
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

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Valigie rigide


{"Peso":"2,25kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"38 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • 2 zippered mesh divider
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Address holder
  • Light multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6b4fd53f-26fd-45a4-89ea-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162180112-06.jpg"},{"title":"Just 2 kg (less than 4 lbs)!","content":"TURENNE offers the perfect combination of toughness and lightness. This exceptionally light weight has been achieved through a very careful selection of components. Take all your belongings with you: this hard-shell suitcase will protect them and ensure comfortable travel on all your trips.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2de4ee9e-b4d1-46a8-8c6e-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162180112-15 .jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"TURENNE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d9236540-dcca-4b02-a8fb-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162180112-17.jpg"},{"title":"A well thought-out interior","content":"Designed with the organised traveller in mind, this suitcase is equipped with a functional, practical interior featuring a laundry bag, shoe bag and two zipped compartments.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3c127e96-6908-49f4-8aea-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162180112-18.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1001:Cabin luggage","1023:Super light","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"3.15kg","Dimension":"65cm : 65 x 44 x 26","Volume":"62 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Peach touch
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Recycled lining
  • 2 zippered mesh divider
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Address holder
  • Integrated top handle
  • Light multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Integrated side handle
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
[{"title":"An ultra-secure piece of luggage","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel. And no more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028969/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-08.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"TURENNE offers the perfect combination of toughness and lightness. This exceptionally light weight has been achieved through a very careful selection of components. Take all your belongings with you: this hard-shell suitcase will protect them and ensure comfortable travel on all your trips.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028970/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-10.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"TURENNE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028971/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-13.jpg"},{"title":"A well thought-out interior ","content":"Designed with the organised traveller in mind, this suitcase is equipped with a functional, practical interior featuring a laundry bag, shoe bag and two zipped compartments.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028972/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4,70kg","Dimensioni":"76cm espandibile : 76 x 52 x 32","Volume":"110 L","Materiale":"POLYPROPYLENE","Interni":"
  • Poliestere 210 Denari
  • 1 tasca scorrevole
  • Cinghie elastiche interne
  • Tasca in rete con cerniera
  • Espandibile 4cm per una maggiore capienza
  • Maniglia laterale integrata
  • Maniglia superiore integrata
  • Chiusura a combinazione con sistema TSA
  • Apertura con cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 1
  • Apertura a cerniera
  • Piedini di protezione
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura zip a incastro
  • Porta-indirizzo integrato
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • 4 Doppie ruote per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
[{"title":"Massima sicurezza grazie all'innovativa cerniera antifurto","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH®. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024497/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-07.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto a combinazione TSA", "content": "Niente più bagagli danneggiati dalla dogana! Il lucchetto a combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio utilizzando il tuo codice personale e allo stesso tempo consente all'Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti (TSA) di controllare il tuo bagaglio utilizzando una chiave speciale, senza danneggiarlo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024498/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-08.jpg"},{"title":"Valigie ultraresistenti e durevoli","content":"Il guscio della valigia Belmont Plus è realizzato in polipropilene, il materiale maggiormente resistente agli urti, in modo da proteggere al meglio i tuoi effetti personali.\n\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024499/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-09.jpg"},{"title":"Un bagaglio estendibile e personalizzabile","content":"Grazie alla speciale funzione, puoi ampliare facilmente la capacità della valigia Belmont Plus. Sarà sufficiente aprirla per avere ancora più spazio per i tuoi effetti personali: l'ideale per portare con te tutti i souvenir che acquisterai!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024500/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si muove con te","content":"Belmont Plus è dotata di 4 doppie ruote multidirezionali e particolarmente silenziose. Scorrevole e comoda, ti permetterà di viaggiare in totale comfort.\n\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024501/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-11.jpg"},{"title":"Un design di tendenza","content":"Scopri i meravigliosi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS. Individuare la tua valigia sul nastro dei bagagli all'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Include una targhetta porta-indirizzi in dotazione.\n\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024502/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386182102-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","1055:Doppie ruote","1003:Espandibile ","1063:Garanzia limitata di 5 anni"]
{"Peso":"3,76kg","Dimensioni":"68cm espandibile : 68 x 44 x 29","Volume":"77 L","Materiale":"ABS / POLICARBONATO","Interni":"
  • Un set di fettucce con cinghie e un divisorio con cerniera
  • Lucchetto a combinazione TSA
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • Apertura a cerniera
  • Scomparto principale espandibile
  • 4 doppie ruote, per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
[{"title":"Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati alla dogana! Grazie al pratico lucchetto con combinazione TSA, potrai proteggere il tuo bagaglio grazie al tuo codice di sicurezza personale e allo stesso tempo le Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti saranno in grado di controllarne il contenuto senza danneggiarlo, grazie alla chiave specifica in loro possesso","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/df051a67-c879-41fb-96de-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682018T9-06.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia espandibile, con tutta la capienza che vuoi","content":"Non dovrai più temere di non riuscire a chiudere la valigia: grazie al trolley espandibile AIR ARMOUR, avrai tutto lo spazio che ti serve. Ideale per chi ama fare acquisti nel corso dei propri viaggi.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a945bd9f-9a42-44c7-9d5b-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682018T9-08.jpg"},{"title":"Funzionalità e sicurezza","content":"Le valigie AIR ARMOUR sono dotate di un'apertura principale con cerniera, a cui è possibile aggiungere un lucchetto. La fodera in poliestere ne garantisce il comfort, e le maniglie superiori e laterali le rendono facili da impugnare e manovrare su treni e aerei. Grazie alla fettuccia interna e al pratico divisorio a due scomparti in rete con cerniera, questa gamma di valigie ti permette di mantenere i tuoi effetti personali ben organizzati e separati.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3addb3d3-802b-47a5-a18d-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682018T9-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si adatta ai tuoi movimenti","content":"La valigia AIR ARMOUR è dotata di quattro ruote doppie, silenziose e con un'alta manovrabilità; sono robuste, resistenti e multidirezionali, e sono state appositamente pensate per donarti il massimo comfort nei tuoi spostamenti.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/588d16fc-8f37-41aa-8acb-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682018T9-12.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"3,40kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 / 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"46 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • 1 zippered pockets
  • Adjustable straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandable 5cm for extra capacity
  • Front business compartment
  • Top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel. No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. \n\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/84a5a525-70fd-45cd-9f23-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-06.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your bags has never been easier! The clever storage of the luggage allows optimal organisation. The bag contains several compartments and pockets to make your personal belongings more accessible. And its fully detachable and washable inner lining means you no longer have to worry about dirtying the inside of your suitcase. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: SEGUR 2.0 is clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/62bc57ba-6799-4bdd-96d6-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-08.jpg"},{"title":"Access to your personal effects","content":"What could be more convenient than an easy-access pocket in the front of your hard suitcase. Quickly store your computer and keep it safe from shocks with this foam pouch. Ideal for travellers wishing to use their computer or tablet on the go!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/610d3af9-26c2-45e4-8231-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-10.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your SEGUR 2.0 cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8a284370-e5bc-4953-8035-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-12.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"SEGUR 2.0 has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e130663d-2d77-420e-a69c-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-13.jpg"},{"title":"Solidity so can you can travel without worries","content":"Made entirely of polycarbonate, SEGUR 2.0 offers unrivalled strength and durability. The grooved shaping of its shell makes it possible to reinforce the strength of the suitcase, so you travel in total tranquillity.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1b0b8b09-1a4c-495c-9595-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205880228-14.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the SEGUR 2.0 expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024384/original/delsey-segur-00205880211-16.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1001:Cabin luggage","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1036:Outside pocket"]
{"Peso":"4,10kg","Dimension":"82 x 53 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"110 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • 2 zippered mesh divider
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Address holder
  • Light multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"An ultra-secure piece of luggage","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel. And no more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aa872924-4f08-43e2-8268-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162183012-15.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"TURENNE offers the perfect combination of toughness and lightness. This exceptionally light weight has been achieved through a very careful selection of components. Take all your belongings with you: this hard-shell suitcase will protect them and ensure comfortable travel on all your trips.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cb057259-a297-4fd0-9caf-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162183012-17.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"TURENNE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/670c4b63-cb36-4683-9256-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162183012-18.jpg"},{"title":"A well thought-out interior","content":"Designed with the organised traveller in mind, this suitcase is equipped with a functional, practical interior featuring a laundry bag, shoe bag and two zipped compartments.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/39c3c0a1-e4aa-4e6b-a295-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162183011-15.jpg"}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"3,90kg","Dimension":"66 x 44 x 29 / 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"80 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/32e19aee-a9cf-4d05-a525-front/original/delsey-shadow5.0-00287881127-05.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ee1aa080-2cc3-41ba-a2ff-front/original/delsey-shadow5.0-00287881127-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0361138b-1858-46bc-aaa4-front/original/delsey-shadow5.0-00287881127-07.jpg"},{"title":"THE IDEAL COMPANION WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MOVE","content":"A smart suitcase inside and out! SHADOW 5.0 is equipped with DELSEY's patented excess weight indicator, which is integrated into the handle on the side. This battery-free feature lets you know when your luggage is up to the maximum weight allowed, thus saving you the need to pay extra charges at the check-in counter. The suitcase also features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a43d24fe-77a9-4d71-9f17-front/original/delsey-shadow5.0-00287881127-08.jpg"}]
["1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1030:Recycled materials","1031:Over Weight Indicator™"]
{"Peso":"2,78kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 23 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • Zippered mesh divider
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a49f42b5-3e1a-4d61-8d63-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180112-08.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6d4881c0-f0ea-41b7-93af-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180112-11.jpg"},{"title":"Functional and secure","content":"COMETE suitcases are equipped with a double-zipped main opening to which a padlock can be added. Their polyester lining ensures both security and comfort of use. The top and side handles make them quick and easy to pick up and manoeuvre on trains and planes. With their internal straps and zipped mesh divider, providing two individual compartments, the COMETE + range of suitcases keep your belongings properly organised and separate.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cdbb51f3-7bbf-4ccd-aef2-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180112-12.jpg"},{"title":"A suitcase that adapts to your movements","content":"COMETE + suitcase is equipped with four silent and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. Tough, hard-wearing and multi-directional, they are specially designed to provide superlative rolling comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/882bbb7e-4ec4-40df-81d9-front/original/delsey-comete-00304180112-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1001:Cabin luggage","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Peso":"3,50kg","Dimension":"70cm expandable : 70 x 47 x 28","Volume":"84 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • 210 Denier Polyester
  • 1 flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Expandable 2cm for extra capacity
  • Integrated top handle
  • Integrated side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Water resistant zippered opening
  • Protection feet
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Address holder
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"A secure journey","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. The zip is also water resistant. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. Has your luggage been damaged by customs? Never again! Secured with your personal code, our TSA combination locks allow the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your suitcase using a special key. The practical address holder is built into the shell, so there is no chance of losing it.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027180/original/delsey-clavel-00384582000-06.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"CLAVEL offers the perfect balance between lightness and durability. Its components are carefully selected to ensure an exceptionally light weight. This solid suitcase can protect all of your belongings for total peace of mind. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027181/original/delsey-clavel-00384582000-08.jpg"},{"title":"Expandable for increased capacity","content":"This lightweight suitcase includes an expander. It allows you to increase the volume of your suitcase at any time, letting you add any extra bits and pieces. CLAVEL is the perfect solid suitcase for families and travellers who like to pick up souvenirs along the way!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027182/original/delsey-clavel-00384582000-10.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CLAVEL features 4 sets of manoeuvrable and silent double wheels. They are specially designed to ensure ease of movement. Getting around and navigating the airport is a breeze thanks to its smooth steering. This suitcase also includes protective feet on the side and soft and comfortable handles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027183/original/delsey-clavel-00384582000-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Keep your belongings organised with two separate lined compartments. One side is fastened with straps, while the other features a fully zipped compartment in the lining to protect your possessions. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6b92848d-d589-4015-a445-front/original/delsey-clavel-00384582000-14.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4,68kg","Dimension":"77 x 49 x 31 / 34 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"110 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 50 / 50 construction
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Elastic pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • 2 stops trolley system
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/88c037eb-8b33-4401-9d98-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"ST TROPEZ has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab8dd21d-b745-4869-a02e-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-08.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your case has never been easier! The clever storage features mean you can stay beautifully organised. The suitcase has several compartments and pockets to make your belongings more easily accessible. Thanks to the detachable and washable lining, you no longer need to worry about removing the inside of your case. Simply wash the lining at 30°C: ST TROPEZ will be clean and ready for a new journey.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f42ab1ce-2d86-486f-9592-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-10.jpg"},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large ST TROPEZ suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8b35220f-c8d0-44e2-baf6-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-12.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the ST TROPEZ expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f5dca0d3-efb6-4cd5-be57-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-14.jpg"},{"title":"Elegant finishings","content":"The ST TROPEZ suitcase is elegant to the smallest detail, with vegan leather finishings and visible stitching. Whether you are going on holiday just a stone's throw away or travelling abroad, journey in style and in complete security!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5fd8e91a-2145-4ec4-9e73-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208783019-16.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1037:158 cm max","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,13kg","Dimension":"67 x 45 x 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"69 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Soft touch side handle for smooth carrying
  • Soft touch top handle for smooth carrying
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • Removable Address holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and, at the same time, allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. Your luggage is equipped with the patented DELSEY PARIS ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closure system is three times more difficult to break into than a conventional zip, thus providing optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d3e5cea2-a9c0-4967-a30b-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681022-05.jpg"},{"title":"ELEGANCE AND DURABILITY","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! The interior of your suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. The two pouches can be used to store your shoes and dirty laundry and keep the rest of your clothes protected when travelling from place to place, for example.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8fd39c83-241b-4ccc-8db8-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681022-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/78ca1a4f-697d-4abb-bd8b-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681022-07.jpg"},{"title":"YOUR SUITCASE ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"CHATELET AIR 2.0 features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. To enable you to go wherever you choose, the luggage has been carefully manufactured to make it more manoeuvrable.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b63952ec-0043-421d-a9a4-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681022-08.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1119:Corners protection","1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4,13kg","Dimension":"67 x 45 x 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"69 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Soft touch side handle for smooth carrying
  • Soft touch top handle for smooth carrying
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • Removable Address holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/02fd392f-a6c4-4539-9f20-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681035RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/893ccff2-ac72-40b8-b172-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681035RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. It also has 2 pockets to store shoes and dirty laundry while protecting the rest of the luggage.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5030ede7-8ff5-4efd-b67b-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681035RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6775f3c4-1f4f-47dd-90cd-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681035RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"HANDY AND PRACTICAL","content":"The suitcase features four quiet wheels. They have been specially designed for comfortable and responsive handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5405b558-0bb8-49da-9cf4-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681035RG-13.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1119:Corners protection","1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"3,79kg","Dimension":"75 x 48 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"90 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • 2 zippered mesh divider
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Address holder
  • Light multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"An ultra-secure piece of luggage","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel. And no more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8fb65051-10e9-479b-a82c-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182112-15.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"TURENNE offers the perfect combination of toughness and lightness. This exceptionally light weight has been achieved through a very careful selection of components. Take all your belongings with you: this hard-shell suitcase will protect them and ensure comfortable travel on all your trips.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/230ed55d-44f4-48be-aade-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182112-17.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"TURENNE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e4971c1b-4ce7-4d91-9617-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182112-18.jpg"},{"title":"A well thought-out interior","content":"Designed with the organised traveller in mind, this suitcase is equipped with a functional, practical interior featuring a laundry bag, shoe bag and two zipped compartments.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0025390/original/delsey-turenne-00162182111-15.jpg"}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"3,84kg","Dimension":"76cm expandable : 76 x 51 x 30","Volume":"106 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • 210 Denier Polyester
  • 1 flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Expandable 2cm for extra capacity
  • Integrated top handle
  • Integrated side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Water resistant zippered opening
  • Protection feet
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Address holder
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"A secure journey","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. The zip is also water resistant. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. Has your luggage been damaged by customs? Never again! Secured with your personal code, our TSA combination locks allow the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your suitcase using a special key. The practical address holder is built into the shell, so there is no chance of losing it.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027203/original/delsey-clavel-00384582100-06.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"CLAVEL offers the perfect balance between lightness and durability. Its components are carefully selected to ensure an exceptionally light weight. This solid suitcase can protect all of your belongings for total peace of mind. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027204/original/delsey-clavel-00384582100-08.jpg"},{"title":"Expandable for increased capacity","content":"This lightweight suitcase includes an expander. It allows you to increase the volume of your suitcase at any time, letting you add any extra bits and pieces. CLAVEL is the perfect solid suitcase for families and travellers who like to pick up souvenirs along the way!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027205/original/delsey-clavel-00384582100-10.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CLAVEL features 4 sets of manoeuvrable and silent double wheels. They are specially designed to ensure ease of movement. Getting around and navigating the airport is a breeze thanks to its smooth steering. This suitcase also includes protective feet on the side and soft and comfortable handles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027206/original/delsey-clavel-00384582100-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Keep your belongings organised with two separate lined compartments. One side is fastened with straps, while the other features a fully zipped compartment in the lining to protect your possessions. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b242f9d6-3c25-40cd-988b-front/original/delsey-clavel-00384582100-14.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1003:Expandable ","1037:158 cm max","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4.70kg","Dimension":"77cm expandable : 77 x 48 x 32","Volume":"126 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 1 flat pocket
  • Lined zippered compartment
  • Fully lined interior
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Recycled lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Integrated top handle
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Integrated side handle
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 3
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip\n\n","content":"Your luggage is fitted with the brand new ultra-secure closure system patented by DELSEY: the SECURITECH® 3 zip. This unique closure system is three times more intrusion resistant than a conventional zip and comes equipped with a protective metal zip cover to provide optimal luggage security. The zip pulls themselves are also strengthened, making them up to three times more resistant than conventional zip pulls. The original anti-theft zip: the best ally you can have when it comes to travelling in complete security.\nSay goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock both enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key, ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/29fae986-6fe9-44c6-b6fd-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-06.jpg"},{"title":"A light and stylishly designed suitcase\n","content":"SECURITIME ZIP is a strong, light suitcase featuring a metallic effect design. It will make light work of transporting your belongings, and its tough build and design will keep them protected, giving you comfort and peace of mind on your travels. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/301f8a17-1e41-4f69-988d-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-08.jpg"},{"title":"Luggage that moves the way you do \n","content":"SECURITIME ZIP features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they are specially designed to make the luggage lighter to handle. \nThe rolling comfort they provide makes manoeuvring through airports child's play!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fb73014b-f211-4bc8-9e1d-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-10.jpg"},{"title":"A big suitcase for a big journey \n","content":"Planning to be away for two weeks or more? With its generous amount of interior volume, the SECURITIME ZIP large suitcase offers the perfect level of storage capacity for your longer trips away. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b7ac3377-4a03-4fa7-8057-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your luggage has never been so easy! The cleverly arranged storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase's multiple interior compartments and pockets are designed to make your personal belongings easier to access. And thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply machine wash it at 30°C and your SECURITIME ZIP is completely clean again and ready for your next trips away.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6c5c95f6-478a-46e7-b840-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-14.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the SECURITIME ZIP expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/65d2cc67-ed58-4371-9c5a-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217382111-16.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1062:Removable and washable lining","1118:ZST3","1037:158 cm max","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4,50kg","Dimensioni":"76cm : 76 x 52 x 32","Volume":"102 L","Materiale":"POLYPROPYLENE","Interni":"
  • Poliestere 210 Denari
  • 1 tasca scorrevole
  • Cinghie elastiche interne
  • Tasca in rete con cerniera
  • Maniglia laterale integrata
  • Maniglia superiore integrata
  • Chiusura a combinazione con sistema TSA
  • Apertura con zip
  • Apertura con cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 1
  • Piedini di protezione
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura zip a incastro
  • Porta-indirizzo integrato
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • 4 Doppie ruote per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
[{"title":"Una valigia ultra sicura grazie alla speciale cerniera antifurto\n","content":"Questa valigia è dotata del sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY: la cerniera SECURITECH® 1. Questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura è 3 volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una cerniera tradizionale, e ti permetterà di proteggere il contenuto del tuo bagaglio in modo ottimale. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029566/original/delsey-belmont-00386182652-13.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto con combinazione TSA\n","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati alla dogana! Il pratico lucchetto con combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio con il tuo codice di sicurezza personale, e allo stesso tempo le Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti saranno in grado di controllarne il contenuto senza danneggiarlo, grazie alla chiave specifica in loro possesso. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8ffcfffd-7c63-422a-ba1b-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182652-06.jpg"},{"title":"La tua valigia rigida ultra-resistente\n","content":"Il rivestimento della valigia BELMONT PLUS è realizzato in polipropilene, un materiale fortemente resistente agli urti, che ne proteggerà il prezioso contenuto!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/857b8af3-18df-43de-8387-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182652-08.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia che si muove con te\n","content":"La valigia BELMONT PLUS è fornita di quattro doppie ruote multi-direzionali e silenziose, che ti garantiscono il massimo comfort negli spostamenti. Viaggiare non è mai stato così piacevole.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c7a48aab-4dbd-4e03-8f90-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182652-10.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia dal design di tendenza\n","content":"Grazie al design di tendenza e ai nuovi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS, individuare la tua valigia sul nastro di consegna bagagli dell'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Questa valigia è inoltre dotata di un pratico porta-etichetta per l'indirizzo.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fceea6fd-6dfb-4a93-897b-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182652-14.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:CERNIERA SECURI TECH","1008:Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","1055:Doppie ruote","1063:Garanzia limitata di 5 anni"]
{"Peso":"2,90kg","Dimension":"55cm Slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"36 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined polyester 150D
  • 1 flying pocket
  • One set of straps and one zippered divider
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Secured TSA frame opening
  • Recessed top handle
  • Integrated side handle
  • Top and bottom locks
  • Centralized combination lock with TSA
  • Side protection feet
  • Address holder
  • External multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"This case has a central framework fastening with a 3-digit combination plus TSA, and 2 lateral fastenings for optimal security. No more suitcases being damaged by customs! TSA combination locks let you secure your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at airports to check your luggage without damaging it, using a special key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/845f516d-b067-4588-9b7a-front/original/delsey-moncey-00384480362-05.jpg"},{"title":"Strong and water-resistant ","content":"MONCEY is the most rigid case by DELSEY. Its 100% polypropylene shell, the most resistant material, will keep your belongings protected from potential shocks. The shell and its fastenings are water-resistant, providing the case with optimal protection in case of rain. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2dcbf6a7-c42b-4efd-8b23-front/original/delsey-moncey-00384480362-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"MONCEY has 4 double wheels which are very easy to manoeuvre and quiet. They have been specially designed to help you move wherever you see fit and to negotiate airports, streets and hotels while on holiday.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/15b24d3a-a240-43ff-bd67-front/original/delsey-moncey-00384480362-07.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"This suitcase features two separate compartments, one fitted with a set of straps and the other with a zipped mesh divider to keep your belongings properly organised and separate. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b5315aa6-0ee0-4388-bbed-front/original/delsey-moncey-00384480362-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"4,30kg","Dimensioni":"71cm espandibile : 71 x 47 x 31","Volume":"87 L","Materiale":"POLYPROPYLENE","Interni":"
  • Poliestere 210 Denari
  • 1 tasca scorrevole
  • Cinghie elastiche interne
  • Tasca in rete con cerniera
  • Espandibile di 4 cm per una maggiore capienza
  • Maniglia laterale integrata
  • Maniglia superiore integrata
  • Chiusura a combinazione con sistema TSA
  • Apertura con cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 1
  • Chiusura con zip
  • Piedini di protezione
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura zip a incastro
  • Porta-indirizzo integrato
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • 4 Doppie ruote per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
[{"title":"Una valigia ultra sicura grazie alla speciale cerniera antifurto\n","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH®. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/30c8d595-ad40-4d95-b68a-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-06.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto con combinazione TSA\n","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati alla dogana! Il pratico lucchetto con combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio con il tuo codice di sicurezza personale, e allo stesso tempo le Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti saranno in grado di controllarne il contenuto senza danneggiarlo, grazie alla chiave specifica in loro possesso. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029393/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-08.jpg"},{"title":"La tua valigia rigida ultra-resistente\n","content":"Il rivestimento della valigia BELMONT PLUS è realizzato in polipropilene, un materiale fortemente resistente agli urti, che ne proteggerà il prezioso contenuto!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dcc1ebed-4a36-4191-a9e3-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia a misura delle tue necessità \n","content":"Lo scomparto principale della valigia BELMONT PLUS è espandibile: questo ti permette di adattarla facilmente alle tue necessità. Per una maggiore capienza, sarà sufficiente espandere lo scomparto principale; in questo modo potrai fare acquisti durante i tuoi viaggi, senza preoccuparti di non avere lo spazio sufficiente nel tuo bagaglio.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029395/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-11.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia che si muove con te\n","content":"La valigia BELMONT PLUS è fornita di quattro doppie ruote multi-direzionali e silenziose, che ti garantiscono il massimo comfort negli spostamenti. Viaggiare non è mai stato così piacevole!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029396/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-13.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia dal design di tendenza\n","content":"Grazie al design di tendenza e ai nuovi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS, individuare la tua valigia sul nastro di consegna bagagli dell'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Questa valigia è inoltre dotata di un pratico porta-etichetta per l'indirizzo.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b124deca-8e66-4aff-83db-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386182052-16.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,40kg","Dimension":"70 x 45 x 29 / 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"84 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • 1 zippered pockets
  • Adjustable straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandable 4cm for extra capacity
  • Side handle
  • Top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0a3a44bd-2b89-459b-811f-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-06.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6f779d60-cf66-46b8-82f7-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-07.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your bags has never been easier! The clever storage of the luggage allows optimal organisation. The bag contains several compartments and pockets to make your personal belongings more accessible. And its fully detachable and washable inner lining means you no longer have to worry about dirtying the inside of your suitcase. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: SEGUR 2.0 is clean and ready for your next trip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/24365278-cab7-4d88-8e24-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-09.jpg"},{"title":"More volume with your medium sized suitcase","content":"Going away for a week or more? The medium size SEGUR 2.0 suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your trips thanks to its great interior volume.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ced36229-e12a-45e1-b835-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-10.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"SEGUR 2.0 has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/19db89fe-4a64-4d70-9c06-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-13.jpg"},{"title":"Solidity so can you can travel without worries","content":"Made entirely of polycarbonate, SEGUR 2.0 offers unrivalled strength and durability. The grooved shaping of its shell makes it possible to reinforce the strength of the suitcase, so you travel in total tranquillity.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4b21b80a-ae75-4907-b717-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882228-14.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock"]
{"Peso":"4,80kg","Dimension":"76 x 46 x 29 / 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"94 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • 1 zippered pockets
  • Adjustable straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandable 4cm for extra capacity
  • Side handle
  • Top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/59aa6ebb-7763-4ff6-bcd5-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-06.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/88751c71-ee02-4c4e-9631-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-07.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your bags has never been easier! The clever storage of the luggage allows optimal organisation. The bag contains several compartments and pockets to make your personal belongings more accessible. And its fully detachable and washable inner lining means you no longer have to worry about dirtying the inside of your suitcase. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: SEGUR 2.0 is clean and ready for your next trip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/13d1c7db-09ed-48ad-a77e-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-09.jpg"},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large SEGUR 2.0 suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/20a216aa-2896-405b-99d9-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-12.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"SEGUR 2.0 has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/37ac725b-31cd-422a-815b-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-13.jpg"},{"title":"Solidity so can you can travel without worries","content":"Made entirely of polycarbonate, SEGUR 2.0 offers unrivalled strength and durability. The grooved shaping of its shell makes it possible to reinforce the strength of the suitcase, so you travel in total tranquillity.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e3fc02c4-821f-4a95-9fef-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882428-14.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the SEGUR 2.0 expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1037:158 cm max","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock"]
{"Peso":"3,04kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 / 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"41 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 50 / 50 construction
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Elastic pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Integrated top handle
  • Integrated side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • 2 stops trolley system
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/33a86181-48e0-45fd-ab53-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"ST TROPEZ has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/904dc447-9bdf-402a-971c-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-08.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your case has never been easier! The clever storage features mean you can stay beautifully organised. The suitcase has several compartments and pockets to make your belongings more easily accessible. Thanks to the detachable and washable lining, you no longer need to worry about removing the inside of your case. Simply wash the lining at 30°C: ST TROPEZ will be clean and ready for a new journey.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8a020bfa-8a1e-420a-9f49-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-10.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/80953e83-539a-421b-8967-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-12.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the ST TROPEZ expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/301830c8-4ecd-4301-b909-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-14.jpg"},{"title":"Elegant finishings","content":"The ST TROPEZ suitcase is elegant to the smallest detail, with vegan leather finishings and visible stitching. Whether you are going on holiday just a stone's throw away or travelling abroad, journey in style and in complete security!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6d6b83b1-b66c-4bb0-ad3c-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208780119-16.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1001:Cabin luggage","1030:Recycled materials","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,45kg","Dimension":"83cm expandable : 83 x 54 x 33","Volume":"136 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYPROPYLENE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • 210 Denier Polyester
  • 1 flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Expandable 2cm for extra capacity
  • Integrated top handle
  • Integrated side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Water resistant zippered opening
  • Protection feet
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Address holder
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"A secure journey","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. The zip is also water resistant. Don't be afraid to fill up your suitcase. Has your luggage been damaged by customs? Never again! Secured with your personal code, our TSA combination locks allow the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your suitcase using a special key. The practical address holder is built into the shell, so there is no chance of losing it.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027250/original/delsey-clavel-00384583000-06.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"CLAVEL offers the perfect balance between lightness and durability. Its components are carefully selected to ensure an exceptionally light weight. This solid suitcase can protect all of your belongings for total peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027251/original/delsey-clavel-00384583000-08.jpg"},{"title":"Expandable for increased capacity","content":"This lightweight suitcase includes an expander. It allows you to increase the volume of your suitcase at any time, letting you add any extra bits and pieces. CLAVEL is the perfect solid suitcase for families and travellers who like to pick up souvenirs along the way!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027252/original/delsey-clavel-00384583000-10.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"CLAVEL features 4 sets of manoeuvrable and silent double wheels. They are specially designed to ensure ease of movement. Getting around and navigating the airport is a breeze thanks to its smooth steering. This suitcase also includes protective feet on the side and soft and comfortable handles.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0027253/original/delsey-clavel-00384583000-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Keep your belongings organised with two separate lined compartments. One side is fastened with straps, while the other features a fully zipped compartment in the lining to protect your possessions. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cf90feea-6cf6-4722-8a6e-front/original/delsey-clavel-00384583000-14.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"5,38kg","Dimension":"80 x 42 x 36 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"104 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Soft touch side handle for smooth carrying
  • Soft touch top handle for smooth carrying
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • Removable Address holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"A NEW FORMAT","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key features of this luggage. Its innovative format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll wherever you go. Its square shape opens up new possibilities in the way you travel and makes it ideal for car or train journeys.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e475dcaf-7bf9-4ed9-9cc9-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682815-05.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and, at the same time, allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. Your luggage is equipped with the patented DELSEY PARIS ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closure system is three times more difficult to break into than a conventional zip, thus providing optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c4247840-23dc-446c-b796-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682815-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/06ac73f3-a183-4fdf-9e21-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682815-07.jpg"},{"title":"ELEGANCE AND DURABILITY","content":"CHATELET AIR 2.0 is the very embodiment of French know-how and elegance. Its styling evokes the traditional architecture of Paris, and its unique lines call to mind the vintage design of the luggage of yesterday whilst at the same time lending it a modern, contemporary look. Travel with the peace of mind of knowing that your suitcase can stand up to all kinds of bumps and bangs thanks to its specially reinforced corners!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9cde2d29-1ed6-47ee-8d0e-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682815-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1108:Dual density wheels","1037:158 cm max","1030:Recycled materials","1119:Corners protection"]
{"Sku":"00386181609","Peso":"3,92kg","Dimensioni":"70,50cm : 70 x 47 x 31","Volume":"81 L","Materiale":"POLIPROPILENE","Interni":"
  • 1 tasca scorrevole
  • Tasca in rete con cerniera
  • Poliestere 210 Denari
  • Cinghie elastiche interne
  • Sistema Trolley Multi-posizione
  • Chiusura a combinazione con sistema TSA
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura a incastro
  • Apertura a cerniera
  • Porta indirizzo integrato
  • Manico superiore integrato
  • 4 doppie ruote, per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
  • Maniglia laterale integrata
  • Apertura con cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 1
  • Piedini di protezione
[{"title":"Massima sicurezza grazie all'innovativa cerniera antifurto","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH®. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5970f1c2-303d-4892-9354-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386181652-06.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto con combinazione TSA\n","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati alla dogana! Il pratico lucchetto con combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio con il tuo codice di sicurezza personale, e allo stesso tempo consente alle Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti di controllarne il contenuto utilizzando una chiave speciale, senza danneggiarlo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029320/original/delsey-belmont-00386181652-08.jpg"},{"title":"La tua valigia rigida ultra-resistente\n","content":"Il rivestimento della valigia BELMONT PLUS è realizzato in polipropilene, un materiale fortemente resistente agli urti, che ne proteggerà il prezioso contenuto!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/40b048dc-e82e-44c5-91ab-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386181652-10.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia che si muove con te\n","content":"La valigia BELMONT PLUS è fornita di quattro doppie ruote multi-direzionali e silenziose, che ti garantiscono il massimo comfort negli spostamenti. Viaggiare non è mai stato così piacevole!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029322/original/delsey-belmont-00386181652-13.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia dal design di tendenza\n","content":"Grazie al design di tendenza e ai nuovi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS, individuare la tua valigia sul nastro di consegna bagagli dell'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Questa valigia è inoltre dotata di un pratico porta-etichetta per l'indirizzo.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/320d74cd-5442-4cb9-ad59-front/original/delsey-belmont-00386181652-16.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:CERNIERA SECURI TECH","1008:Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","1055:Doppie Ruote","1063:Garanzia limitata di 5 anni"]
{"Peso":"3,37kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 / 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"43 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • USB port integrated in lock
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5576ac1a-d0ae-4fff-b683-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880127-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROLLING COMFORT","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f729a4a5-a5b7-4ff8-b645-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880127-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN EASY-ACCESS USB PORT","content":"The integrated USB socket on the bottom of the suitcase offers the ultimate in practical convenience! It makes it possible to charge a mobile phone anywhere, with the external power bank storing conveniently away in its own special pocket. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/48362cd5-ae0e-4d08-91d3-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880127-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/172fb577-35ff-4e01-9d68-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880127-08.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1108:Dual density wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1103:USB PORT","1062:Removable and washable lining","1030:Recycled materials","1003:Expandable "]
{"Peso":"4,00kg","Dimension":"66 x 43 x 30 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"72 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 2 zippered pockets
  • Water resistant pocket
  • 50 / 50 construction
  • One set of straps and one zippered divider
  • Side handle
  • Top handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 3
  • Reinforced injection-moulded plastic corners
  • 2 stops trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is fitted with the brand new ultra-secure closure system patented by DELSEY: the SECURITECH® 3 zip. This unique closure system is three times more intrusion resistant than a conventional zip and comes equipped with a protective metal zip cover to provide optimal luggage security. The zip pulls themselves are also strengthened, making them up to three times more resistant than conventional zip pulls. The original anti-theft zip is your very best ally when it comes to travelling in complete security.\nSay goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and, at the same time, allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b310df84-0c6a-4f42-871c-front/original/delsey-cactus-00218082057-06.jpg"},{"title":"A light, elegant and robust suitcase","content":"DELSEY CACTUS is a light and robust case, with a sleek design. \nThere is no need to worry about your possessions, which will be completely protected, thanks to the case's sturdiness! With the reinforced corners your suitcase is built to withstand any knock, ensuring your travels are comfortable and stress-free. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3dc69b75-3098-414f-9a1f-front/original/delsey-cactus-00218082057-07.jpg"},{"title":"An all-terrain case","content":"DELSEY CACTUS has 4 double wheels, which are silent and easy to steer. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. With larger wheels at the back than the front, this all-terrain feature allows you to roll your case on two wheels without damaging the bottom of the case when rolling over obstacles.\nThe rolling comfort they provide makes manoeuvring through stations, airports and even earth roads child's play!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cc355e88-8b76-4a23-8051-front/original/delsey-cactus-00218082057-08.jpg"},{"title":"A medium-sized suitcase offering the perfect amount of space","content":"Going away for a week or more? The medium-sized DELSEY CACTUS case provides the perfect amount of storage capacity for your trips, thanks to a well-designed, practical interior. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/642e73de-3d46-4552-ae80-front/original/delsey-cactus-00218082057-09.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your luggage has never been so easy! DELSEY CACTUS' cleverly arranged storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The case contains several compartments and inside pockets to help you best organise your personal items, plus there is a waterproof pocket to hold wet items or secure your shampoo bottle!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: DELSEY CACTUS will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/30ffc7b8-5dad-4b62-a9c7-front/original/delsey-cactus-00218082057-10.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1118:ZST3","1062:Removable and washable lining","1111:2 and 4 wheels rolling","1119:Corners protection","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"5,60kg","Dimensioni":"82,50cm espandibile : 82 x 52 x 35","Volume":"132 L","Materiale":"POLIPROPILENE","Interni":"
  • 1 tasca scorrevole
  • Tasca in rete con cerniera
  • Poliestere 210 Denari
  • Cinghie elastiche interne
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • Chiusura a combinazione con sistema TSA
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura a incastro
  • Espandibile 4cm per una maggiore capienza
  • Apertura a cerniera
  • Scomparto porta-indirizzo integrato
  • Manico superiore integrato
  • 4 Doppie ruote per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
  • Maniglia laterale integrata
  • Apertura con cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 1
  • Piedini di protezione
[{"title":"Massima sicurezza grazie all'innovativa cerniera antifurto","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH®. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024511/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-07.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto a combinazione TSA", "content": "Niente più bagagli danneggiati dalla dogana! Il lucchetto a combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio utilizzando il tuo codice personale e allo stesso tempo consente all'Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti (TSA) di controllare il tuo bagaglio utilizzando una chiave speciale, senza danneggiarlo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024512/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-08.jpg"},{"title":"Valigie ultraresistenti e durevoli","content":"Il guscio della valigia Belmont Plus è realizzato in polipropilene, il materiale maggiormente resistente agli urti, in modo da proteggere al meglio i tuoi effetti personali.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024513/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-09.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGLIO ESPANDIBILE E PERSONALIZZABILE","content":"Grazie alla speciale funzione, puoi ampliare facilmente la capacità della valigia Belmont Plus. Sarà sufficiente aprirla per avere ancora più spazio per i tuoi effetti personali: l'ideale per portare con te tutti i souvenir che acquisterai!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024514/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si muove con te","content":"Belmont Plus è dotata di 4 doppie ruote multidirezionali e particolarmente silenziose. Scorrevole e comoda, ti permetterà di viaggiare in totale comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024515/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-11.jpg"},{"title":"Un design di tendenza","content":"Scopri i meravigliosi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS. Individuare la tua valigia sul nastro dei bagagli all'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Include una targhetta porta-indirizzi in dotazione.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024516/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","1055:Doppie ruote","1003:Espandibile ","1063:Garanzia limitata di 5 anni"]
{"Peso":"3,80kg","Dimension":"67 x 44 x 26 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"64 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • Zippered mesh divider
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ce35113-d061-4463-b488-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-08.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2d7a98e7-9310-4684-8efe-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-11.jpg"},{"title":"Functional and secure","content":"COMETE + suitcases are equipped with a double-zipped main opening to which a padlock can be added. Their polyester lining ensures both security and comfort of use. The top and side handles make them quick and easy to pick up and manoeuvre on trains and planes. With their internal straps and zipped mesh divider, providing two individual compartments, the COMETE range of suitcases keep your belongings properly organised and separate.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9a0fa921-c94a-4c69-b4cc-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-12.jpg"},{"title":"A suitcase that adapts to your movements","content":"COMETE + suitcase is equipped with four silent and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. Tough, hard-wearing and multi-directional, they are specially designed to provide superlative rolling comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b1502a55-18a8-4797-9ebc-front/original/delsey-comete-00304181012-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"3,38kg","Dimension":"70 x 47 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"81 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • 2 zippered mesh divider
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Address holder
  • Light multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel. No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ee3cd6c1-191e-4c60-afef-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182012-06.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra-light, tough and hard-wearing","content":"TURENNE offers the perfect combination of toughness and lightness. This exceptionally light weight has been achieved through a very careful selection of components. Take all your belongings with you: this hard-shell suitcase will protect them and ensure comfortable travel on all your trips.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ebcbd9e7-8fbf-49e8-a6e0-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182012-08.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"TURENNE has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/65cbd2fa-939a-4f62-ab6f-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182012-10.jpg"},{"title":"A well thought-out interior","content":"Designed with the organised traveller in mind, this suitcase is equipped with a functional, practical interior featuring a laundry bag, shoe bag and two zipped compartments.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b1a9bb0d-ab95-4b29-94d5-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182012-12.jpg"}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"3.90kg","Dimension":"68cm expandable : 68 x 43 x 28","Volume":"85 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 1 flat pocket
  • Lined zippered compartment
  • Fully lined interior
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Recycled lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Integrated top handle
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
  • Integrated side handle
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 3
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip\n","content":"Your luggage is fitted with the brand new ultra-secure closure system patented by DELSEY: the SECURITECH® 3 zip. This unique closure system is three times more intrusion resistant than a conventional zip and comes equipped with a protective metal zip cover to provide optimal luggage security. The zip pulls themselves are also strengthened, making them up to three times more resistant than conventional zip pulls. The original anti-theft zip: the best ally you can have when it comes to travelling in complete security.\nSay goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock both enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f1d1fd22-72bd-4cfe-8b41-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-06.jpg"},{"title":"A light and stylishly designed suitcase\n","content":"SECURITIME ZIP is a strong, light suitcase featuring a metallic effect design. It will make light work of transporting your belongings, and its tough build and design will keep them protected, giving you comfort and peace of mind on your travels. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/68644939-977f-46a9-9cc5-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-08.jpg"},{"title":"Luggage that moves the way you do \n","content":"SECURITIME ZIP features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they are specially designed to make the luggage lighter to handle. \nThe rolling comfort they provide makes manoeuvring through airports child's play!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/54437996-84be-4bcb-838b-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-10.jpg"},{"title":"A medium-sized suitcase offering the perfect amount of space \n","content":"Going away for a week or longer? With its practical and well-thought-out interior, the SECURITIME ZIP medium-sized suitcase offers the perfect amount of storage capacity for your trips. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e4626e62-0e27-4d30-9b8b-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your luggage has never been so easy! The cleverly arranged storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase's multiple interior compartments and pockets are designed to make your personal belongings easier to access. And thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply machine wash it at 30°C and your SECURITIME ZIP is completely clean again and ready for your next trips away.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/02edd9a3-3b92-480e-aa25-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-14.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the SECURITIME ZIP expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f2d4bae2-9602-4ad1-a87e-front/original/delsey-securitime-00217381111-16.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1062:Removable and washable lining","1118:ZST3","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Peso":"5,04kg","Dimension":"77 x 52 x 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"110 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Soft touch side handle for smooth carrying
  • Soft touch top handle for smooth carrying
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • Removable Address holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5895566f-d799-41f2-9662-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682135RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a3d0534a-94d0-4513-b776-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682135RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. It also has 2 pockets to store shoes and dirty laundry while protecting the rest of the luggage.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/27b62e30-78c7-4060-9538-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682135RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7b60c468-ee15-42f2-879d-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682135RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"HANDY AND PRACTICAL","content":"The suitcase features four quiet wheels. They have been specially designed for comfortable and responsive handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/43a5975c-392b-4af7-8289-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167682135RG-13.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1119:Corners protection","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1108:Dual density wheels","1030:Recycled materials","1037:158 cm max"]
{"Peso":"4,83kg","Dimensioni":"83cm : 83 x 52 x 35","Volume":"123 L","Materiale":"POLYPROPYLENE","Interni":"
  • Polyester 210 Denari
  • 1 flying pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Zippered opening
  • Protection feet
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Integrated address holder
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Massima sicurezza grazie all'innovativa cerniera antifurto","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH®. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024511/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-07.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto a combinazione TSA", "content": "Niente più bagagli danneggiati dalla dogana! Il lucchetto a combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio utilizzando il tuo codice personale e allo stesso tempo consente all'Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti (TSA) di controllare il tuo bagaglio utilizzando una chiave speciale, senza danneggiarlo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024512/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-08.jpg"},{"title":"Valigie ultraresistenti e durevoli","content":"Il guscio della valigia Belmont Plus è realizzato in polipropilene, il materiale maggiormente resistente agli urti, in modo da proteggere al meglio i tuoi effetti personali.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024513/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-09.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGLIO ESPANDIBILE E PERSONALIZZABILE","content":"Grazie alla speciale funzione, puoi ampliare facilmente la capacità della valigia Belmont Plus. Sarà sufficiente aprirla per avere ancora più spazio per i tuoi effetti personali: l'ideale per portare con te tutti i souvenir che acquisterai!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024514/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si muove con te","content":"Belmont Plus è dotata di 4 doppie ruote multidirezionali e particolarmente silenziose. Scorrevole e comoda, ti permetterà di viaggiare in totale comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024515/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-11.jpg"},{"title":"Un design di tendenza","content":"Scopri i meravigliosi colori della collezione BELMONT PLUS. Individuare la tua valigia sul nastro dei bagagli all'aeroporto sarà questione di secondi! Include una targhetta porta-indirizzi in dotazione.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024516/original/delsey-belmont-plus-00386183002-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,10kg","Dimension":"70 x 45 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"75 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Recycled lining
  • 1 zippered pocket
  • 1 zippered pockets
  • Adjustable straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Side handle
  • Top handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f9ba8b82-9fd0-4db7-aa81-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-05.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8f051cac-b56c-4f60-907c-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-06.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your bags has never been easier! The clever storage of the luggage allows optimal organisation. The bag contains several compartments and pockets to make your personal belongings more accessible. And its fully detachable and washable inner lining means you no longer have to worry about dirtying the inside of your suitcase. Just put it in the machine at 30° C: SEGUR 2.0 is clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9b326cf2-438f-4e6b-a4a5-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-07.jpg"},{"title":"More volume with your medium sized suitcase","content":"Going away for a week or more? The medium size SEGUR 2.0 suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your trips thanks to its great interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/331ede87-cc64-4712-bc72-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-08.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"SEGUR 2.0 has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2cad62af-0c73-466f-89ac-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-09.jpg"},{"title":"Solidity so can you can travel without worries","content":"Made entirely of polycarbonate, SEGUR 2.0 offers unrivalled strength and durability. The grooved shaping of its shell makes it possible to reinforce the strength of the suitcase, so you travel in total tranquillity.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/13131a52-504e-489b-bfda-front/original/delsey-segur-2.0-00205882028-11.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock"]
{"Peso":"4,50kg","Dimension":"77 x 50 x 30 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"99 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Fully lined interior
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • Zippered mesh divider
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 4 Double wheels for better rotation and stability
[{"title":"Ultra-secure luggage with the original anti-theft zip","content":"The SECURITECH® zip protects your personal belongings thanks to its secure design. This unique fastening system is 3 times more durable than a traditional fastening, maximising the level of long-term security and reducing the risk of tampering. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f7fcc21a-3f15-4b3a-b59b-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-08.jpg"},{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"No more customs damaged luggage! The TSA combination lock allows you to secure your luggage with your personal code, while letting the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) check your luggage without damaging it by means of a specific key. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ae86a154-1f67-43b3-b88f-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-11.jpg"},{"title":"Functional and secure","content":"COMETE + suitcases are equipped with a double-zipped main opening to which a padlock can be added. Their polyester lining ensures both security and comfort of use. The top and side handles make them quick and easy to pick up and manoeuvre on trains and planes. With their internal straps and zipped mesh divider, providing two individual compartments, the COMETE range of suitcases keep your belongings properly organised and separate.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d228cee5-3ec3-4906-b271-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-12.jpg"},{"title":"A suitcase that adapts to your movements","content":"COMETE + suitcase is equipped with four silent and highly manoeuvrable double wheels. Tough, hard-wearing and multi-directional, they are specially designed to provide superlative rolling comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4012e5e6-d1da-48e3-ba30-front/original/delsey-comete-00304182112-13.jpg"}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1037:158 cm max"]
{"Peso":"3,96kg","Dimension":"67 x 44 x 28 / 31 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"77 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • 50 / 50 construction
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Elastic pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Integrated side handle
  • Integrated top handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • 2 stops trolley system
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8ab3c724-e054-4e29-abf7-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"ST TROPEZ has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/19dbaa38-8cc6-43dd-928f-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-08.jpg"},{"title":"A well-designed interior","content":"Packing your case has never been easier! The clever storage features mean you can stay beautifully organised. The suitcase has several compartments and pockets to make your belongings more easily accessible. Thanks to the detachable and washable lining, you no longer need to worry about removing the inside of your case. Simply wash the lining at 30°C: ST TROPEZ will be clean and ready for a new journey.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a2b017c4-5e7b-4d45-91f4-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-10.jpg"},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large ST TROPEZ suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4aac3cc6-ec12-4198-a75c-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-12.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the ST TROPEZ expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/17561fe1-5191-4d29-a76f-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-14.jpg"},{"title":"Elegant finishings","content":"The ST TROPEZ suitcase is elegant to the smallest detail, with vegan leather finishings and visible stitching. Whether you are going on holiday just a stone's throw away or travelling abroad, journey in style and in complete security!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/964b6214-455f-47df-b3d4-front/original/delsey-st-tropez-00208782019-16.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1108:Dual density wheels","1003:Expandable ","1062:Removable and washable lining","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,60kg","Dimensioni":"77cm espandibile : 77 x 51 x 30","Volume":"112 L","Materiale":"ABS / POLICARBONATO","Interni":"
  • Un set di fettucce con cinghie e un divisorio con cerniera
  • Lucchetto a combinazione TSA
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • Apertura a cerniera
  • Scomparto principale espandibile
  • 4 doppie ruote, per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
[{"title":"Lucchetto con combinazione TSA","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati alla dogana! Grazie al pratico lucchetto con combinazione TSA, potrai proteggere il tuo bagaglio grazie al tuo codice di sicurezza personale e allo stesso tempo le Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti saranno in grado di controllarne il contenuto senza danneggiarlo, grazie alla chiave specifica in loro possesso.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f8daa609-3cfd-4fb6-a071-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682118T9-06.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia espandibile, con tutta la capienza che vuoi","content":"Non dovrai più temere di non riuscire a chiudere la valigia: grazie al trolley espandibile AIR ARMOUR, avrai tutto lo spazio che ti serve. Ideale per chi ama fare acquisti nel corso dei propri viaggi.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/eab13cb3-c4a5-4bf0-a59e-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682118T9-08.jpg"},{"title":"Funzionalità e sicurezza","content":"Le valigie AIR ARMOUR sono dotate di un'apertura principale con cerniera, a cui è possibile aggiungere un lucchetto. La fodera in poliestere ne garantisce il comfort, e le maniglie superiori e laterali le rendono facili da impugnare e manovrare su treni e aerei. Grazie alla fettuccia interna e al pratico divisorio a due scomparti in rete con cerniera, questa gamma di valigie ti permette di mantenere i tuoi effetti personali ben organizzati e separati.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c0ef3747-57d4-4193-bbdc-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682118T9-10.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si adatta ai tuoi movimenti","content":"La valigia AIR ARMOUR è dotata di quattro ruote doppie, silenziose e con un'alta manovrabilità; sono robuste, resistenti e multidirezionali, e sono state appositamente pensate per donarti il massimo comfort nei tuoi spostamenti.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5aae5cfb-e28a-4e49-9274-front/original/delsey-air-armour-00386682118T9-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1037:158 cm max","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Peso":"4,77kg","Dimension":"76 x 50 x 33 / 36 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"116 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1fcf4380-c093-4d50-aed1-front/original/delsey-shadow 5.0-00287882127-05.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a9aadb98-8cdb-4412-9157-front/original/delsey-shadow 5.0-00287882127-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/13be08f7-b3e1-4674-a624-front/original/delsey-shadow 5.0-00287882127-07.jpg"},{"title":"THE IDEAL COMPANION WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MOVE","content":"A smart suitcase inside and out! SHADOW 5.0 is equipped with DELSEY's patented excess weight indicator, which is integrated into the handle on the side. This battery-free feature lets you know when your luggage is up to the maximum weight allowed, thus saving you the need to pay extra charges at the check-in counter. The suitcase also features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/670eff04-31ac-481e-a293-front/original/delsey-shadow 5.0-00287882127-08.jpg"}]
["1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1037:158 cm max","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1030:Recycled materials","1031:Over Weight Indicator™"]
{"Peso":"4.50kg","Dimensioni":"75,50cm : 75 x 46 x 29","Volume":"105 L","Materiale":"100% POLICARBONATO","Interni":"
  • Fodera estraibile e lavabile
  • Scomparto in rete con cerniera
  • Cinghie regolabili
  • 1 tasca con zip
  • Fodera riciclata
  • 1 scomparto con cerniera
  • Sistema Trolley multi-posizione
  • Lucchetto a combinazione TSA
  • Scomparto principale con chiusura zip a incastro
  • 4 Doppie ruote per una migliore rotazione e stabilità
  • Apertura con nuova cerniera brevettata securitech: ZST 2
  • Maniglia superiore
  • Maniglia laterale
[{"title":"Massima sicurezza grazie all'innovativa cerniera antifurto\n","content":"Il bagaglio è dotato di un nuovo sistema di chiusura ultra sicuro brevettato da DELSEY PARIS: la cerniera SECURITECH® 2. Fino a tre volte più resistente alle intrusioni rispetto a una chiusura lampo convenzionale, questo esclusivo sistema di chiusura garantisce la massima sicurezza per il tuo bagaglio. Anche i tiranti della zip sono stati rinforzati, rendendoli fino a tre volte più resistenti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. L'innovativa zip antifurto DELSEY: il miglior alleato che tu possa avere per viaggiare in totale sicurezza.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024323/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-06.jpg"},{"title":"Lucchetto a combinazione TSA\n","content":"Niente più bagagli danneggiati dalla dogana! Il lucchetto a combinazione TSA ti permette di proteggere il tuo bagaglio utilizzando il tuo codice personale e allo stesso tempo consente all'Autorità per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti (TSA) di controllare il tuo bagaglio utilizzando una chiave speciale, senza danneggiarlo. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024324/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-07.jpg"},{"title":"Interni progettati con cura\n","content":"Fare le valigie non è mai stato così piacevole! Questo bagaglio è stato progettato con cura per offrirti un'organizzazione ottimale degli spazi, grazie ai vari scomparti e alle tasche pensate appositamente per conservare i tuoi effetti personali. Inoltre, il rivestimento interno è completamente estraibile e lavabile: ti basterà lavarlo in lavatrice a 30° C e la tua valigia SEGUR 2.0 sarà perfettamente pulita e pronta per il prossimo viaggio.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024325/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-08.jpg"},{"title":"La valigia ideale per tutto ciò che ti serve\n","content":"Hai in programma un viaggio di due o più settimane? La valigia SEGUR 2.0 large offre la capienza ideale per i viaggi più lunghi, grazie al suo notevole volume interno.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024326/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-12.jpg"},{"title":"Una valigia che si muove con te\n","content":"SEGUR 2.0 è dotata di 4 doppie ruote estremamente scorrevoli e silenziose. Resistenti e multidirezionali, sono state appositamente progettate per un movimento più fluido e leggero. Grazie al comfort di questa valigia, viaggiare è davvero un piacere!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0024327/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-13.jpg"},{"title":"Solida e resistente, per viaggiare senza pensieri\n","content":"Realizzata interamente in policarbonato, SEGUR 2.0 offre una resistenza e una durata senza pari. La struttura scanalata del suo guscio ne rafforza la robustezza, permettendoti di viaggiare in tutta tranquillità.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1f786b80-76e3-4001-9f7a-front/original/delsey-segur-00205882100-14.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Fodera estraibile e lavabile","1037:158 cm max","1055:Doppie ruote","1063:Garanzia limitata di 5 anni","1008:Lucchetto a combinazione TSA"]
{"Peso":"4,93kg","Dimension":"73 x 42 x 35 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"91 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe bag
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Soft touch side handle for smooth carrying
  • Soft touch top handle for smooth carrying
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Anti scratch finishing
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • Removable Address holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • Dual density wheels
[{"title":"A NEW FORMAT","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key features of this luggage. Its innovative format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll wherever you go. Its square shape opens up new possibilities in the way you travel and makes it ideal for car or train journeys.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/89b7bbf8-f745-4178-9151-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681815-05.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and, at the same time, allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. Your luggage is equipped with the patented DELSEY PARIS ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closure system is three times more difficult to break into than a conventional zip, thus providing optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d98b03da-4fee-4ffa-ad80-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681815-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/efc362cc-0ef5-4435-8bd6-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681815-07.jpg"},{"title":"ELEGANCE AND DURABILITY","content":"CHATELET AIR 2.0 is the very embodiment of French know-how and elegance. Its styling evokes the traditional architecture of Paris, and its unique lines call to mind the vintage design of the luggage of yesterday whilst at the same time lending it a modern, contemporary look. Travel with the peace of mind of knowing that your suitcase can stand up to all kinds of bumps and bangs thanks to its specially reinforced corners!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b69c1825-05c2-4fdd-a313-front/original/delsey-chatelet-air-2.0-00167681815-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1108:Dual density wheels","1030:Recycled materials","1119:Corners protection"]
{"Peso":"3,07kg","Dimension":"55 x 39 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"35 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Lined compartment with 2 shoe pockets and 1 zippered pocket
  • USB port integrated in lock
  • Recessed combination lock with TSA
  • Zippered opening
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6b40ec28-594b-4258-89b1-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880317-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROLLING COMFORT","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/338d8a22-ad9f-4c0c-8011-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880317-05.jpg"},{"title":"AN EASY-ACCESS USB PORT","content":"The integrated USB socket on the bottom of the suitcase offers the ultimate in practical convenience! It makes it possible to charge a mobile phone anywhere, with the external power bank storing conveniently away in its own special pocket. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/754417bc-4cce-45f3-a178-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880317-06.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/49349741-378a-4cb1-972b-front/original/delsey-shadow-5.0-00287880317-06.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1108:Dual density wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1103:USB PORT","1062:Removable and washable lining","1030:Recycled materials"]