
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

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Koffer für ein Wochenende

Entdecken Sie Koffer für ein Wochenende von DELSEY INT ! Reisen Sie mit freiem Kopf ✓ Schnelle Lieferungen ✓ Offizielle Website & Shop

{"Gewicht":"2.60kg","Abmessungen": "55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volumen":"46 L","Materialien":"450 X 450 DENIER POLYESTER","Innen":"
  • Herausnehmbares und waschbares Innenfutter
  • Schliessende Gurte im Hauptfach
  • 1 grosse Tasche vorn
  • Zahlenschloss mit TSA
  • Multipositions-Trolleysystem
  • Um 3 cm erweiterbar für mehr Platz
  • Verriegelungsschieber zur Sicherung mit Vorhängeschloss
  • Kantenschutz
  • PVC-Schutzplatte unten am Gepäckstück
  • Adressanhänger
  • Doppelte leise Rollen
  • Integrierter Griff oben
  • Integrierter seitlicher Griff
  • Verbesserte, patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST 2
  • Tasche für Tickets
  • Sicherheitstasche hinten
[{"title":"EIN BESONDERS GESICHERTES GEPÄCKSTÜCK","content":"Keine durch den Zoll beschädigten Koffer mehr! Das TSA-Kombinationsschloss ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern, während die Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde (TSA) Ihr Gepäck mit einem bestimmten Schlüssel kontrollieren kann, ohne es zu beschädigen. Das Schloss befindet sich auf der Oberseite des Gepäckstücks, damit Sie Ihren Koffer leichter öffnen und schließen können. Ihr Gepäck ist mit dem patentierten, hochsicheren Schließsystem von DELSEY ausgestattet: dem SECURITECH® 2 Reißverschluss. Dieser einzigartige Reißverschluss ist 3-mal resistenter gegen unbefugtes Eindringen als ein herkömmlicher Reißverschluss und bietet optimale Sicherheit für Ihr Gepäck. Die Reißverschlüsse sind außerdem verstärkt und bieten eine bis zu 3-mal höhere Festigkeit als Standard-Reißverschlüsse. Der Original-Reißverschluss gegen Diebstahl ist Ihr bester Verbündeter für sicheres Reisen.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/58232130-17b7-46f4-9243-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201880103-05.jpg"},{"title":"Erweiterbar für noch mehr Volumen","content":"MONTROUGE bietet eine Hauptfacherweiterung. Dadurch lässt sich das Volumen Ihres Gepäckstücks jederzeit ausdehnen, sodass Sie zusätzliche Dinge mitnehmen können. Perfekt für all diejenigen, die mit vielen Souvenirs nach Hause zurückkehren. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4cc77864-70dd-4c45-bb97-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201880103-10.jpg"},{"title":"Ihr Koffer passt sich all Ihren Bewegungen an.","content":"MONTROUGE verfügt über 4 sehr bewegliche und leise Doppelräder. Sie wurden speziell für eine flexible und angenehme Handhabung entwickelt. Sich zu bewegen, wo immer Sie wollen, und Flughäfen zu durchstreifen, ist jetzt dank seines bemerkenswerten Rollkomforts ein Vergnügen.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a82d8c50-4d80-4cba-9a34-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201880103-12.jpg"},{"title":"Komfortable, gut organisierte Reisen","content":"Dieser Koffer besitzt zahlreiche Seitentaschen, für eine clevere und praktische Sortierung. Die beiden Fächer sind mit Gurten versehen, die Ihre Habseligkeiten am Platz halten. Reibungen ausgesetzte Stellen wurden für optimaleFestigkeit durch Verstärkungen geschützt. Die Griffe an der Oberseite und den Seiten des Koffers ermöglichen das rasche und einfache Aufnehmen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1bcaa07b-c9d7-45c6-81fc-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201880103-14.jpg"},{"title":"Gut durchdachter Innenraum","content":"Seinen Koffer zu packen war noch nie so einfach! Die cleveren Ordnungsbereiche des Gepäckstücks ermöglichen eine optimale Organisation. Der Koffer überzeugt durch zahlreiche Fächer und Seitentaschen, durch die Sie leichter an Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände gelangen. Dank des komplett herausnehmbaren und waschbaren Innenfutters brauchen Sie nicht zu befürchten, dass Ihr Koffer von innen verschmutzt wird. Stecken Sie es einfach bei 30° in die Maschine: MONTROUGE ist wieder sauber und bereit für neue Reisen.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d36221de-69a3-467c-96fe-front/original/delsey-montrouge-00201880103-16.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1062:Removable and washable lining","1060:115 cm max","1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1095:Adress-holder"]
{"Gewicht":"1.85kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"44 L","Material":"600 DENIER POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Lined zippered compartment
  • Inside address-holder
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 2 zippered pockets
  • Fastening straps
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Reinforced injection-moulded plastic corners
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • 2 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Front zippered pocket
  • Bottom handle
  • Top handle
  • Side handle
[{"title":"A TSA combination lock\n","content":"This luggage is equipped with a TSA combination lock for added security when travelling by plane. This enables you to securely lock your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/08da7da1-f187-4c68-9ec5-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"The slimline double-wheeled BROCHANT 2.0 suitcase is perfect for short breaks or weekends away. Its ultra-light construction and internal volume make it the ideal suitcase for short trips of a few days. With its TEFLON® finish, your luggage will be protected from stains and spillages. All that's left for you to do is choose your next travel destination!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab04c892-d44c-4ef1-b831-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-07.jpg"},{"title":"A universal suitcase \n","content":"With the slimline BROCHANT 2.0 suitcase, you'll be fully compliant with the cabin baggage size allowances of many airlines, which stipulate a length + width + height total of no more than 115 cm (excluding handles, pockets and wheels).\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/49c3ee9d-c780-42ea-a994-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1020:Teflon® coating"]
Blue Black
S slim (55cm)
{"Gewicht":"2.63kg","Abmessungen": "27,50cm : 27 x 53 x 32","Volumen":"40 L","Materialien":"600D POLYESTER MIT PU-BESCHICHTUNG","Innen":"
  • Integrierter Adressenhalter
  • Faltsystem
  • 1 Seitentasche mit Reißverschluss
  • Netztasche mit Reißverschluss
  • Recycled lining
  • Riemen an der Unterseite
  • Multipositions-Trolleysystem
  • 2 leise Rollen
  • Große Hauptöffnung
  • PVC-Schutz zwischen den Rollen
  • Garantieschild mit QR-Code
  • Wasserabweisend
  • Kleines Frontfach
  • Patentierte Öffnung mit Reißverschluss SECURITECH : ZST1
  • Schutzfuß
  • Leicht zugängliche Volumentasche
  • Komfortabler und abnehmbarer Schultertragegurt
  • Recyceltes material
  • TSA Kombinations-Vorhängeschloss
  • Seitlicher Griff mit Transportgurten
  • Schutz
  • Oberer Griff
[{"title":"RUCKSACK AUS RECYCELTEM MATERIAL","content":"Der Stoff dieser Reisetasche besteht aus RPET, einem aus 13 vollständig recycelten Wasserflaschen hergestelltes Material. EGOA begleitet Sie ab sofort zu einer umweltfreundlicheren Mobilität.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e8b854c1-78de-4988-a669-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"HOCH GESICHERTES GEPÄCKSTÜCK","content":"Der patentierte SECURITECH® Reißverschluss schützt Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände durch seine erhöhte Sicherheit. Dieses einzigartige System des Gepäcks ist dreimal so robust wie ein herkömmlicher Verschluss und begrenzt das Risiko eines Diebstahls durch Öffnen des Reißverschlusses! Diese EGOA Reisetasche ist mit einem TSA-Schloss ausgestattet. Das TSA-Zahlenschloss ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Gepäck mit einem persönlichen Code zu sichern und gibt gleichzeitig der Transportsicherheitsbehörde (TSA) die Möglichkeit, Ihr Gepäck mithilfe eines Spezialschlüssels zu kontrollieren, ohne es zu beschädigen.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fe8699fc-8e03-4ea2-b2fe-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"WASSERDICHTES GEPÄCKSTÜCK","content":"Dieses Gepäckstück ist mit einer Innovation ausgestattet, die alle Abenteurer lieben: wasserabweisendes Material. Mit dieser Tasche können Sie beruhigt reisen. Ihr Stoff bietet Schutz bei Regen und hält Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände trocken.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bd53aa74-bfab-4a33-bf24-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"2-IN-1-REISETASCHE","content":"Nutzen Sie zwei Optionen auf Ihren Reisen: Das Trolleysystem, um Ihre Reisetasche bequem zu rollen oder die Griffe, um sie über Treppen zu tragen. Diese Tasche verfügt außerdem über ein verstärktes System für mehr Stabilität beim Abstellen. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/15aa5322-7c79-4ebf-9ab1-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-08.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof"]
S (55cm)
{"Gewicht":"2.90kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"43 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Adjustable straps
  • 1 zippered pockets
  • Recycled lining
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Top handle
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip\n","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024238/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-06.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock\n","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024239/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-07.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior\n","content":"Packing your bags has never been easier! The clever storage of the luggage allows optimal organisation. The bag contains several compartments and pockets to make your personal belongings more accessible. And its fully detachable and washable inner lining means you no longer have to worry about dirtying the inside of your suitcase. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: SEGUR 2.0 is clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024240/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-08.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag \n","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your SEGUR 2.0 cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024241/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-12.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"SEGUR 2.0 has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024242/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-13.jpg"},{"title":"Solidity so can you can travel without worries\n","content":"Made entirely of polycarbonate, SEGUR 2.0 offers unrivalled strength and durability. The grooved shaping of its shell makes it possible to reinforce the strength of the suitcase, so you travel in total tranquillity.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/63d88878-2c9e-4a78-a3ff-front/original/delsey-segur-00205880100-14.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1055:Double wheels","1001:Cabin luggage","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock"]
{"Gewicht":"1.85kg","Dimension":"55cm slim expandable : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"44 L","Material":"600 DENIER POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Lined zippered compartment
  • Inside address-holder
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 2 zippered pockets
  • Fastening straps
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Reinforced injection-moulded plastic corners
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • 2 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Front zippered pocket
  • Bottom handle
  • Top handle
  • Side handle
[{"title":"A TSA combination lock\n","content":"This luggage is equipped with a TSA combination lock for added security when travelling by plane. This enables you to securely lock your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/08da7da1-f187-4c68-9ec5-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"The slimline double-wheeled BROCHANT 2.0 suitcase is perfect for short breaks or weekends away. Its ultra-light construction and internal volume make it the ideal suitcase for short trips of a few days. With its TEFLON® finish, your luggage will be protected from stains and spillages. All that's left for you to do is choose your next travel destination!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab04c892-d44c-4ef1-b831-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-07.jpg"},{"title":"A universal suitcase \n","content":"With the slimline BROCHANT 2.0 suitcase, you'll be fully compliant with the cabin baggage size allowances of many airlines, which stipulate a length + width + height total of no more than 115 cm (excluding handles, pockets and wheels).\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/49c3ee9d-c780-42ea-a994-front/original/delsey-brochant-00225672300-09.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1020:Teflon® coating"]
{"Gewicht":"2,90kg","Dimension":"55cm Slim : 55 x 40 x 21
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"37 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • Flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aa0e062b-9bcf-4b2f-bfe1-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880322-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO THE WAY YOU MOVE","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b37ac3c3-98e3-40b5-8abb-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880322-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"PROMENADE HARD 2.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a9f055e8-1672-4330-a300-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880322-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED STORAGE","content":"The interior of the suitcase features two compartments: on one side there's a space with a divider and multiple pockets to organise accessories. Then, there's another set of adjustable straps to make maximal use of the available space!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c4c10937-863b-458a-8afd-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880322-08.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"\n"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1062:Removable and washable lining"]
{"Gewicht":"3,00kg","Dimension":"55cm expandable : 55 x 35 x 25 / 28
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"44 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • Flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/64f0c82c-cdd5-4564-b7bf-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880122-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO THE WAY YOU MOVE","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a64759cd-cb0b-46e7-b109-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880122-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"PROMENADE HARD 2.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aec0151b-1596-4c23-8334-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880122-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED STORAGE","content":"The interior of the suitcase features two compartments: on one side there's a space with a divider and multiple pockets to organise accessories. Then, there's another set of adjustable straps to make maximal use of the available space!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9f132c1c-fec5-40fc-9fa0-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880122-08.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts, thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a37fdd4b-6ee5-4b95-9ca2-front/original/delsey-promenade-hard-2.0-00208880122-09.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1003:Expandable ","1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Gewicht":"2.90kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"39 L","Material":"ABS / POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/43616916-b3bd-482d-aa3d-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ff4cf7dd-17a5-4386-888c-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/082a0751-710d-42b3-ab11-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Gewicht":"2.87kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 39.5 x 21","Volume":"35 L","Material":"ABS / POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ccdb4ee-6e58-4747-b4a4-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980301-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/44b1dcc3-ef1f-4d7a-858b-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980301-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/26c105e8-9e0a-4cab-9cd7-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980301-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]