Spring Break 2025
{"Gewicht":"4.50kg","Abmessungen": "77cm : 77 x 50 x 30","Volumen":"99 L","Materialien":"POLYCARBONAT / ABS","Innen":"
- Schliessende Gurte im Hauptfach
- Netz-Reißverschlussfach
- Innen komplett gefüttert
- Trenner aus Netz mit Reißverschluss
- Zahlenschloss mit TSA
- Ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schieber
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- Integrierter Griff oben
- 4 Doppelte Rollen für eine bessere Rotation und Stabilität
- Integrierter seitlicher Griff
- Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
[{"title":"Hochsicheres Gepäck mit dem Original-Reißverschluss gegen Diebstahl.","content":"Der SECURITECH®-Reißverschluss schützt Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände durch seine Sicherheitsverstärkung. Ein einzigartiges Gepäckschließsystem, das dreimal stärker ist als ein herkömmlicher Verschluss, um das Sicherheitsniveau langfristig zu maximieren und das Risiko des Aufbrechens über die Reißverschlussöffnung zu vermeiden. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f7fcc21a-3f15-4b3a-b59b-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-08.jpg"},{"title":"Das TSA-Zahlenschloss","content":"Keine durch den Zoll beschädigten Koffer mehr! Das TSA-Kombinationsschloss ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern, während die Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde (TSA) Ihr Gepäck mit einem bestimmten Schlüssel kontrollieren kann, ohne es zu beschädigen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ae86a154-1f67-43b3-b88f-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-11.jpg"},{"title":"Funktional und sicher","content":"COMETE + hat eine doppelte Hauptöffnung mit Reißverschluss, an die Sie ein Vorhängeschloss anbringen können. Dessen Polyesterfutter sorgt für Komfort und Sicherheit. Die Griffe oben und an der Seite ermöglichen eine schnelle und einfache Handhabung bei Zug- oder Flugreisen. Mit einem Satz Gurte und einem Netz mit Reißverschluss im Inneren und dank seiner zwei separaten Fächern hält COMETE Ihre Sachen ordentlich und getrennt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d228cee5-3ec3-4906-b271-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-12.jpg"},{"title":"Ihr Koffer passt sich allen Ihren Bewegungen an","content":"Der Koffer verfügt über 4 sehr bewegliche und leise Doppelrollen. Diese robusten und in alle Richtungen beweglichen Rollen wurden speziell für einen sehr hohen Rollkomfort entwickelt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4012e5e6-d1da-48e3-ba30-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1037:158 cm max"]

Light blue
L (77cm)
Reduzierter Preis 13230€
{"Gewicht":"3.80kg","Abmessungen": "67cm : 67 x 44 x 26","Volumen":"64 L","Materialien":"POLYCARBONAT / ABS","Innen":"
- Schliessende Gurte im Hauptfach
- Netz-Reißverschlussfach
- Innen komplett gefüttert
- Trenner aus Netz mit Reißverschluss
- Zahlenschloss mit TSA
- Ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schieber
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- Integrierter Griff oben
- 4 Doppelte Rollen für eine bessere Rotation und Stabilität
- Integrierter seitlicher Griff
- Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
[{"title":"Hochsicheres Gepäck mit dem Original-Reißverschluss gegen Diebstahl.","content":"Der SECURITECH®-Reißverschluss schützt Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände durch seine Sicherheitsverstärkung. Ein einzigartiges Gepäckschließsystem, das dreimal stärker ist als ein herkömmlicher Verschluss, um das Sicherheitsniveau langfristig zu maximieren und das Risiko des Aufbrechens über die Reißverschlussöffnung zu vermeiden. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ce35113-d061-4463-b488-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-08.jpg"},{"title":"Das TSA-Zahlenschloss","content":"Keine durch den Zoll beschädigten Koffer mehr! Das TSA-Kombinationsschloss ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern, während die Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde (TSA) Ihr Gepäck mit einem bestimmten Schlüssel kontrollieren kann, ohne es zu beschädigen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2d7a98e7-9310-4684-8efe-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-11.jpg"},{"title":"Funktional und sicher","content":"COMETE + hat eine doppelte Hauptöffnung mit Reißverschluss, an die Sie ein Vorhängeschloss anbringen können. Dessen Polyesterfutter sorgt für Komfort und Sicherheit. Die Griffe oben und an der Seite ermöglichen eine schnelle und einfache Handhabung bei Zug- oder Flugreisen. Mit einem Satz Gurte und einem Netz mit Reißverschluss im Inneren und dank seiner zwei separaten Fächern hält COMETE Ihre Sachen ordentlich und getrennt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9a0fa921-c94a-4c69-b4cc-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-12.jpg"},{"title":"Ihr Koffer passt sich allen Ihren Bewegungen an","content":"Der Koffer verfügt über 4 sehr bewegliche und leise Doppelrollen. Diese robusten und in alle Richtungen beweglichen Rollen wurden speziell für einen sehr hohen Rollkomfort entwickelt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b1502a55-18a8-4797-9ebc-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]

Light blue
M (67cm)
Reduzierter Preis 11830€
{"Gewicht":"3.82kg","Abmessungen": "79cm : 79 x 50 x 33","Volumen":"118 L","Materialien":"","Innen":"
- Netz-Reißverschlussfach
- 1 Satz Träger
- Recycled lining
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- Zwei große Taschen vorne
- Schloss mit eingebauter TSA-Kombination
- Öffnung mit Reißverschluss
- Hauptfach erweiterbar
- Garantieschild mit QR-Code
- 4 Doppelte Rollen für eine bessere Rotation und Stabilität
- Recyceltes material
- Oberer Griff
- Seitlicher Griff
["1030:Recycled materials","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
L Expandable (79cm)
Reduzierter Preis 19920€
{"Gewicht":"2.90kg","Abmessungen": "55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volumen":"35 L","Materialien":"POLYCARBONAT / ABS","Innen":"
- Schliessende Gurte im Hauptfach
- Netz-Reißverschlussfach
- Innen komplett gefüttert
- Trenner aus Netz mit Reißverschluss
- Zahlenschloss mit TSA
- Ineinandergreifende Reissverschluss-Schieber
- Multipositions-Trolleysystem
- Integrierter Griff oben
- 4 Doppelte Rollen für eine bessere Rotation und Stabilität
- Integrierter seitlicher Griff
[{"title":"Das TSA-Zahlenschloss","content":"Keine durch den Zoll beschädigten Koffer mehr! Das TSA-Kombinationsschloss ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern, während die Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde (TSA) Ihr Gepäck mit einem bestimmten Schlüssel kontrollieren kann, ohne es zu beschädigen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/05ac1c34-fb19-47f9-84d7-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180312-11.jpg"},{"title":"Funktional und sicher","content":"COMETE + hat eine doppelte Hauptöffnung mit Reißverschluss, an die Sie ein Vorhängeschloss anbringen können. Dessen Polyesterfutter sorgt für Komfort und Sicherheit. Die Griffe oben und an der Seite ermöglichen eine schnelle und einfache Handhabung bei Zug- oder Flugreisen. Mit einem Satz Gurte und einem Netz mit Reißverschluss im Inneren und dank seiner zwei separaten Fächern hält COMETE Ihre Sachen ordentlich und getrennt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dda707bc-182c-4996-97a1-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180312-12.jpg"},{"title":"Ihr Koffer passt sich allen Ihren Bewegungen an","content":"Der Koffer verfügt über 4 sehr bewegliche und leise Doppelrollen. Diese robusten und in alle Richtungen beweglichen Rollen wurden speziell für einen sehr hohen Rollkomfort entwickelt.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/895fdce7-a38f-456f-8d8c-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180312-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]

Light blue
S Slim (55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 10430€
{"Gewicht":"5,15kg","Dimension":"83 x 52 x 35 / 37 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"132 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c55c41ef-ec9f-485f-b0f0-front/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183072MR-05.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5cb5d499-d30d-4fb9-8355-front/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183072MR-06.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7a01fe4d-0c73-4053-8aad-front/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183072MR-07.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b9dcfd74-3201-49bf-acfe-front/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183072MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5b8a99fe-bf29-4d39-99e8-front/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183072MR-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Tangerine orange
Zinc blue
Checkin suitcase
XXL Expandable (82cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 19425€
{"Gewicht":"0.72kg","Abmessungen": "42cm : 42 x 34 x 18","Volumen":"24 L","Materialien":"RECYCELTES POLYESTER","Innen":"
- Fach vorne: Organiser, große Tasche, Reißverschlusstasche
- Anti-RFID-Tasche
- Schutzfach für Laptop und Tablet
- Garantieschild mit QR-Code
- Recycled lining
- Kompatibel mit dem Trolleysystem
- Öffnung mit Reißverschluss
- Bequeme Rucksackträger
- Recyceltes material
- 2 Reißverschlusstaschen vorne
- Oberer Griff
[{"title":"Ein Rucksack aus recyceltem Material","content":"Der Stoff dieses Rucksacks wurde aus RPET, einem Material aus vollständig recycelten Wasserflaschen, hergestellt. LEGERE von DELSEY PARIS begleitet Sie ab sofort zu einer grüneren und umweltfreundlicheren Mobilität.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/40c2fbe2-aa21-4e8a-80bc-front/original/delsey-legere-00372760022-05.jpg"},{"title":"Viele Taschen für mehr Ordnung","content":"LEGERE 2.0 zeichnet sich durch seine zahlreichen Taschen aus: zwei auf der Vorderseite und zwei an den Seiten sowie ein Innenfach mit einem gepolsterten Bereich für einen 15,6\"-Laptop und einen Terminkalender. Sie können Ihre Sachen so anordnen, wie Sie es für Ihre Reise wünschen. Die oberen Griffe ermöglichen es Ihnen, ihn nach Belieben mit der Hand zu tragen.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8bef5f1e-35d4-4190-bfed-front/original/delsey-legere-00372760022-06.jpg"},{"title":"FACH MIT RFID-SCHUTZ","content":"In diesen Rucksack wurde ein RFID-Fach (Radio Frequency Identification) integriert, das den Diebstahl Ihrer persönlichen elektronischen Daten verhindert. Das ideale Fach für Ihre Kartenausweise und Ihr Handy! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8a700ec8-d423-461f-a4ea-front/original/delsey-legere-00372760022-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMALER KOMFORT","content":"Die Unterseite des Rucksacks sowie die Gurte bestehen aus 3D-Mesh-Schaumstoff, für optimalen Komfort und Transpirationsschutz. Darauf werden Sie nicht mehr verzichten wollen!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e6e8425d-4f96-4f35-a03a-front/original/delsey-legere-00372760022-08.jpg"},{"title":"KOMPATIBEL MIT DEM TROLLEYSYSTEM ","content":"Auf der Rückseite des Rucksacks befindet sich ein Gurt, mit dem er mit dem Trolleysystem Ihres Gepäcks verbunden werden kann, ideal auf Reisen, wenn Sie ihn nicht auf dem Rücken tragen möchten. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f3149526-ba65-4af3-8d3a-front/original/delsey-legere-00372760022-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1093:Smart-fittings backpack ","1030:Recycled materials","1065:Data protection RFID"]

Material recycled
Backpack (PC Protection 15.6")
Reduzierter Preis 8925€
{"Gewicht":"4,54kg","Dimension":"76 x 52 x 32/34 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"102 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/99d347b4-b9d2-48d2-9a21-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182114MR-06.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/24db27d4-6abb-4d15-adc7-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182114MR-07.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ca71070-3aed-4148-9589-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182114MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ac10712f-b063-449d-8fc7-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182114MR-10.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c1391a20-eeab-4c54-9d06-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182114MR-11.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Tangerine orange
Green chartreuse
Zinc blue
Checkin suitcase
XL Expandable (76cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 17925€
{"Gewicht":"2,80kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25/27 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"39 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ec0d35d4-4b72-42bd-aa75-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180414MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/51dc8f1e-cb47-4a7e-bbeb-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180414MR-15.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5871e64f-429c-476b-85b9-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180414MR-16.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ba0b4c28-66f9-495d-99fa-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180414MR-17.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8e7af086-01d5-459d-b861-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180414MR-12.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Tangerine orange
Green chartreuse
Zinc blue
Cabin suitcase
S Expandable (55cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 14175€
{"Gewicht":"4,30kg","Dimension":"71 x 47 x 31/33 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"81 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d2860500-68dc-4318-9e52-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182014MR-06.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d0a93981-80a4-47e1-ab4b-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182014MR-07.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/51b4aea2-72e3-4c5c-8466-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182014MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/80724f1c-5878-4af8-999e-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182014MR-10.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dac55193-770a-40c5-ad6e-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182014MR-11.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Tangerine orange
Green chartreuse
Zinc blue
Checkin suitcase
L Expandable (71cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 16425€
{"Gewicht":"2,70kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"33 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/73970c22-0d9d-4412-908b-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180314MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/146cfd22-a8e8-4aa7-8eb8-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180314MR-15.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ea5eb7b0-8a88-40a8-aeb2-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180314MR-16.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b3dea16e-44c1-42e3-8b4d-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386180314MR-17.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1060:115 cm max","1055:Double wheels","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Zinc blue
Tangerine orange
Green chartreuse
Cabin suitcase
S Slim (55cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 13425€
{"Gewicht":"3,20kg","Dimension":"69 x 44 x 30/33 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"81 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This case, from the Maubert 2.0 range, is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/63c5b89b-af47-4b54-b1fc-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381381002WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE ","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented SECURITECH® fastening system. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nThe TSA code lock allows the case to be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/930519d8-6d58-41be-aea0-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381381002WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/37dae6c0-2143-4ef2-b506-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381381002WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9b687498-c8b3-40b5-b3b1-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381381002WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
Checkin suitcase - Water repellent
M Expandable (69cm)
Reduzierter Preis 17520€
{"Gewicht":"10,70kg","Dimension":" (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"95 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of United Colors of Benetton.\n\nMinimalist and functional, the Now Hardside collection blends timeless design with a modern touch, symbolising universality and accessibility.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/08ae0093-40f6-44ee-808a-front/original/benetton-now-hardside-B0376298612-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3d33c405-9754-44e0-bfa7-front/original/benetton-now-hardside-B0376298612-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior of the case is functional and has a set of adaptable straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e179b9cd-01b3-41ed-90ad-front/original/benetton-now-hardside-B0376298612-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The cases are equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/461a0a38-aa52-4fe4-b486-front/original/benetton-now-hardside-B0376298612-08.jpg"}]


Bright yellow
Light pink
Light blue
Checkin suitcase
Set 3 suitcases (L-76cm) (M-66cm) (S-55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 22740€
{"Gewicht":"2,77kg","Dimension":"56 x 35 x 25/28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"45 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This case, from the Maubert 2.0 range, is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/285fb525-54dc-48ac-b1f0-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381372402WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented SECURITECH® fastening system. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nThe TSA code lock allows the case to be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ce5f11fe-5048-4d04-9a31-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381372402WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/66b1fdde-d492-45f9-9ecc-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381372402WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"EASY TO HANDLE","content":"This practical case is equipped with 2 easy-to-handle wheels for stress-free travel to your next destination. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3185d5c6-5f98-46c6-b7d8-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381372402WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
Checkin suitcase - Water repellent
S Expandable (55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 13520€
{"Gewicht":"0,60kg","Dimension":"28 x 50 x 29 cm","Volume":"41 L","Material":"100% POLYESTER RPET 300 DENIER","Interior":"
- Recycled lining
- 1 set of straps
- One large front pocket
- Top handle
- TSA combination padlock
- Recycled material
- Zippered opening
- Adjustable shoulder straps
- Trolley system compatible
[{"title":"Eine Reisetasche aus recyceltem Material","content":"Der Stoff dieser Reisetasche besteht aus RPET, einem aus 30 vollständig recycelten Wasserflaschen hergestelltes Material. MAUBERT 2.0 von DELSEY PARIS begleitet Sie ab sofort zu einer grüneren und umweltfreundlicheren Mobilität. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a956153b-92f8-445e-bbeb-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381341002-05.jpg"},{"title":"Sicherheit vor allem","content":"Dieses MAUBERT 2.0 Gepäckstück ist mit einem TSA-Schloss ausgestattet. Es ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern, während die amerikanische Transportsicherheitsbehörde (TSA) Ihr Gepäck mit einem speziellen Schlüssel kontrollieren kann, ohne es zu beschädigen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e5b45159-b123-4bae-a4a2-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381341002-06.jpg"},{"title":"Clevere Details","content":"Dieses funktionelle Weichgepäck hat ein Hauptfach und zwei Außentaschen. Sie sind praktisch, um Ihre Reiseutensilien griffbereit zu verstauen. Genießen Sie eine sorglose und organisierte Reise! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4a5bb3b6-0bf0-4287-b035-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381341002-08.jpg"},{"title":"Zahlreiche Greifmöglichkeiten","content":"Diese Reisetasche bietet mehrere Tragemöglichkeiten. Sie hat einen verstellbaren Schultergurt auf der Oberseite und zwei kurze Gurte, um sie leicht die Treppe hinauf- und hinuntertragen zu können.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bd65dc69-9c5f-4ff0-a1b7-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381341002-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1075:Bottle pocket","1027:Shoulder carrying"]

Material recycled
Duffle Bag S (50cm)
Reduzierter Preis 7920€
{"Gewicht":"4,00kg","Dimension":"76 x 54 x 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"107 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- Straps on the bottom
- Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
- Integrated side handle
- Integrated top handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f55416d9-02c5-474e-856e-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882149-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CAUMARTIN PLUS has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9fc4c9c0-4a71-40cc-8dce-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882149-06.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"With the zipped mesh divider on one side and a pocket that can be used to keep your personal effects safely protected on the other, you'll be able to keep all your belongings properly organised and secured.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/29cdbb7a-cd48-41fa-82c9-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882149-07.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1037:158 cm max","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]

Steel blue
Checkin suitcase
L (76cm)
Reduzierter Preis 23940€
{"Gewicht":"0.39kg","Abmessungen": "39,50cm : 39 x 38 x 14","Volumen":"22 L","Materialien":"","Innen":"
- Kompatibel mit Laptop und Tablet
- Recycled lining
- Kompatibel mit dem Trolleysystem
- Verstellbare Träger
- Öffnung mit Reißverschluss
- Kleines Frontfach
- Recyceltes material
- Oberer Griff
["1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1075:Bottle pocket","1011:PC Protection","1027:Shoulder carrying"]

Material recycled
Tote Bag
Reduzierter Preis 3920€
{"Gewicht":"2,30kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"37 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- Straps on the bottom
- Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
- Integrated side handle
- Integrated top handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Zippered opening
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"This luggage is equipped with a TSA combination lock for added security when travelling by plane. This enables you to securely lock your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6996b86d-4455-4115-8273-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207880349-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CAUMARTIN PLUS has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3f6bbe69-c685-4f05-bb5f-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207880349-06.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"With the zipped mesh divider on one side and a pocket that can be used to keep your personal effects safely protected on the other, you'll be able to keep all your belongings properly organised and secured.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6eed3125-1346-429b-8b22-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207880349-07.jpg"},{"title":"A universal suitcase","content":"With the CAUMARTIN PLUS SLIM suitcase, you'll be compliant with the cabin baggage size allowances of many airlines, which stipulate a length + width + height total of no more than 115 cm (excluding handles, pockets and wheels).\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/64ce1540-c25c-43cf-aa75-front/original/delsey-caumartin-00207880322-12.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]

Steel blue
Cabin suitcase
S slim (55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 17940€
{"Gewicht":"2,50kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"41 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- Straps on the bottom
- Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
- Integrated top handle
- Integrated side handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5ba98061-8f00-42e7-9ac3-front/original/delsey-caumartin-00207880122-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CAUMARTIN PLUS has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ccf8d1b7-7d47-4bad-87e4-front/original/delsey-caumartin-00207880122-08.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"With the zipped mesh divider on one side and a pocket that can be used to keep your personal effects safely protected on the other, you'll be able to keep all your belongings properly organised and secured.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0bb1a122-3bc6-41bd-831b-front/original/delsey-caumartin-00207880122-10.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1001:Cabin luggage"]

Steel blue
S (55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 17940€
{"Gewicht":"3,82kg","Dimension":"79 x 50 x 33/36 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"118 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This case, from the Maubert 2.0 range, is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2987a41b-8780-4adb-b21c-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381382113WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE ","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented SECURITECH® fastening system. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nThe TSA code lock allows the case to be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/838bca3d-a2a8-4648-b9ce-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381382113WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8e9d424c-52c9-4d1a-8a05-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381382113WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/91fa17e0-a1d0-49af-9827-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381382113WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
Checkin suitcase
Water repellent- L Expandable (79cm)
Reduzierter Preis 19920€
{"Gewicht":"2,65kg","Dimension":"45 x 36 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"25 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This case, from the Maubert 2.0 range, is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ded8d155-d5c3-419c-b30d-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381370013WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE ","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented SECURITECH® fastening system. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nThe TSA code lock allows the case to be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9ae75e8c-86d8-4ee6-98ea-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381370013WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL FORMAT","content":"A compact case for travelling in complete freedom. All the essential features are packed into one practical case. Interior straps secure personal belongings, while exterior pockets provide easy access to travel essentials.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2c740f99-8850-49aa-9f06-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381370013WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"EASY TO HANDLE","content":"This practical case is equipped with 2 easy-to-handle wheels for stress-free travel to your next destination. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7611fccc-0c98-4455-89e8-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381370013WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1094:Universal cabin size","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
Cabin suitcase - Water repellent
S (45cm)
Reduzierter Preis 12720€
{"Gewicht":"4,30kg","Dimension":"76 x 52 x 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"102 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2bde5163-d666-4cad-ae88-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182643MR-06.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/05dc4e1d-b48c-4539-a543-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182643MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1c8d9996-2478-4393-a42c-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182643MR-10.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/20d02cb7-bec4-4807-8acf-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182643MR-13.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Tangerine orange
Faded red
Green chartreuse
Zinc blue
Checkin suitcase
XL (76cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 17175€
{"Gewicht":"2,54kg","Dimension":"56 x 36 x 26/29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"45 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This case, from the Maubert 2.0 range, is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b503e72a-7067-4793-9b7e-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381380100WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE ","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented SECURITECH® fastening system. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nThe TSA code lock allows the case to be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/53a5b3f5-768e-4553-a5bc-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381380100WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/af8590f4-f5f5-4d4f-97f9-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381380100WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f0fcbb09-0c24-4211-a273-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381380100WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]

Material recycled
Checkin suitcase - Water repellent
S Expandable (55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 15120€
{"Gewicht":"0,40kg","Dimension":"44 x 37 x 13 cm","Volume":"22 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nThe Be collection adopts current colour trends, with shades of lavender blue, lilac, raspberry and anthracite. It encapsulates an elegant, timeless look.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/81f6a10c-d81c-4692-899e-front/original/delsey-be-B0376361009-05.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"This practical backpack has an outside pocket to keep all your essentials close at hand. Inside, there's a foamed pocket for a 15.6\" laptop. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/edb0c7e6-9963-48f8-9905-front/original/delsey-be-B0376361009-06.jpg"},{"title":"COMFORTABLE TO CARRY","content":"Adjust the straps to suit you and take advantage of the reinforcements in the back and shoulders for greater comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0fb26b26-58d5-4d66-879f-front/original/delsey-be-B0376361009-07.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":"A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab957b56-b10a-449f-868f-front/original/delsey-be-B0376361009-08.jpg"}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Gewicht":"0,45kg","Dimension":"28 x 40 x 8 cm","Volume":"9 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"This satchel from the Maubert 2.0 range is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5430eee5-1146-4387-b606-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381316013WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"Organise your belongings efficiently with a main compartment and a foamed compartment for a 13\" tablet or laptop. Slip your cards and phone into the anti-RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) to keep your personal electronic data safe.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/532ddfbd-5266-4299-843e-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381316013WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":"A support loop on the back of the satchel allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dc9eae39-d3a8-46c7-a663-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381316013WP-07.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1027:Shoulder carrying"]

Material recycled
SATCHEL - Water repellent
Satchel 1-compartment (PC Protection 13.3")
Reduzierter Preis 5015€
{"Gewicht":"3,20kg","Dimension":"70 x 44 x 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"71 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- Straps on the bottom
- Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
- Integrated side handle
- Integrated top handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Warranty QR code plate
- Multi position Trolley system
- 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/11c74a1f-7fd4-4f70-b2e0-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882049-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CAUMARTIN PLUS has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8b98fd8b-4a4a-442d-9757-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882049-06.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"With the zipped mesh divider on one side and a pocket that can be used to keep your personal effects safely protected on the other, you'll be able to keep all your belongings properly organised and secured.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9246d4f7-7afe-444a-9767-front/original/delsey-caumartin-plus-00207882049-07.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]

Steel blue
Checkin suitcase
L (69cm)
Reduzierter Preis 20940€
{"Gewicht":"9,26kg","Dimension":" (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"0 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of the United Colors of Benetton. Minimalist and functional, the Now Hardside collection blends timeless design with a modern touch, symbolising universality and accessibility.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2cf40117-1c61-4635-9de7-front/original/delsey-be-B0376398602-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1d8012c1-512b-4a02-9feb-front/original/delsey-be-B0376398602-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior of the case is functional and has a set of adaptable straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c9d607cf-1ddc-4f2b-97e5-front/original/delsey-be-B0376398602-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The cases are equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/47d2bcc1-f710-4b59-9a88-front/original/delsey-be-B0376398602-08.jpg"},{"title":"THE IDEAL SET","content":"With three complementary sizes, this set of suitcases is ideal for all your travel needs!"}]


Blue jean
Set 3 Expandable Suitcases (L-76cm) (M-66cm) (S-55cm)
Reduzierter Preis 28740€
{"Gewicht":"0,60kg","Dimension":"28 x 50 x 29 cm","Volume":"41 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"The travel bag in the Maubert 2.0 range is made from 100% recycled rPET fabric, a material derived from recycled plastic bottles. The water-repellent finish makes the product extremely resistant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/50974196-2c48-4e50-a9d6-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381341002WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"ANTI-RFID POCKET","content":"This travel bag is equipped with a pocket featuring anti-RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it ideal for carrying your cards and phone.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c09ec4c2-1999-47b4-bdef-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381341002WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"SMART DESIGN","content":"The practical main compartment opens at the top for easy organisation of your personal belongings. The two outside pockets provide easy access to travel essentials. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1370807e-6f04-4c7c-bdda-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381341002WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"MULTIPLE LIFTING AND CARRYING OPTIONS","content":"The travel bag can be carried in two ways: on the shoulder with the removable and adjustable shoulder strap, or by hand using the two handles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/447ac85d-00cb-4b84-91ee-front/original/delsey-maubert-2.0-00381341002WP-08.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1075:Bottle pocket","1027:Shoulder carrying"]

Material recycled
DUFFLE - Water repellent
Duffle Bag (50cm)
Reduzierter Preis 7920€
{"Gewicht":"4,83kg","Dimension":"83cm : 83 x 52 x 35 / 0
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"123 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"123 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE"}
[{"title":"A PATENTED, SECURE FASTENING","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2af367a9-7ebd-4f96-91ab-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386183672MR-06.jpg"},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7197fbb2-8fe7-4748-95a8-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386183672MR-08.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-LIGHT, TOUGH AND HARD-WEARING","content":"Made from 100% recycled materials, Belmont Plus combines strength and lightness thanks to the rigorous selection of its components.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c4ec31bc-5f1b-4a56-8996-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386183672MR-10.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/52d84116-e917-4366-a123-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386183672MR-13.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]

Material recycled
Checkin suitcase
XXL (83cm) Recycled Material
Reduzierter Preis 18675€