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Collection de test

{"Poids":"4.45kg","Dimension":"73cm trunk : 73 x 36 x 36","Volume":"83 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Doublure amovible et lavable
  • 1 poche plate
  • Compartiment doublé à fermeture zippée
  • Intérieur entièrement doublé
  • Poche en filet zippée
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Flash code garantie
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée améliorée : ZST 3
  • Poignée de facade
[{"title":"Un bagage ultra-sécurisé avec le zip antivol original","content":"Votre bagage est équipé du tout nouveau système de fermeture ultra-sécurisé breveté par DELSEY : le zip SECURITECH® 3. Cette fermeture unique est 3 fois plus résistante à l'intrusion qu'une fermeture à glissière classique et offre une sécurité optimale à votre bagage grâce à son cache en métal qui protège le zip. Les tirettes sont également renforcées, jusqu'à 3 fois plus résistantes que des tirettes standards. Le zip antivol original est votre meilleur allié pour des voyages en toute sécurité.\nFini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. ","image":""},{"title":"Un bagage adapté à tous vos mouvements ","content":"SECURITIME ZIP Trunk dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, son format carré associé au confort de roulage rendent vos parcours à travers les gares et aéroports agréable. ","image":""},{"title":"Une grande valise pour un grand voyage ","content":"Un voyage de deux semaines ou plus en vue ? Grâce à son très beau volume intérieur 83,25L, la grande valise SECURITIME ZIP Trunk vous offre une capacité de rangement idéale pour vos déplacements de longue durée. ","image":""},{"title":"Un format innovant ","content":"SECURITIME ZIP Trunk vous offre un format innovant, il convient parfaitement au coffre de votre voiture. Sa poignée avant vous propose une prise en main facile et ergonomique.","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1055:Double wheels","1062:Removable and washable lining","1118:ZST3","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"2.20kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"37 L","Matière":"POLYESTER 600 DENIERS 100% RPET","Intérieur":"
  • Doublure amovible et lavable
  • 2 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Sangles de fixation
  • Coins supérieurs renforcés en PVC moulé
  • Extensible de 3 cm pour une plus grande capacité
  • Deux grandes poches avant
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Compartiment principale avec glissières imbriquées
  • Porte-adresse
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Matière recyclée
  • Poignée inférieure
  • Poignée supérieure
  • Poignée latérale
[{"title":"NOTRE ENGAGEMENT POUR LA PLANETE !\n","content":"Notre engagement pour le développement durable a une place importante chez DELSEY. Les enjeux environnementaux nous mobilisent pour mixer innovation et protection de la planète, la durabilité de nos produits est ancrée dans notre ADN. Avec la création de notre programme DELSEY PLANET, nous travaillons dans une démarche plus responsable, en réduisant notre empreinte écologique ainsi que nos déchets, et en soutenant ceux qui oeuvrent pour un voyage responsable, en accompagnant les voyageurs dans une mobilité plus verte. Nous sommes fiers de vous proposer à présent notre nouveauté faite en matière recyclée.\n","image":""},{"title":"UNE VALISE CABINE EN MATIERE RECYCLEE\n","content":"Le tissu de cette valise cabine a été confectionné en rPET, un tissu créé à partir de bouteilles d'eau en plastique entièrement recyclées. Ce bagage est composée de l'équivalent de 21 bouteilles recyclées. A vous les voyages responsables !\n","image":""},{"title":"Un bagage ultra-sécurisé\n","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Votre bagage est équipé du système de fermeture ultra-sécurisé breveté par DELSEY : le zip SECURITECH® 2. Cette fermeture unique est 3 fois plus résistante à l'intrusion qu'une fermeture à glissière classique et offre une sécurité optimale à votre bagage. Les tirettes sont également renforcées, jusqu'à 3 fois plus résistantes que des tirettes standards. La serrure à combinaison TSA et le zip antivol original sont vos meilleurs alliés pour des voyages en toute sécurité.","image":""},{"title":"Votre valise s'adapte à tous vos mouvements\n","content":"MONTMARTRE AIR 2.0 dispose de 4 doubles roues multidirectionnelles et silencieuses. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage.\n","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé\n","content":"MONTMARTRE AIR 2.0 dispose d'une doublure intérieure amovible et lavable en machine à 30° pour une valise toujours propre.\n","image":""},{"title":"Des bagages sur mesure grâce à l'extenseur \n","content":"Adaptez le volume de votre bagage à vos besoins grâce au système d’extenseur. Ouvrez le soufflet extenseur pour y ranger encore plus d’affaires. Idéal pour les retours de vacances plein de souvenirs.\n","image":""},{"title":"Très pratique, design sobre et élégant\n\n","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un compartiment principal et de deux poches avant pour un accès rapide à vos effets personnels. Optez pour le design sobre et raffiné de MONTMARTRE AIR 2.0 et voyagez en toute élégance. \n","image":""}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"5,67kg","Dimension":"82cm expandable : 82 x 55 x 34 / 37
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"143 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"To ensure maximum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique fastening is up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip. It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°","image":""},{"title":"TAILOR-MADE LUGGAGE","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs with its special expander. ","image":""},{"title":"THE IDEAL COMPANION WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MOVE","content":"A smart suitcase inside and out! GRENELLE 2.0 is equipped with the DELSEY PARIS patented overweight indicator. Integrated into the side handle. The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. Multidirectional, they are specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":""}]
["1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1030:Recycled materials","1031:Over Weight Indicator™"]
{"Weight":"4,02kg","Dimension":"80cm Trunk : 80 x 36 x 37 / 0
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"91 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
[{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.","image":""},{"title":"PRACTICAL AND CONVENIENT LUGGAGE","content":" The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. The two pouches included can be used to store your shoes and dirty laundry and keep the rest of your clothes protected when travelling.","image":""},{"title":"YOUR SUITCASE ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key defining features of this luggage. Its innovative \"trunk\" format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll along wherever you go. This luggage is perfectly suited to travelling by car or train.","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Poids":"0.70kg","Dimension":"30cm protection PC : 30 x 41 x 12","Volume":"15 L","Matière":"600D/PU POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
  • 1 compartiment de protection pour ordinateur
  • 1 poche plate
  • Organiseur multifonctions
  • Doublure intérieure lavable
  • Séparateur doublé à fermeture zippé
  • Une grande poche avant
  • Compatible avec le système Trolley
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Bretelles amovibles confortables
  • Poche pour tickets
[{"title":"Un bagage sécurisé \n","content":"Un système de fermeture bouche-bouche pour insérer un cadenas et empêcher l'ouverture du zip de votre sac\n","image":""},{"title":"Une grande sacoche PC 15,6\" ultra-pratique \n","content":"\"Vous êtes à la recherche d'un grand sac business idéal ? La sacoche 2 compartiments PARVIS PLUS imperméable est faite pour vous ! Non seulement dotée d'un compartiment moussé pour tablette et PC 15,6\"\" avec un espace pour vos affaires, un deuxième compartiement laissera place à vos dossiers et objets professionnels. \nElle dispose également d'une plus petite poche sur le devant pour vos autres équipements intégrant de nombreux aménagements intérieurs fonctionnels. Son design sobre et moderne s'associe à la sécurite et à la praticité avec sa bandoulière pour porter la sacoche sur l'épaule. Cette sacoche business s'adaptera à tous vos déplacements !\"\n","image":null},{"title":"Des aménagements pour votre confort \n","content":"Une bandoulière moussée pour vous apporter le confort nécessaire dans vos déplacements quand vous portez votre sacoche à l'épaule. Et une fente à l'arrière de la sacoche compatible avec le système trolley si vous voyagez avec une valise. \n","image":null},{"title":"Un sac imperméable \n","content":"La matière de ce bagage est imperméable afin de protéger vos effets personnels des intempéries ! \n","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1011:PC Protection","1035:Tablet protection","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1019:Water repellent material","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"5,00kg","Dimension":"76cm expandable : 76 x 50 x 33 / 36
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"115 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"To ensure maximum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique fastening is up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip. It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":" 5.0-00287882100F1-06.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°","image":" 5.0-00287882100F1-07.jpg"},{"title":"TAILOR-MADE LUGGAGE","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs with its special expander.","image":" 5.0-00287882100F1-08.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcases feature four quiet and robust wheels. Multidirectional, they are specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":" 5.0-00287882100F1-09.jpg"}]
["1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1037:158 cm max","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1030:Recycled materials","1031:Over Weight Indicator™"]
{"Weight":"5,03kg","Dimension":"80cm Trunk : 80 x 42 x 35 / 0
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"97 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE FORMAT","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key defining features of this luggage. Its innovative format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll along wherever you go. Its square shape opens up new possibilities in the way you travel, and makes it ideal for car or train journeys.\n","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"Say goodbye to luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The TSA combination lock and the original anti-theft zip are your best allies when it comes to travelling with complete peace of mind.\n","image":""},{"title":"THE IDEAL COMPANION WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MOVE","content":"A smart suitcase inside and out! SHADOW 5.0 is equipped with DELSEY's patented excess weight indicator, which is integrated into the handle on the side. This battery-free feature lets you know when your luggage is up to the maximum weight allowed, thus saving you the need to pay extra charges at the check-in counter. \n","image":""},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°!\n","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1031:Over Weight Indicator™","1030:Recycled materials","1108:Dual density wheels"]
{"Poids":"0.32kg","Dimension":"32,50cm : 32 x 23 x 14","Volume":"11 L","Matière":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
  • Compartiment de protection pour ordinateur et tablette
  • Flash code garantie
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Compatible avec le système Trolley
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
  • Petite poche à l'avant
  • Matière recyclée
  • Poignée supérieure
["1030:Recycled materials","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1075:Bottle pocket"]
{"Poids":"0.36kg","Dimension":"30,50cm protection PC : 30 x 21 x 14","Volume":"10 L","Matière":"POLYESTER 600 DENIERS 100% RPET","Intérieur":"
  • Poche anti RFID
  • Flash code garantie
  • Intérieur entièrement doublé
  • Poche protégée pour tablette de 7,9\"
  • Bretelles rembourrées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Une grande poche avant
  • Compatible avec le système Trolley
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
  • 2 poches latérales zippées
  • Matière recyclée
  • Poignée supérieure en mousse
[{"title":"UNE FERMETURE SECURISÉE INTELLIGENTE","content":"Le sac à dos DELSEY de la collection SECURBAN dispose d'un système de fermeture très sécurisé et astucieux! Pour sécuriser la fermeture, il suffit de pousser le zip jusqu'en bas du sac, derrière la poche latérale, pour le rendre invisible. Ainsi, votre sac à dos protège vos affaires lors de vos trajets quotidiens !","image":""},{"title":"UN DESIGN MODERNE ET URBAIN","content":"Le sac à dos SECURBAN est urbain et fonctionnel. Avec son design épuré et ses nombreuses déclinaisons de couleurs, il convient à tous les goûts ! Sa base renforcée et ses aménagements vous apportent confort et sécurité.","image":""},{"title":"UN RANGEMENT OPTIMISÉ","content":"Le compartiment principal est accessible par une grande ouverture, grâce aux deux zips sur les côtés qui s'ouvrent jusqu'en bas. \nDans ce compartiment : une poche renforcée moussée pour y glisser une tablette 9,7 pouces et un espace suffisant pour ranger vos affaires. Le sac dispose aussi d'une poche avant séparée. \nDeux autres poches sur les côtés permettent de ranger des effets personnels afin d'y accéder d'un simple geste.","image":""},{"title":"UN CONFORT OPTIMAL","content":"Le dos du sac SECURBAN ainsi que les bretelles sont composés d'une mousse en mesh 3D pour un confort optimal et un effet anti-transpirant. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer ! ","image":""},{"title":"UNE POCHE ANTI-RFID","content":"Dans ce sac à dos est intégrée une poche anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), qui empêche le vol de vos données personnelles électroniques. La poche idéale pour toutes vos cartes et votre téléphone ! ","image":""},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY","content":"A l'arrière du sac, une bande vous permet de l'accrocher au système trolley de votre bagage, idéal lorsque vous voyagez et que vous ne voulez pas le porter sur le dos. ","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1065:Data protection RFID","1122:Hidden pullers with 2d","1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1035:Tablet protection"]
{"Poids":"3.84kg","Dimension":"76cm : 76 x 51 x 30","Volume":"106 L","Matière":"POLYPROPYLENE","Intérieur":"
  • Polyester 210 Deniers
  • Intérieur entièrement doublé
  • 1 poche souple
  • Poche en filet zippée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Extensible de 2 cm pour une plus grande capacité
  • Glissières imbriquées
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
  • Pied de protection
  • Ouverture zippée résistante à l'eau
  • Poignée inférieure
[{"title":"UN BAGAGE SÉCURISÉ ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Système unique de fermeture du bagage 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique pour maximiser le niveau de sécurité à long terme et pour éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip. N'ayez plus peur de remplir votre valise. Ce zip est également résistant à l'eau. N'ayez plus peur de remplir votre valise. Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le porte-adresse ultra pratique, est intégré dans la coque. Vous ne le perdrez pas.","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA LÉGÈRE ET RÉSISTANTE","content":"CLAVEL est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera pour des voyages en toute tranquilité. ","image":""},{"title":"EXTENSIBLE POUR UN VOLUME PLUS IMPORTANT","content":"Cette valise légère dispose d'un extenseur. Il permet d'augmenter à tout moment le volume de votre bagage et d'emporter des affaires supplémentaires. CLAVEL est la valise rigide parfaite pour les familles et voyageurs qui rentrent de voyage avec de nombreux souvenirs !","image":""},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS\n","content":"CLAVEL dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Elles ont été spécialement pensées pour une prise en main souple et agréable. Se déplacer où bon vous semble et parcourir les aéroports est désormais un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage remarquable. Cette valise dispose de pieds de protection sur le coté afin de la protéger et de poignées pour une prise en main du bagage, souple et agréable.","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur organisé","content":"Gardez vos affaires organisées grâce aux deux compartiments doublés distincts. D'un côté le jeu de sangles et de l'autre un compartiment entièrement zippée par la doublure viendront maintenir vos affaires. \n","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1003:Expandable ","1037:158 cm max","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"1.90kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"35 L","Matière":"POLYPROPYLENE","Intérieur":"
  • Polyester 210 Deniers
  • Intérieur entièrement doublé
  • 1 poche souple
  • Poche en filet zippée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Glissières imbriquées
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture zippée résistante à l'eau
  • Poignée inférieure
[{"title":"UNE SERRURE À COMBINAISON TSA","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. ","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA LÉGÈRE ET RÉSISTANTE","content":"CLAVEL est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":""},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS\n","content":"CLAVEL dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Elles ont été spécialement pensées pour une prise en main souple et agréable. Se déplacer où bon vous semble et parcourir les aéroports est désormais un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage remarquable. Cette valise dispose de poignées pour une prise en main du bagage, souple et agréable.","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé","content":"Gardez vos affaires organisées grâce aux deux compartiments doublés distincts. D'un côté le jeu de sangles et de l'autre un compartiment entièrement zippée par la doublure viendront maintenir vos affaires. ","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"0,16kg","Dimension":"15cm : 15 x 24 x 8","Volume":"0 L","Material":"RECYCLED POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"PRACTICAL FORMAT ","content":"The innovative format of the mini Raspail is designed to allow you to carry all your everyday essentials. Inside and outside pockets make cards and phones easily accessible. ","image":""},{"title":"FLEXIBLE WEARING AND CARRYING","content":"The shoulder strap is adjustable to suit your comfort.","image":""},{"title":"DURABLE AND WATER REPELLENT","content":"With its water-repellent coating, the messenger bag is a tough ally. The durable water-repellent material is made from rPET, a material made from fully recycled plastic bottles.","image":""}]
["1038:Rainproof","1065:Data protection RFID","1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
Messenger (24cm)
{"Weight":"0,72kg","Dimension":"34cm : 34 x 52 x 22 / 0","Volume":"39 L","Material":"80% PVC + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":""},{"title":"CLEVER AND WATER-REPELLENT","content":"The fabric of the product is water-repellent, which makes the bag very resistant. The two sizes of leather handles allow for a suitable carrying position: hand or shoulder. ","image":""},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"Durable, the lining is made from rPET, a material manufactured from 8 entirely recycled plastic water bottles. Its spacious interior also has a pocket that protects items from moisture, for optimal organisation and peace of mind.","image":""}]
["1022:Leather","1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1095:Adress-holder"]
{"Poids":"0.25kg","Dimension":"12,50cm : 12 x 18 x 6","Volume":"1 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Construction 50/50
  • Flash code garantie
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • 1 poche latérale zippée
  • Séparateur poche anti RFID
  • Poche élastique
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Bretelles réglables
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Dragonne amovible
[{"title":"Un nouveau format","content":"Votre Clutch TURENNE vous accompagne en journée comme en soirée grâce à son style aussi bien tendance qu'élégant. Ce nouveau format de sac vous permet de garder près de vous vos affaires tout au long de la journée.","image":""},{"title":"Un porté adapté ","content":"Ce Clutch vous propose plusieurs portages. Sa bandoulière ajustable et amovible vous offre un porté adapté en toute circonstance. Celle-ci peut s'allonger jusqu'à 145cm et se rétrécir à la longueur de 75cm. Changez le style de votre sac dans la même journée et portez le à la main grâce à sa dragonne amovible ! ","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé","content":"L'intérieur de votre pochette est organisé en deux compartiments, avec deux poches zippées et une troisième poche élastique. Sa doublure en matériaux recyclés est traitée avec la technologie antimicrobienne SILVADUR™ pour inhiber la croissance des bactéries !","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1027:Shoulder carrying","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"4.45kg","Dimension":"82,50cm : 82 x 54 x 33","Volume":"136 L","Matière":"POLYPROPYLENE","Intérieur":"
  • Polyester 210 Deniers
  • Intérieur entièrement doublé
  • 1 poche souple
  • Poche en filet zippée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Extensible de 2 cm pour une plus grande capacité
  • Glissières imbriquées
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
  • Pied de protection
  • Ouverture zippée résistante à l'eau
  • Poignée inférieure
[{"title":"UN BAGAGE SÉCURISÉ ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Système unique de fermeture du bagage 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique pour maximiser le niveau de sécurité à long terme et pour éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip. N'ayez plus peur de remplir votre valise. Ce zip est également résistant à l'eau. N'ayez plus peur de remplir votre valise. Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le porte-adresse ultra pratique, est intégré dans la coque. Vous ne le perdrez pas.","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA LÉGÈRE ET RÉSISTANTE","content":"CLAVEL est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera pour des voyages en toute tranquilité. ","image":""},{"title":"EXTENSIBLE POUR UN VOLUME PLUS IMPORTANT","content":"Cette valise légère dispose d'un extenseur. Il permet d'augmenter à tout moment le volume de votre bagage et d'emporter des affaires supplémentaires. CLAVEL est la valise rigide parfaite pour les familles et voyageurs qui rentrent de voyage avec de nombreux souvenirs !","image":""},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS\n","content":"CLAVEL dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Elles ont été spécialement pensées pour une prise en main souple et agréable. Se déplacer où bon vous semble et parcourir les aéroports est désormais un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage remarquable. Cette valise dispose de pieds de protection sur le coté afin de la protéger et de poignées pour une prise en main du bagage, souple et agréable.","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur organisé","content":"Gardez vos affaires organisées grâce aux deux compartiments doublés distincts. D'un côté le jeu de sangles et de l'autre un compartiment entièrement zippée par la doublure viendront maintenir vos affaires. \n","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1023:Super light","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"3,85kg","Dimension":"79cm : 79 x 51 x 33","Volume":"117 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"AN ULTRA-SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The cleverly arranged storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The interior of the suitcase features one compartment fitted with adjustable straps and a mesh pocket to make maximal use of the space available. ","image":""},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"Luggage that adapts, thanks to its special expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for all those extra items you bring back from your holidays!","image":""},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO THE WAY YOU MOVE","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling.","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"0,82kg","Dimension":"40cm : 40 x 79 x 37","Volume":"97 L","Material":" 100% POLYESTER RPET 400 DENIER"}
[{"title":"A TRAVEL BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The fabric used for this travel bag is made from rPET, a material manufactured from 13 entirely recycled plastic water bottles!","image":""},{"title":"CLEVER STORAGE","content":"Practical, lightweight and foldable, this travel bag is easy to carry and provides additional storage space.","image":""},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH THE TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"A loop located on the back of the bag enables it to be placed on top of the suitcase trolley without risk of it falling off.","image":""}]
["1027:Shoulder carrying","1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"3.00kg","Dimension":"77cm : 77 x 37 x 38","Volume":"102 L","Matière":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLYESTER"}
["1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Poids":"0.45kg","Dimension":"38cm protection PC : 38 x 40 x 8","Volume":"13 L","Matière":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
  • Compartiment de protection pour ordinateur et tablette
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Compatible avec le système Trolley
  • Bretelles réglables
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Petite poche à l'avant
  • Matière recyclée
  • Poignée supérieure
["1030:Recycled materials","1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1027:Shoulder carrying"]
{"Poids":"2.10kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"35 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
[{"title":"UNE SERRURE À COMBINAISON TSA","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":""},{"title":"Seulement 2kg! ","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":""},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":""},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"1,10kg","Dimension":"46cm : 46 x 40 x 14","Volume":"26 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"A WELL DESIGNED FORMAT","content":"With its minimalist design and water-repellent, hard-wearing fabric, this bag is an everyday ally. Practical and attractive, the external side pockets are discreet.","image":""},{"title":"INTELLIGENT FASTENING","content":"The capacity is adaptable thanks to the backpack's innovative fastening. Simply use the magnets on the sides and roll them up to fasten the bag. Secure with the clip provided.","image":""},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material! In addition, the SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":""},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":""}]
["1019:Water repellent material","1030:Recycled materials","1011:PC Protection","1065:Data protection RFID","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible"]
{"Weight":"4,10kg","Dimension":"66cm expandable : 66 x 44 x 29 / 32
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"78 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"To ensure maximum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique fastening is up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip. It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"A PRACTICALLY DESIGNED AND HARD-WEARING INTERIOR","content":"SHADOW 5.0's lining is made from 100% recycled materials. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 30°","image":""},{"title":"TAILOR-MADE LUGGAGE","content":"Luggage that adapts to your needs with its special expander.","image":""},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcases feature four quiet and robust wheels. Multidirectional, they are specially designed to provide optimised handling."}]
["1108:Dual density wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1030:Recycled materials","1031:Over Weight Indicator™"]
{"Weight":"1,35kg","Dimension":"46cm PC protection : 46 x 32 x 21","Volume":"32 L","Material":"80% NYLON + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"A PRACTICAL AND SECURE EXTERIOR","content":"The integrated USB socket on the backpack offers the ultimate in practical convenience! There is a special pocket inside for an external battery. This built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket is designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it the ideal place for carrying cards and phones.","image":""},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"For optimal storage of personal belongings the product has a large interior compartment and a pouch as well as a foamed pocket for a 15\" laptop and tablet. The lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! Its treatment with SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology* allows it to inhibit the growth of bacteria.*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":""},{"title":"FEATURES DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND","content":"For optimal comfort, the backpack's straps and rear section have foam padding.","image":""},{"title":"GROUP YOUR LUGGAGE AND ROLL IT ALONG","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1022:Leather","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID","1103:USB PORT"]
{"Weight":"0,76kg","Dimension":"34cm : 34 x 45 x 25","Volume":"38 L","Material":"REVÊTEMENT PU RPET 600D","Interior":"
  • Recycled lining
  • One lateral zippered pocket
  • 2 mesh pockets
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Inside address-holder
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Small front pocket
  • Webbing carrying top handle
  • Muffle
  • TSA combination padlock
  • Water-repellant
  • Recycled material
  • Large main opening
  • Waterproof zippered opening
  • Protection feet
  • Easy access volume pocket
  • Interlocking sliders
  • Comfortable and removable shoulder strap
  • Trolley system compatible
[{"title":"A TRAVEL BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"This travel bag is made from a material called rPET, a plastic produced from 8 entirely recycled water bottles. Start travelling in a greener and more environmentally friendly way today with the EGOA.","image":""},{"title":"WATERPROOF LUGGAGE","content":"This luggage has an innovative feature that anyone who loves travelling will greatly appreciate: waterproof material. This bag will allow you to travel with peace of mind, as its fabric offers protection from the rain, keeping your belongings dry.","image":""},{"title":"TSA COMBINATION LOCK","content":"This EGOA travel bag comes with a TSA lock. This combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"INGENIOUS FEATURES ","content":"Your EGOA travel bag offers you clever storage. This luggage has a large opening at the top, ideal for separating your shoes from your clothes! A side zip gives you access to a large space to fold the rest of your clothes. Secure everything with adjustable straps to keep your luggage neat. ","image":""},{"title":"MULTIPLE LIFTING AND CARRYING OPTIONS","content":"This travel bag can be carried in several ways. Opt for comfort by wearing it on your shoulder thanks to its adjustable shoulder strap or carry it easily in your hand using the two handles on the top!","image":""},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR LUGGAGE'S TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"Thanks to a tote strip located at the back of the product, your travel bag can be placed on the luggage trolley system without risk of falling. Combine your luggage into a group and roll it along in a single action. ","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1001:Cabin luggage","1096:TSA combination padlock","1038:Rainproof","1109:Easy acces pocket","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"0,69kg","Dimension":"37cm : 37 x 64 x 32","Volume":"64 L","Material":" 100% POLYESTER RPET 400 DENIER"}
[{"title":"A TRAVEL BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"The fabric used for this travel bag is made from rPET, a material manufactured from 10 entirely recycled plastic water bottles!","image":""},{"title":"CLEVER STORAGE","content":"Practical, lightweight and foldable, this travel bag is easy to carry and provides additional storage space.","image":""},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH THE TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"A loop located on the back of the bag enables it to be placed on top of the suitcase trolley without risk of it falling off.","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1027:Shoulder carrying","1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,02kg","Dimension":"12,50cm : 12 x 24 x 0","Volume":"0 L","Material":"SYNTHETIC PAPER LABEL"}
[{"title":"Customisez votre valise !\n","content":"Personnalisez votre valise avec les stickers DELSEY !\nVous la rendez ainsi unique et l'identifierez facilement sur le tapis à bagages de l'aéroport ! Les stickers se collent sur toutes les valises sur une surface plate. Nous vous conseillons d'éviter les angles. Aucun matériel additionnel nécessaire.","image":""},{"title":"La Parisienne en vacances","content":"Une série de stickers qui célèbrent l'élégance à la française à travers des paysages qui font rêver ! \nQue ce soit un petit détail Frenchy, avec la Tour Eiffel ou la Place Vendôme, ou une destination dépaysante à la montagne ou à la mer, mettez les stickers qui vous inspirent le plus !","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
{"Poids":"3.00kg","Dimension":"36cm : 36 x 69 x 34","Volume":"73 L","Matière":"POLYESTER 600 DENIERS 100% RPET","Intérieur":"
  • Porte-adresse intérieur
  • Système de pliage
  • 1 poche latérale zippée
  • Poche en filet zippée
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • 2 roues silencieuses
  • Grande ouverture principale
  • Protection en PVC entre les roues
  • Flash code garantie
  • Petite poche à l'avant
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
  • Pied de protection
  • Grande poche facile d'accès
  • Bandoulière confortable et amovible
  • Matière recyclée
  • Cadenas combinaison + TSA
  • Sangle de portage latéral
  • Manchon
  • Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"NOTRE ENGAGEMENT POUR LA PLANÈTE !\n","content":"Notre engagement pour le développement durable a une place importante chez DELSEY. Les enjeux environnementaux nous mobilisent pour mixer innovation et protection de la planète, la durabilité de nos produits est ancrée dans notre ADN. Avec la création de notre programme DELSEY PLANET, nous travaillons dans une démarche plus responsable, en réduisant notre empreinte écologique ainsi que nos déchets, et en soutenant ceux qui oeuvrent pour un voyage responsable, en accompagnant les voyageurs dans une mobilité plus verte. Nous sommes fiers de vous proposer à présent notre nouveauté faite en matière recyclée.\n","image":""},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE\n","content":"Le tissu de ce bagage a été confectionné en RPET, c’est-à-dire un plastique issu de bouteilles d'eau entièrement récyclées. La matière de ce sac est donc composée de 39 bouteilles. A vous les voyages responsables !\n","image":""},{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Système unique de fermeture du bagage 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique pour maximiser le niveau de sécurité et pour éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip. Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le cadenas pourra s'accrocher au curseur de verrouillage prévu à cet effet. \n","image":""},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE 2 EN 1","content":"Déplacez vous de deux manières différentes : utilisez le système trolley pour faire rouler votre sac de voyage dans les aéroports et les poignées pour le porter à la main dans les escaliers. Ce sac dispose également de deux pieds pour plus de stabilité à l'arrêt et de plaques en PVC qui viennent renforcer sa solidité. \n","image":""},{"title":"\n","content":"Ce sac de voyage EGOA dispose d'un compartiment avec ouverture sur le dessus par un large zip, pour un accès rapide aux indispensables de votre voyage. Son compartiment principal est équipé d'une ouverture facile et d'une poche intérieure zippée pour y ranger vos effets personnels. Il dispose également de deux sangles pour maintenir les affaires rangées pendant le voyage et l'intérieur est composé de renforts qui viendront se clipser et maintenir le sac droit une fois debout. Pour le ranger sous votre lit ou une armoire, il vous suffit de les déclipser et de plier le sac.\n","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"3,83kg","Dimension":"71cm : 71 x 45 x 30","Volume":"84 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Removable pouch for toiletries
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • 1 set of straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Full length front pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Foamed top handle
  • Recessed side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Deluxe multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE\n","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":""},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":""},{"title":"More volume with your medium sized suitcase\n","content":"Going away for a week or more? The medium size HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your trips thanks to its great interior volume.\n","image":""},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":""},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1120:Removable pouch ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"4,40kg","Dimension":"77,50cm : 77 x 49 x 31","Volume":"115 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Removable pouch for toiletries
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • 1 set of straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Full length front pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Foamed top handle
  • Recessed side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE\n","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":""},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":""},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything\n","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":""},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":""},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1037:158 cm max","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1120:Removable pouch "]
{"Weight":"3,34kg","Dimension":"39,50cm : 39 x 76 x 39","Volume":"103 L","Material":"REVÊTEMENT PU RPET 600D","Interior":"
  • Recycled lining
  • Folding system
  • One lateral zippered pocket
  • Zippered mesh pocket
  • Straps on the bottom
  • Inside address-holder
  • Small front pocket
  • Webbing carrying side handle
  • Muffle
  • Top handle
  • TSA combination padlock
  • Water-repellant
  • Recycled material
  • Large main opening
  • Patented zipsecuritech opening: ZST 1
  • Protection feet
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • Easy access volume pocket
  • Warranty QR code plate
  • Multi position Trolley system
  • 2 silent wheels
[{"title":"A TRAVEL BAG MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIAL","content":"This travel bag is made from a material called rPET, a plastic produced from 27 entirely recycled water bottles. Start travelling in a greener and more environmentally friendly way today with the EGOA.","image":""},{"title":"AN ULTRA-SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with its reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This EGOA travel bag comes with a TSA lock. This combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"WATERPROOF LUGGAGE","content":"This luggage has an innovative feature that anyone who loves travelling will greatly appreciate: waterproof material. This bag will allow you to travel with peace of mind, as its fabric offers protection from the rain, keeping your belongings dry.","image":""},{"title":"A 2-IN-1 TRAVEL BAG","content":"Transport your luggage in two different ways: use the trolley system to roll your travel bag through airports, and the handles when carrying it up and down stairs. This bag also has a reinforced system for more stability at rest. ","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials"]
Duffle Bag (76cm)
{"Weight":"3,85kg","Dimension":"73cm Trunk : 73 x 37 x 38 / 0
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"87 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
[{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":""},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.","image":""},{"title":"PRACTICAL AND CONVENIENT LUGGAGE","content":" The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. The two pouches included can be used to store your shoes and dirty laundry and keep the rest of your clothes protected when travelling.","image":""},{"title":"YOUR SUITCASE ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key defining features of this luggage. Its innovative \"trunk\" format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll along wherever you go. This luggage is perfectly suited to travelling by car or train.","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
L Trunk (73cm)
{"Poids":"2.40kg","Dimension":"38cm protection PC : 38 x 42 x 17","Volume":"24 L","Matière":"600D/PU POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"Un bagage sécurisé \n","content":"Un système de fermeture bouche-bouche pour insérer un cadenas et empécher l'ouverture du zip de votre sac\n","image":""},{"title":"Un boardcase trolley 2 roues PC 15,6\" ultra-pratique \n","content":"Vous êtes à la recherche d'un bagage trolley business idéal ? Le boardcase 1 compartiment PARVIS PLUS est fait pour vous ! Non seulement doté d'un compartiment moussé pour tablette et PC 15,6\"\", un large espace vous permettra d'y ranger vos affaires aussi bien professionnelles que personnelles \nIl dispose également d'une poche avant fonctionnelle pour vos petits effets personnels. Son design sobre et moderne s'associe à la sécurite et à la praticité avec ses 2 roues. Ce sac trolley business s'adaptera à tous vos déplacements !\n","image":""},{"title":"Des aménagements pour votre confort \n","content":"Une large poignée pour vous apporter le confort nécessaire quand vous portez votre sac et un système trolley avec des roues pour faciliter tous vos déplacements et vous alléger ! \nAvec un plus une petite poche fermée par un zip pour ranger le trolley quand vous n'utilisez que la poignée. \n","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1011:PC Protection","1035:Tablet protection","1001:Cabin luggage","1014:Smart fittings","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"0.70kg","Dimension":"30cm protection PC : 30 x 41 x 12","Volume":"15 L","Matière":"1680 DENIERS POLYESTER + 600 DENIERS POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
  • 1 compartiment de protection pour ordinateur
  • 3 poches plates
  • Organiseur multifonctions
  • 1 poche souple
  • Une grande poche avant
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Protection d'épaule confortable
  • Bandoulière confortable et amovible
[{"title":"","content":"Ultra léger","image":""},{"title":"","content":"Multiples poches","image":""},{"title":"","content":"Compartiment moussé PC et tablette","image":null},{"title":"","content":"Bandoulière moussée amovible","image":null},{"title":"","content":"Compatible avec le système trolley","image":null},{"title":"","content":"Garantie mondiale 3 ans","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1011:PC Protection","1035:Tablet protection","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,50kg","Dimension":"55cm expandable Business : 55 x 35 x 26 / 29
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"46 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip. It is also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":""},{"title":"DELSEY EXPERTISE","content":"A 100% French design that combines technical sophistication and elegance. The business case in the range is designed to be practical with many features, elegant with the cognac-coloured vegan leather trim and hard-wearing with a rigid shell.","image":""},{"title":"A PRACTICAL FORMAT","content":"The compartment at the front of the case is secured by a TSA combination lock. The ideal pocket for all your electronic accessories! This practical compartment has pockets for all your travel essentials. Store the external battery* inside and connect the phone to the USB port on the outside of the case. \n*External battery not included","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1108:Dual density wheels","1103:USB PORT","1030:Recycled materials","1092:Shoes bag","1011:PC Protection"]
{"Weight":"2,73kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 26","Volume":"41 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"THE DELSEY PARIS X AIR FRANCE COLLABORATION","content":"Travel experts DELSEY PARIS and AIR FRANCE have joined forces to offer a range of elegant, lightweight and practical co-branded luggage. ","image":""},{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip closure, this unique closure system provides optimal security for your luggage. The zip pulls are also reinforced, making them up to three times more resistant than conventional zip pulls. The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.This case combines lightness and resistance thanks to its 100% polycarbonate composition.","image":""},{"title":"LIGHT AND HARD-WEARING","content":"This case combines lightness and resistance thanks to its 100% polycarbonate composition.","image":""},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":" The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible.","image":""},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. Multidirectional, they are specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":""}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1001:Cabin luggage"]
Cabin suitcase
S (55cm)
{"Weight":"2,68kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"42 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Removable pouch for toiletries
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • 1 set of straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Full length front pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Foamed top handle
  • Recessed side handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Deluxe multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE\n","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":""},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":""},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag \n","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your HELIUM DLX cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":""},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":""},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":""}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1108:Dual density wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1120:Removable pouch ","1001:Cabin luggage"]
{"Weight":"4,62kg","Dimension":"83cm : 83 x 50 x 33","Volume":"123 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
  • Removable and washable lining
  • Removable pouch for toiletries
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • Fastening straps in main compartment
  • 1 mesh pocket
  • 1 set of straps
  • Mesh zippered compartment
  • Expandability on main compartment
  • Full length front pocket
  • One large front pocket
  • Recessed side handle
  • Foamed top handle
  • Bottom handle
  • Combination lock with TSA
  • Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
  • Corner Protection
  • PVC protection between wheels
  • Main compartment with interlocking sliders
  • Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
  • 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE\n","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":""},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you\n","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":""},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything\n","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":""},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander \n","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":""},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining\n","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":""},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null},{"title":null,"content":null,"image":null}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1120:Removable pouch ","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"2.15kg","Dimension":"31,50cm : 31 x 64 x 32","Volume":"57 L","Matière":"100% RPET 300 DENIER POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
  • 1 jeu de sangles
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Une grande poche avant
  • Système Trolley multipositions
  • 2 roues
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Matière recyclée
  • Cadenas combinaison + TSA
  • Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"Un sac de voyage en matière recyclée","content":"Le tissu de ce sac de voyage a été confectionné en rPET; une matière issue de 107 bouteilles en plastique entièrement recyclées. MAUBERT 2.0 de DELSEY PARIS vous accompagne dès à présent vers une mobilité plus verte et respectueuse de l'environnement.","image":""},{"title":"Sécurité avant tout","content":"Ce bagage MAUBERT 2.0 est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. Celui-ci vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec un code personnel, tout en laissant l'Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abîmer, à l'aide d'une clé spécifique. Son association avec sa fermeture ultra-sécurisé breveté par DELSEY : le zip SECURITECH® rend votre bagage 3 fois plus résistant à l'intrusion. ","image":""},{"title":"Aménagements astucieux","content":"Fonctionnel, ce bagage dispose d'un compartiment principale avec un jeu de sangles réglables. De plus ses deux poches exterieures sont pratiques pour y ranger vos indispensables de voyage facilement accessibles. Profitez d'un voyage serein et organisé ! ","image":""},{"title":"De nombreuses prises en main possibles","content":"Ce bagage propose plusieurs prises en main. Il est doté d'une poignée sur le haut et deux anses sur le dessus, pour pouvoir porter son sac dans les escaliers.","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"0,67kg","Dimension":"34cm : 34 x 52 x 22","Volume":"39 L","Material":"80% PVC + 20% LEATHER"}
["1022:Leather","1030:Recycled materials","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1095:Adress-holder"]
{"Weight":"10,80kg","Dimension":"","Volume":"99 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"A SECURE FASTENING","content":"This luggage set comprises three suitcases in complementary sizes: 55 cm, 68 cm and 77 cm. They are secure and fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure fastening system: the SECURITECH® zip. This unique fastening is more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip. ","image":""},{"title":"TSA CODE LOCK ","content":"They are also equipped with a TSA code lock. This TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":""},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"Suitcases that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders. ","image":""},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The suitcases in the set feature four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":""}]