
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

Restrablecer filtros

Winter Sales 2025

{"Peso":"3,20kg","Dimensión":"69cm ampliable : 69 x 44 x 30","Volumen":"81 L","Material":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLIESTER","Interior" :"
  • Compartimento de malla con cremallera
  • 1 juego de correas
  • Forro reciclado
  • Sistema Trolley multiposición
  • Dos grandes bolsillos delanteros
  • Cerradura de combinación empotrada con TSA
  • Abertura con cremallera
  • Expandibilidad en el compartimento principal
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • 4 ruedas dobles para una mejor rotación y estabilidad
  • Material reciclado
  • Asa superior
  • Asa lateral
[{"title":"A SUITCASE MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The material this suitcase is made from is rPET, a plastic produced from 15 entirely recycled plastic bottles. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b363e7a1-c3e8-4bc5-9d45-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381381002-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system to maximise your long-term security and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip! Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key. This backpack features a built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data. The perfect place to store your phone and debit/credit cards!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/14ae5459-4ef6-41d4-a96f-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381381002-07.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3d1c9a35-97da-4705-ae77-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381381002-11.jpg"},{"title":"ROLLING COMFORT","content":"The suitcase features four highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/99eafcaf-8517-4739-98b3-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381381002-12.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Peso":"2,37kg","Dimensión":"55,50cm ampliable : 55 x 35 x 25","Volumen":"45 L","Material":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLIESTER"," Interior":"
  • Compartimento de malla con cremallera
  • 1 juego de correas
  • Forro reciclado
  • Sistema Trolley multiposición
  • 2 ruedas
  • Dos grandes bolsillos delanteros
  • Cerradura de combinación empotrada con TSA
  • Abertura con cremallera
  • Expandibilidad en el compartimento principal
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • Material reciclado
  • Asa superior
  • Asa lateral
[{"title":"A SUITCASE MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The material this suitcase is made from is rPET, a plastic produced from 10 entirely recycled plastic bottles. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/24a932b5-1d83-47b7-9103-front/original/delsey-maubert 2.0-00381372402-07.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system to maximise your long-term security and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip! Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key. This backpack features a built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data. The perfect place to store your phone and debit/credit cards!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d01c25ec-a8ff-4fc6-b39f-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381372402-08.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/185377b1-6d1a-4cb3-968f-front/original/delsey-maubert-00381372402-10.jpg"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1003:Expandable ","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Peso":"2.63kg","Dimensión":"27,50cm : 27 x 53 x 32","Volumen":"40 L","Material":"600D RPET PU COATING","Interior": "
  • Portadirecciones interior
  • Sistema de plegado
  • Un bolsillo lateral con cremallera
  • Bolsillo de malla con cremallera
  • Forro reciclado
  • Correas en la parte inferior
  • Sistema Trolley multiposición
  • 2 ruedas silenciosas
  • Gran abertura principal
  • Protección de PVC entre ruedas
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • Repelente al agua
  • Pequeño bolsillo frontal
  • Apertura zipsecuritech patentada: ZST 1
  • Protección de pies
  • Bolsillo de volumen de fácil acceso
  • Correa de hombro cómoda y extraíble
  • Material reciclado
  • Candado de combinación TSA
  • Asa lateral de transporte de cincha
  • Mufla
  • Asa superior
[{"title":"UNA BOLSA DE VIAJE HECHA CON MATERIAL RECICLADO","content":"Esta bolsa de viaje está hecha de un material llamado rPET, un plástico producido a partir de 13 botellas de agua íntegramente recicladas. Empieza a viajar de una manera más verde y respetuosa con el medio ambiente manera amigable hoy con el EGOA.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e8b854c1-78de-4988-a669-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-05.jpg"}, {"title":"UNA EQUIPAJE ULTRA SEGURA","content":"La cremallera patentada SECURITECH® protege tus pertenencias con su seguridad reforzada. Su exclusivo sistema de cierre es 3 veces más resistente que un cierre tradicional y evita el riesgo de robo abriendo la cremallera!Esta bolsa de viaje EGOA viene con un candado TSA.Este candado de combinación le permite asegurar su equipaje con su propio código personal y al mismo tiempo permite que la Autoridad de Seguridad en el Transporte (TSA) lo revise sin dañándolo con una llave especial.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fe8699fc-8e03-4ea2-b2fe-front/original/delsey-egoa-003 22321900WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"EQUIPAJE IMPERMEABLE","content":"Este equipaje tiene una característica innovadora que cualquiera que ame viajar apreciará mucho: material impermeable. Este bolso te permitirá viajar con tranquilidad, ya que su tejido ofrece protección contra la lluvia, manteniendo tus pertenencias secas.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bd53aa74-bfab-4a33 -bf24-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"UNA BOLSA DE VIAJE 2 EN 1","content":"Transporta tu equipaje de dos maneras diferentes: usa la sistema trolley para hacer rodar tu bolsa de viaje por los aeropuertos, y las asas para subir y bajar escaleras. Esta bolsa también cuenta con un sistema reforzado para mayor estabilidad en reposo. ","imagen":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/15aa5322-7c79-4ebf-9ab1-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-08.jpg"},{"título":"" ,"contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido" :"","imagen":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Peso":"2,40kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Shoe pockets
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • Water resistant pocket
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Elastic pocket
  • Tie-down straps
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Two large front pockets
  • Ultra comfort side handle
  • Ultra comfort top handle
  • Corner Protection
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • 1 side zippered pocket
  • Interlocking sliders
  • 2 stops trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"This luggage is equipped with a TSA combination lock for added security when travelling by plane. This enables you to securely lock your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e5990262-5a6c-4fe0-b649-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-09.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"OPTIMAX LITE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7a20e2cb-2da1-4b6a-b92b-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-09.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"The various compartments and pockets enable you to perfectly organise and arrange your items and belongings, and the straps ensure everything stays properly in place! \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8b1885ec-9a53-4ea5-bab8-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-13.jpg"},{"title":"A light, practical and sturdy case","content":"Optimax Lite is a light, sturdy case.\nYou will be able to take all your personal belongings with you, and they will be perfectly protected thanks to the interior reinforcements and the non-slip handles. Travel stress-free!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ec29fefa-eacc-4547-8d69-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-13.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your OPTIMAX LITE cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b74e307d-7d8e-4e91-bb16-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-14.jpg"},{"title":"Easy to handle","content":"Easy to carry thanks to the top and side carrying handles!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d5e8d57d-beb1-41ad-b995-front/original/delsey-optimax-00328580300T9-14.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]