
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

Restrablecer filtros


{"Peso":"1.10kg","Dimensión":"23cm : 23 x 32 x 21","Volumen":"15 L","Material":"100% POLICARBONATO","Interior":"
  • Espejo
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • Bolsa transparente extraíble de 1
  • Toque de melocotón
  • Forro reciclado
  • Asa lateral suave al tacto para un transporte cómodo
  • Compatible con el sistema trolley
  • Soporte de dirección extraíble
[{"title":"ELEGANCIA Y EXPERIENCIA\n","content":"CHATELET AIR 2.0 es la encarnación misma del saber hacer y la elegancia franceses. Su diseño evoca la arquitectura tradicional parisina. Sus líneas únicas recuerdan el diseño vintage del equipaje de antaño y al mismo tiempo le da un aspecto moderno y contemporáneo.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/76193b09-f599-43cc-a216-front/original /delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167631015-05.jpg"},{"title":"CARACTERÍSTICAS INGENIOSAS\n","content":"Ideal para llevar sus artículos de tocador a donde quiera que vaya. Este estuche de belleza tiene un gama de funciones inteligentes, así como un espejo desmontable. Proteja sus pertenencias de accidentes y contratiempos en sus viajes almacenando todos sus productos líquidos en el bolsillo transparente desmontable. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable. com/delsey/686a4521-bbcc-48f3-974f-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167631015-06.jpg"},{"title":"FÁCIL DE TRANSPORTAR\n","content":" ¡Adapta cómo lo llevas a tus necesidades! Puedes deslizar tu estuche de belleza e en el carro de su maleta usando el lazo en la parte posterior. Puede optar por usarlo en el hombro a través de su correa ajustable desmontable.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cecb1133-b909-422f-ab1e-front/original/delsey- chatelet-air-2.0-00167631015-07.jpg"},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":" ","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen ":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1014:Smart fittings","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"0.30kg","Dimensión":"18,50cm : 18 x 26 x 12","Volumen":"6 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • Toque de melocotón
  • Bolsillo húmedo
  • Forro reciclado
  • Revestimiento de TEFLON
  • Abertura con cremallera
  • Material reciclado
  • Bolsillo trasero con cremallera
[{"title":"UN NECESER HECHO CON MATERIAL RECICLADO\n","content":"El tejido utilizado para este neceser está hecho de rPET, un material fabricado a partir de tres botellas de agua de plástico totalmente recicladas. El antimicrobiano SILVADUR™ la tecnología con la que está tratada evita la acumulación de bacterias, ¡ideal para mantener tu neceser limpio e higiénico! \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/47978bb4-9b72-4004-a97c- front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167615015-05.jpg"},{"title":"UN PRÁCTICO NECESER \n","content":"Su amplia abertura equipada con dos cremalleras facilita te permite ver tus pertenencias personales de un vistazo. Usa los diversos bolsillos interiores y exteriores para mantener tus productos organizados. ¡Su tejido resistente al agua significa que ahora no tienes nada que te detenga!\n","image":"https:/ /cdn.quable.com/delsey/222c74ab-0ff4-46a9-917b-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167615015-06.jpg"},{"title":"ELEGANCIA Y EXPERIENCIA\n", "content":"CHATELET AIR 2.0 es la encarnación misma de F Saber hacer y elegancia renovados. Su diseño evoca la arquitectura tradicional parisina. Sus líneas únicas recuerdan el diseño vintage de las maletas de antaño y al mismo tiempo le dan un aspecto moderno y contemporáneo.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/89b78ce4- 22ed-4c2d-8df5-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167615015-07.jpg"},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{ "título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título": "","contenido":"","imagen":""}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"0,20kg","Dimension":"10 x 16 x 3 cm","Volume":"1 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
Black Red Orange
{"Peso":"0.20kg","Dimensión":"59,50cm expandible : 59 x 46 x 0","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"85% POLIESTER 15% LYCRA"}
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,90 kg","Dimensión":"30 cm : 30 x 40 x 10","Volumen":"12 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Organización óptima","content":"Estos cubos de embalaje son perfectos para mantener todo organizado dentro de su maleta en todas sus aventuras de viaje. Con cuatro tamaños diferentes proporcionados, son igualmente adecuados para empacar cosas en tanto su equipaje de mano como su equipaje facturado.\nCompactos y plegables, se deslizan fácilmente en la bolsa de almacenamiento con cremallera suministrada. Esta bolsa de un litro también se puede usar para guardar sus productos líquidos en sus viajes.","image":"https ://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab959c86-2121-4de5-ab2d-front/original/delsey-accessory2.0-00394115502-05.jpg"},{"title":"Accesorios de almacenamiento fabricados con materiales reciclados" ,"content":"El material plástico reciclado del que están hechos estos cubos de embalaje es rPET y contiene el plástico de tres botellas y media de agua recicladas en su totalidad. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey /037d48f8-920b-42ff-a543-front/original/delsey-accessory2.0-00394115502-06.jpg"},{"title":"Cuatro tamaños diferentes para cuatro usos diferentes. ","content":" El cubo de embalaje más grande mide 40 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm y es lo suficientemente grande para guardar un par de zapatos. El cubo de tamaño mediano mide 33 cm x 25,5 cm x 10 cm y es lo suficientemente grande como para guardar un suéter y un par de jeans. El cubo de 25 cm x 21 cm x 10 cm es ideal para camisetas y complementos. Y finalmente, el cubo más pequeño de 25 cm x 11 cm x 10 cm es adecuado para sus pequeños dispositivos electrónicos.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0a3a5a34-5376-4a1d-928b-front /original/delsey-accessory2.0-00394115502-15.jpg"},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido ":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"" ,"imagen":""}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"0.10kg","Dimensión":"5cm : 5 x 3 x 2","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"ZAMAC - PVC"}
[{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título ":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"" ,"contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido" :"","imagen":""}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,20kg","Dimension":"15 x 10 x 2 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
{"Peso":"0,14kg","Dimension":"12,50cm : 12 x 9 x 1","Volume":"0 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,27kg","Dimension":"16 x 22 x 8 cm","Volume":"3 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,09kg","Dimension":"7 x 9 x 3 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.16kg","Dimensión":"16,50cm : 16 x 23 x 9","Volumen":"3 L","Material":"600D RPET PU COATING","Interior": "
  • Placa con código QR de garantía
  • Un bolsillo lateral con cremallera
  • Forro reciclado
  • Tirones de cremallera inteligentes
  • Repelente al agua
  • Abertura con cremallera impermeable
  • Material reciclado
  • Bolsillo frontal con cremallera
[{"title":"UN NECESER HECHO CON MATERIAL RECICLADO\n","content":"Este neceser está hecho de un material llamado rPET, un plástico producido a partir de 2 botellas de agua totalmente recicladas.\n","image ":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/17a71623-f3e1-41c3-a2f2-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"UNA NECESER IMPERMEABLE\ n","content":"Este neceser te permitirá viajar sin estrés. No más líquidos goteando en tu ropa. La tela combinada con la cremallera resistente al agua mantendrá todas tus pertenencias secas incluso si la tapa del champú no está cerrada correctamente!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/111ed771-8978-4db2-b2bc-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-06.jpg"},{"title ":"UN NECESER FUNCIONAL\n","content":"Para optimizar el almacenamiento, este neceser tiene un compartimento espacioso para todos los artículos de tocador y un bolsillo plano con cremallera en el exterior.\n","image":"https ://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3dee04f0-a930-44e1-8af8-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"","conte nt":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":" ","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Peso":"0,17kg","Dimension":"9 x 11 x 3 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"POLYURETHANE"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,72kg","Dimension":"31 x 51 x 25 cm","Volume":"35 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
["1001:Cabin luggage","1027:Shoulder carrying","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,30kg","Dimension":"22 x 26 x 5 cm","Volume":"3 L","Material":" 100% POLYESTER RPET 600 DENIER","Interior":"
  • Recycled lining
  • Recycled material
[{"title":"OUR COMMITMENT TO THE PLANET!","content":"Our commitment to sustainable development is an important part of what we do here at DELSEY. The environmental challenges we face have inspired and driven us to combine innovation with protecting the planet. The durability of our products is firmly established in our DNA. Through the creation of our DELSEY PLANET programme, we are working in a more responsible way by reducing our ecological footprint and the amount of waste we produce, and by supporting those who work to promote responsible travel by helping travellers get from place to place in greener ways. We are proud to present our brand new item made from recycled material.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3e676723-dd43-42a1-95be-front/original/delsey-montm-air-00235215913-07.jpg"},{"title":"A TOILET BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The fabric used for this toiletry bag is made from rPET, a 100% recycled material manufactured from plastic water bottles. 7 recycled water bottles have gone into making this toiletry bag. Play your part in responsible travel! \n"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"An elegant design resulting in a conveniently practical toiletry bag featuring separate compartments and multiple pockets. It also folds and unfolds and can be hung up using its integrated hook.\n\n"}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.70kg","Dimensión":"25cm : 25 x 32 x 21","Volumen":"17 L","Material":"100% RPET 400 DENIER POLIESTER","Interior": "
  • Mirror
  • 1 bolsillos con cremallera
  • Forro reciclado
  • Sistema trolley compatibles
  • Correas de hombro ajustables
  • Abertura con cremallera
  • Cremalleras y tiradores de latón brillante
  • Asa superior integrada
  • Reciclado material
  • Candado de combinación TSA
[{"title":"The practical and clever beauty case","content":"This elegant MONTROUGE beauty case has an ideal volume with several pockets and a mirror for the clever storage of your toiletries. Its zips mean you can secure it with a padlock. You can attach it securely to the top of your suitcase thanks to a loop on the back of the product. A detachable strap means you can carry your beauty case in your hand or over your shoulder, depending on your preference.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fac0f248-3e45-4131-afe4-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201831000MR-05.jpg"},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/21926036-5505-4af7-bf30-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201831000MR-06.jpg"},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/19980f6e-53dd-4baa-a85c-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201831000MR-07.jpg"},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d5d71d9b-204a-494a-a49e-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201831000MR-08.jpg"},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1027:Shoulder carrying","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,56kg","Dimension":"15cm : 15 x 25 x 14","Volume":"4 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,81kg","Dimension":"26cm : 26 x 21 x 7","Volume":"4 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1027:Shoulder carrying"]
{"Peso":"0,43kg","Dimension":"22cm : 22 x 18 x 6","Volume":"2 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1027:Shoulder carrying"]
{"Peso":"0,20 kg","Dimensión":"23 cm : 23 x 19 x 6","Volumen":"3 L","Material":"420 DENIER POLIÉSTER RIPSTOP"}
[{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título ":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"" ,"contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido" :"","imagen":""}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.10kg","Dimensión":"14,50cm : 14 x 13 x 1","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"190 DENIER POLIÉSTER"}
[{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título ":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"" ,"contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido" :"","imagen":""}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,11kg","Dimension":"10 x 7 x 2 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"CUERO"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
{"Peso":"0,30kg","Dimension":"10 x 20 x 2 cm","Volume":"1 L","Material":"POLYURETHANE"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.30kg","Dimensión":"21cm : 21 x 35 x 14","Volumen":"10 L","Material":"100% RPET 400 DENIER POLIESTER","Interior": "
  • Abertura extra doctor
  • 1 bolsillos con cremallera
  • Forro reciclado
  • Abertura con cremallera
  • Cremalleras y tiradores de latón brillante
  • Material reciclado
[{"title":"A toilet bag made from recycled material","content":"The material of this toilet bag is made from rPET, a plastic that comes from completely recycled water bottles. Let's all do our part for responsible travel!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/81673f6e-0f0a-4369-aecc-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201815000MR-05.jpg"},{"title":"Highly practical","content":"Featuring mesh pockets and an inner compartment, the MONTROUGE toiletry bag provides ideal storage for your essentials. The very wide doctor-style opening means all your products are at your fingertips!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b7f2b84d-9fb1-47f7-bca5-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201815000MR-16.jpg"},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1077:Large opening","1030:Recycled materials","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.20kg","Dimensión":"12,50cm : 12 x 33 x 8","Volumen":"2 L","Material":"POLIÉSTER RIPSTOP 420 DENIER"}
[{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título ":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"" ,"contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido":"","imagen":""},{"título":"","contenido" :"","imagen":""}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0.04kg","Dimensión":"12,50cm : 12 x 24 x 0","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"ETIQUETA DE PAPEL SINTÉTICO"}
[{"title":"Customise your suitcase!","content":"Personalise your luggage with DELSEY stickers!\nThat way you can make it unique and easy to spot on the baggage carousel at the airport! The stickers can be applied to the flat surfaces on any suitcase. We advise against applying them to corners or edges. No additional equipment required.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b53ad6ac-d311-4c93-964f-front/original/delsey-stickers-00394110299-05.jpg"},{"title":"A tour of the world in capital cities","content":"These stickers are designed specifically with all those who love travelling and visiting capital cities in mind! Paris, Shanghai, Dubai, Hong Kong, London, New York, Berlin, Delhi and Tokyo. Choose the stickers that reflect who you are, such as a city with a special place in your heart, cities you've already visited or planned future destinations. Simply stick them on your suitcase and that's it! Personalise your suitcase to your tastes in an instant!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028856/original/delsey-stickers-00394110299-06.jpg"}]
{"Peso":"0.02kg","Dimensión":"12,50cm : 12 x 24 x 0","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"ETIQUETA DE PAPEL SINTÉTICO"}
[{"title":"Customise your suitcase!","content":"Personalise your luggage with DELSEY stickers!\nThat way you can make it unique and easy to spot on the baggage carousel at the airport! The stickers can be applied to the flat surfaces on any suitcase. We advise against applying them to corners or edges. No additional equipment required.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028841/original/delsey-stickers-00394110099-06.jpg"},{"title":"The Parisian woman on holiday","content":"A series of stickers celebrating French-style elegance via a set of dream-inspiring city and landscapes! \nWhether it's a little French detail in the shape of the Eiffel Tower or Place Vendôme, or an exotic destination in the mountains or by the sea, apply the stickers you find the most inspiring! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028842/original/delsey-stickers-00394110099-08.jpg"}]
{"Peso":"0,30kg","Dimension":"10 x 20 x 28 cm","Volume":"6 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Memory foam pillow","content":"Opt for this adjustable foam travel pillow that adapts to the shape of your own head. Its soft and padded velvet material ensures peaceful, stress-free travel. With its removable washable cover, it's the perfect travel accessory for all your trips. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027491/original/delsey-ACCESSORY-2-00394126402-06.jpg"}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,08 kg","Dimensión":"12 cm : 12 x 19 x 5","Volumen":"0 L","Material":"100 % RPET 600 DENIER POLIESTER "}
[{"title":"A BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The fabric used for this bag is made from rPET, a material manufactured from two entirely recycled plastic water bottles. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/204f33ed-1c05-455a-800a-front/original/delsey-securstyle-00202118029-07.jpg"},{"title":"A SKILLFULLY DESIGNED BAG","content":"The SECURSTYLE storage bag can be easily slipped into a bag or carried alone by its strap. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8c5ccca5-2af6-4dcd-8da8-front/original/delsey-securstyle-00202118029-08.jpg"}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"0,30kg","Dimension":"6cm : 6 x 23 x 17","Volume":"2 L","Material":"600 DENIER POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"A PENCIL CASE FOR SCHOOL\n","content":"Robust, in bright colours, this pencil case is perfect for all your child's school equipment. It can be organised as they wish, while the style is very original.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/964fd09f-0bcb-468e-8d7e-front/original/delsey-back-to-school-00339117532-06.jpg"}]
{"Peso":"0,01kg","Dimension":"6 x 9 x 0 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"PVC"}
[{"title":"PRACTICAL AND RECOGNISABLE","content":"Write your contact details on the label inside the address holder and attach it to one of the baggage handles. Practical and colourful, it also makes it easy to identify your luggage at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c0041b20-e51b-4fca-9357-front/original/delsey-travel-accessories-00395001545-05.jpg"}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"0,22kg","Dimension":"","Volume":"1 L","Material":"PVC"}
[{"title":"CUSTOMISABLE LUGGAGE","content":"Find your suitcase at a glance with this colourful and practical pack of 50-mm wheel covers and an address holder!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d39fa431-8dfa-4294-bb49-front/original/delsey-travel-accessories-00395091109-05.jpg"}]
{"Peso":"0,22kg","Dimension":"14 : x x cm","Volume":"1 L","Material":"PVC"}
[{"title":"CUSTOMISABLE LUGGAGE","content":"Find your suitcase at a glance with this colourful and practical pack of 55-mm wheel covers and an address holder!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5b1cb584-e8da-4cad-8c95-front/original/delsey-travel-accessories-00395091245-05.jpg"}]