberer Griff
- Seitlicher Griff
- Frontgriff
[{"title":"EASY TO CARRY","content":"The three side handles make it easy to hold. The adjustable straps mean you can adjust the capacity of the travel bag to suit your needs. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/76d3382b-9d1f-41e9-89e5-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the travel bag is a trusty ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cc39478e-4101-4743-92f5-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique luggage closure system is 3 times more resistant than a conventional closure. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab3f536b-d012-4bfc-a71c-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-08.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Storage is optimised with two dividers and a set of adjustable straps to secure the contents of the travel bag.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d4c2547d-e883-403e-a00b-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-10.jpg"},{"title":"WELL DESIGNED STORAGE","content":"Separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings by placing them in the special compartment. It's easy to do as the pocket can be accessed from the outside. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a07f94e0-271c-4589-b4f3-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-11.jpg"}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1076:Central opening","1096:TSA combination padlock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1039:Easy storage","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Gewicht":"2,79kg","Dimension":"29 x 64 x 35 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"56 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Recycled lining
- 150 Denier polyester
- 50 / 50 construction
- Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
- Two large front pockets
- Top handle
- Side handle
- Front Handle
- TSA combination padlock
- Water-repellant
- Recycled material
- Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
- Protection feet
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Compression straps
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 2 Rollen
[{"title":"EASY TO CARRY","content":"The three side handles make it easy to hold. The adjustable straps mean you can change the capacity of this travel bag to suit your needs. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/716ff598-4113-4fdc-b87d-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the travel bag is a trusty ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9955ce0a-1b90-474c-ae5d-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique luggage closure system is 3 times more resistant than a conventional closure. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a96c9df4-1726-4930-b2b7-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Storage is optimised with two dividers and a set of adjustable straps to secure the contents of the travel bag.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e0f8ccc5-33c6-4eac-96f1-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-18.jpg"},{"title":"WELL DESIGNED STORAGE","content":"Separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings by placing them in the special compartment. It's easy to do as the pocket can be accessed from the outside. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/469656ca-97e4-47fe-b798-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328932199-19.jpg"}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1076:Central opening","1096:TSA combination padlock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1039:Easy storage","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Gewicht":"2,99kg","Dimension":"31 x 73 x 35 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"71 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Recycled lining
- 150 Denier polyester
- 50 / 50 construction
- Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
- Two large front pockets
- Top handle
- Side handle
- Front Handle
- TSA combination padlock
- Water-repellant
- Recycled material
- Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
- Protection feet
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Compression straps
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 2 Rollen
[{"title":"EASY TO CARRY","content":"The three side handles make it easy to hold. The adjustable straps mean you can adjust the capacity of the travel bag to suit your needs. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/76d3382b-9d1f-41e9-89e5-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the travel bag is a trusty ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cc39478e-4101-4743-92f5-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique luggage closure system is 3 times more resistant than a conventional closure. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab3f536b-d012-4bfc-a71c-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-08.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Storage is optimised with two dividers and a set of adjustable straps to secure the contents of the travel bag.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d4c2547d-e883-403e-a00b-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-10.jpg"},{"title":"WELL DESIGNED STORAGE","content":"Separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings by placing them in the special compartment. It's easy to do as the pocket can be accessed from the outside. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a07f94e0-271c-4589-b4f3-front/original/delsey-raspail-00328924099-11.jpg"}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1076:Central opening","1096:TSA combination padlock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1039:Easy storage","1038:Rainproof"]