Exclude sales collection
{"Poids":"0.70kg","Dimension":"34cm : 34 x 45 x 25","Volume":"35 L","Matière":"POLYESTER 600 DENIERS 100% RPET","Intérieur":"
- Porte-adresse intérieur
- Flash code garantie
- 1 poche latérale zippée
- 2 poches en filet
- Doublure recyclée
- Sangles dans le fond
- Glissières imbriquées
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Grande ouverture principale
- Ouverture zippée
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Pied de protection
- Grande poche facile d'accès
- Bandoulière confortable et amovible
- Matière recyclée
- Sangle de portage supérieur
- Cadenas combinaison + TSA
- Manchon
[{"title":"NOTRE ENGAGEMENT POUR LA PLANÈTE ! ","content":"Notre engagement pour le développement durable a une place importante chez DELSEY. Les enjeux environnementaux nous mobilisent pour mixer innovation et protection de la planète, la durabilité de nos produits est ancrée dans notre ADN. Avec la création de notre programme DELSEY PLANET, nous travaillons dans une démarche plus responsable, en réduisant notre empreinte écologique ainsi que nos déchets, et en soutenant ceux qui œuvrent pour un voyage responsable, en accompagnant les voyageurs dans une mobilité plus verte. Nous sommes fiers de vous proposer à présent notre nouveauté faite en matière recyclée.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028715/original/delsey-egoa-00322340911-06.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE CABINE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE ","content":"Nous avons conçu le tissu de ce bagage en RPET, c’est-à-dire un plastique issu de bouteilles d'eau entièrement recyclées. 33 bouteilles composent donc la matière de ce bagage cabine. Voyagez la main verte ! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028717/original/delsey-egoa-00322340911-10.jpg"},{"title":"CADENAS A COMBINAISON TSA\n","content":"Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le cadenas pourra s'accrocher au curseur de verrouillage prévu à cet effet. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028718/original/delsey-egoa-00322340911-12.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY DE VOTRE BAGAGE","content":"Grâce à un passant situé à l'arrière du produit, celui-ci peut être placé sur le dessus de la valise sans risque de tomber. Regroupez et faites rouler vos bagages en un seul geste. Ce sac de voyage dispose de deux grandes poignées et d'une bandoulière pour le porter aisément.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028740/original/delsey-egoa-00322340911-14.jpg"},{"title":" AMÉNAGEMENTS ASTUCIEUX\n","content":"Ce bagage EGOA dispose d'un compartiment avec une ouverture sur le dessus par un large zip, pour un accès rapide aux indispensables de votre voyage. Son compartiment principal est doté d'une ouverture facile et d'une poche intérieure zippée pour y ranger vos effets personnels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028743/original/delsey-egoa-00322340911-07.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1001:Cabin luggage"]
{"Poids":"0.86kg","Dimension":"34cm : 34 x 45 x 25","Volume":"35 L","Matière":"1680 DENIERS POLYESTER + 600 DENIERS POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
- Compartiment doublé à fermeture zippée
- Porte-adresse intérieur
- Poche plate zippée
- Aucun
- Aucun
- Poche(s) facile d'accès
- Glissières imbriquées
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Grande ouverture principale
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Pied de protection
- Bandoulière confortable et amovible
- Grande fermeture zippée résistante
- Sangle de portage supérieur
- Cadenas combinaison + TSA
- Manchon
[{"title":"Cadenas à combinaison TSA","content":"Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le cadenas pourra s'accrocher au curseur de verrouillage prévu à cet effet. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0025526/original/delsey-egoa-00322340104-08.jpg"},{"title":"Compatible avec le système trolley de votre bagage","content":"Grâce à un passant situé à l'arrière du produit, celui-ci peut être placé sur le dessus de la valise sans risque de tomber. Regroupez et faites rouler vos bagages en un seul geste. Ce sac de voyage dispose de deux grandes poignées et d'une bandoulière pour le porter aisément.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8e45c7cc-4deb-4a01-81bd-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322340104-06.jpg"},{"title":"Aménagements astucieux","content":"Ce bagage EGOA dispose d'une grande ouverture avec un large zip en PVC, d'une poche extérieure pour un accès rapide aux indispensables de votre voyage et d'une poche intérieure zippée pour vos effets personnels. Il est doté également de deux compartiments pour un volume parfaitement adapté à chaque voyageur. ","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"3.00kg","Dimension":"36cm : 36 x 69 x 34","Volume":"73 L","Matière":"POLYESTER 600 DENIERS 100% RPET","Intérieur":"
- Porte-adresse intérieur
- Système de pliage
- 1 poche latérale zippée
- Poche en filet zippée
- Doublure recyclée
- Sangles dans le fond
- Système Trolley multipositions
- 2 roues silencieuses
- Grande ouverture principale
- Protection en PVC entre les roues
- Flash code garantie
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
- Pied de protection
- Grande poche facile d'accès
- Bandoulière confortable et amovible
- Matière recyclée
- Cadenas combinaison + TSA
- Sangle de portage latéral
- Manchon
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"NOTRE ENGAGEMENT POUR LA PLANÈTE !\n","content":"Notre engagement pour le développement durable a une place importante chez DELSEY. Les enjeux environnementaux nous mobilisent pour mixer innovation et protection de la planète, la durabilité de nos produits est ancrée dans notre ADN. Avec la création de notre programme DELSEY PLANET, nous travaillons dans une démarche plus responsable, en réduisant notre empreinte écologique ainsi que nos déchets, et en soutenant ceux qui oeuvrent pour un voyage responsable, en accompagnant les voyageurs dans une mobilité plus verte. Nous sommes fiers de vous proposer à présent notre nouveauté faite en matière recyclée.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028730/original/delsey-egoa-00322323911-10.jpg"},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE\n","content":"Le tissu de ce bagage a été confectionné en RPET, c’est-à-dire un plastique issu de bouteilles d'eau entièrement récyclées. La matière de ce sac est donc composée de 39 bouteilles. A vous les voyages responsables !\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028731/original/delsey-egoa-00322323911-12.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Système unique de fermeture du bagage 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique pour maximiser le niveau de sécurité et pour éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip. Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. Le cadenas pourra s'accrocher au curseur de verrouillage prévu à cet effet. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028732/original/delsey-egoa-00322323911-14.jpg"},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE 2 EN 1","content":"Déplacez vous de deux manières différentes : utilisez le système trolley pour faire rouler votre sac de voyage dans les aéroports et les poignées pour le porter à la main dans les escaliers. Ce sac dispose également de deux pieds pour plus de stabilité à l'arrêt et de plaques en PVC qui viennent renforcer sa solidité. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028733/original/delsey-egoa-00322323911-16.jpg"},{"title":"\n","content":"Ce sac de voyage EGOA dispose d'un compartiment avec ouverture sur le dessus par un large zip, pour un accès rapide aux indispensables de votre voyage. Son compartiment principal est équipé d'une ouverture facile et d'une poche intérieure zippée pour y ranger vos effets personnels. Il dispose également de deux sangles pour maintenir les affaires rangées pendant le voyage et l'intérieur est composé de renforts qui viendront se clipser et maintenir le sac droit une fois debout. Pour le ranger sous votre lit ou une armoire, il vous suffit de les déclipser et de plier le sac.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028734/original/delsey-egoa-00322323911-18.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Poids":"2.89kg","Dimension":"35,50cm : 35 x 69 x 35","Volume":"74 L","Matière":"600D RPET REVETEMENT ENDUIT","Intérieur":"
- Porte-adresse intérieur
- Système de pliage
- 1 poche latérale zippée
- Poche en filet zippée
- Doublure recyclée
- Sangles dans le fond
- Système Trolley multipositions
- 2 roues silencieuses
- Grande ouverture principale
- Protection en PVC entre les roues
- Flash code garantie
- Résistant à l'eau
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
- Pied de protection
- Grande poche facile d'accès
- Bandoulière confortable et amovible
- Matière recyclée
- Cadenas combinaison + TSA
- Sangle de portage latéral
- Manchon
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE","content":"Le tissu de ce sac de voyage a été confectionné en RPET; une matière issue de 19 bouteilles en plastiques entièrement recyclées. EGOA vous accompagne dès à présent vers une mobilité plus respectueuse de l'environnement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c62de930-6237-4630-b247-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322323900WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® breveté protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Son système unique de fermeture du bagage est 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique et permet d'éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip ! Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. Cette serrure à combinaison vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a022f842-2c01-46cf-97d4-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322323900WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE IMPERMÉABLE","content":"Ce bagage est doté d'une innovation que tous les aventuriers s'arrachent : la matière résistante à l'eau. Ce sac vous permettra de voyager avec l'esprit tranquille, son tissu offre une protection en cas de pluie, gardant vos effets personnels au sec.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/689a05ca-93db-4360-a8eb-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322323900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE 2 EN 1","content":"Déplacez vous de deux manières différentes : utilisez le système trolley pour faire rouler votre sac de voyage facilement ou bien les poignées pour le porter à la main dans les escaliers. Ce sac dispose également d'un système renforcé pour plus de stabilité à l'arrêt. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/28a85c03-5f4c-44f3-814c-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322323900WP-08.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Poids":"2.63kg","Dimension":"27,50cm : 27 x 53 x 32","Volume":"40 L","Matière":"600D RPET REVETEMENT ENDUIT","Intérieur":"
- Porte-adresse intérieur
- Système de pliage
- 1 poche latérale zippée
- Poche en filet zippée
- Doublure recyclée
- Sangles dans le fond
- Système Trolley multipositions
- 2 roues silencieuses
- Grande ouverture principale
- Protection en PVC entre les roues
- Flash code garantie
- Résistant à l'eau
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
- Pied de protection
- Grande poche facile d'accès
- Bandoulière confortable et amovible
- Matière recyclée
- Cadenas combinaison + TSA
- Sangle de portage latéral
- Manchon
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE","content":"Le tissu de ce sac de voyage a été confectionné en RPET; une matière issue de 13 bouteilles en plastiques entièrement recyclées. EGOA vous accompagne dès à présent vers une mobilité plus respectueuse de l'environnement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e8b854c1-78de-4988-a669-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ","content":"Le zip SECURITECH® breveté protège vos effets personnels grâce à sa sécurité renforcée. Son système unique de fermeture du bagage est 3 fois plus résistant qu'une fermeture classique et permet d'éviter les risques d'effraction par ouverture du zip ! Ce sac de voyage EGOA est proposé avec un cadenas à serrure TSA. Cette serrure à combinaison vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fe8699fc-8e03-4ea2-b2fe-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"UN BAGAGE IMPERMÉABLE","content":"Ce bagage est doté d'une innovation que tous les aventuriers s'arrachent : la matière résistante à l'eau. Ce sac vous permettra de voyager avec l'esprit tranquille, son tissu offre une protection en cas de pluie, gardant vos effets personnels au sec.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bd53aa74-bfab-4a33-bf24-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"UN SAC DE VOYAGE 2 EN 1","content":"Déplacez vous de deux manières différentes : utilisez le système trolley pour faire rouler votre sac de voyage facilement ou bien les poignées pour le porter à la main dans les escaliers. Ce sac dispose également d'un système renforcé pour plus de stabilité à l'arrêt. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/15aa5322-7c79-4ebf-9ab1-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322321900WP-08.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1096:TSA combination padlock","1109:Easy acces pocket","1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Poids":"0.16kg","Dimension":"16,50cm : 16 x 23 x 9","Volume":"3 L","Matière":"600D RPET REVETEMENT ENDUIT","Intérieur":"
- Flash code garantie
- 1 poche latérale zippée
- Doublure recyclée
- Tirettes design Delsey
- Résistant à l'eau
- Ouverture zippée étanche
- Matière recyclée
- Poche avant zippée
[{"title":"UNE TROUSSE DE TOILETTE EN MATIÈRE RECYCLÉE\n","content":"Le tissu de cette trousse de toilette a été confectionné en RPET; une matière issue de 2 bouteilles en plastiques entièrement recyclées !\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/17a71623-f3e1-41c3-a2f2-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-05.jpg"},{"title":"UNE TROUSSE DE TOILETTE IMPERMÉABLE\n","content":"Cette trousse de toilette vous permettra de voyager avec sérénité. Finis les liquides qui coulent sur vos vêtements. Le tissu allié au zip résistant à l'eau saura garder vos affaires au sec et ceux même si le bouchon de votre shampoing est mal fermé !\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/111ed771-8978-4db2-b2bc-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-06.jpg"},{"title":"UNE TROUSSE DE TOILETTE FONCTIONNELLE\n","content":"Pour un rangement optimisé, cette trousse de toilette dispose d'un compartiment spacieux pour tout le nécéssaire de toilette ainsi qu'une poche plate zippée extérieure.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3dee04f0-a930-44e1-8af8-front/original/delsey-egoa-00322315900WP-07.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1030:Recycled materials","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1038:Rainproof"]
{"Poids":"0.67kg","Dimension":"44,50cm : 44 x 32 x 16","Volume":"20 L","Matière":"POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
- Compartiment avant : organiseur, poche ample, poche zippée
- Flash code garantie
- Compartiment en mousse pour ordinateur
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Ouverture zippée
- Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
- Petite poche à l'avant
- 2 poches latérales zippées
- Poche avant business
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"BIEN ÉQUIPÉ EN TOUTE LÉGÈRETÉ","content":"Le sac à dos VOYAGER vous permettra d'être bien équipé tout en arborant un style décontracté lors de vos déplacements personnels ou professionnels. Fabriqué dans un tissu chiné élégant et durable, ce sac à dos léger offre également une grande capacité de rangement et beaucoup d'organisation. Ce sac à dos possède deux compartiments spacieux pour rester organisé en toutes cirsonstances, notamment grâce à une poche filet zippée et une pochette rembourrée pouvant accueillir un ordinateur portable de 15,6 pouces.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ef551595-d3bf-44b1-83b0-front/original/delsey-element-00064660304-05.jpg"},{"title":"DES AMÉNAGEMENTS ASTUCIEUX","content":"Les deux poches avant de ce sac à dos comprennent des supports pour téléphone portable et stylos, et les deux poches latérales sont pratiques pour ranger des bouteilles d'eau, un parapluie et d'autres petits objets. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3ce674ef-90ab-4369-a6db-front/original/delsey-element-00064660304-08.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY","content":"A l'arrière du sac, une bande vous permet de l'accrocher au système trolley de votre bagage, idéal lorsque vous voyagez et que vous ne voulez pas le porter sur le dos. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/44e0f3d7-2e52-420d-8c3b-front/original/delsey-element-00064660304-09.jpg"},{"title":"UN CONFORT OPTIMAL","content":"La poignée de transport supérieure, les bretelles et le dos de ce sac sont rembourrés par une mousse mesh 3D pour plus de confort et un effet anti-transpirant. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6404de85-d000-4808-8286-front/original/delsey-element-00064660304-10.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1075:Bottle pocket","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"0.70kg","Dimension":"47,50cm : 47 x 32 x 21","Volume":"29 L","Matière":"POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
- Compartiment avant : organiseur, poche ample, poche zippée
- Flash code garantie
- Compartiment en mousse pour ordinateur
- sangles de compression
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Deux grandes poches avant
- Ouverture zippée
- Poche en filet pour bouteille
- Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"BIEN ÉQUIPÉ EN TOUTE LÉGÈRETÉ","content":"Le sac à dos NAVIGATOR vous permettra d'être bien équipé tout en restant élégant lors de vos déplacements personnels ou professionnels. Ce sac léger et résistant vous offre une grande capacité de rangement et beaucoup d'organisation; à l'intérieur, une pochette rembourrée pour accueillir un ordinateur portable de 15,6 pouces et une tablette de 9,7 pouces. Toutes vos affaires sont gardées en sécurité dans le sac grâce à ses sangles de compression.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/76d2fcfe-0120-4c67-b9d2-front/original/delsey-element-00064660200-08.jpg"},{"title":"PORT USB INTÉGRÉ","content":"Ce sac à dos est également doté d'un port USB et d'une pochette pour charger les appareils électroniques (batterie externe non fournie). Ne soyez jamais à court d'énergie en déplacement !","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fa9cc1b4-9750-465a-8070-front/original/delsey-element-00064660200-10.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY","content":"A l'arrière du sac, une bande vous permet de l'accrocher au système trolley de votre bagage, idéal lorsque vous voyagez et que vous ne voulez pas le porter sur le dos. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2b4ccaa5-b918-42bc-90a8-front/original/delsey-element-00064660200-12.jpg"},{"title":"DES AMÉNAGEMENTS ASTUCIEUX","content":"Ce sac à dos possède deux compartiments spacieux pour ne pas se désorganiser lors de vos déplacements. Sa poche frontale zippée comporte des supports pour téléphone portable, stylos, porte clés et ses deux poches latérales en filet sont pratiques pour ranger des bouteilles d'eau, un parapluie ou d'autres petits objets. Ce sac dispose également d'un support pour lunettes de soleil sur l'une des bretelles, et même d'une sortie pour écouteurs!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/146d5e32-19b4-4a37-9c7c-front/original/delsey-element-00064660200-14.jpg"},{"title":"UN CONFORT OPTIMAL","content":"La poignée de transport supérieure, les bretelles et le dos de ce sac sont rembourrés par une mousse mesh 3D pour plus de confort et un effet anti-transpirant. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f0312148-b996-482d-ab9e-front/original/delsey-element-00064660200-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1075:Bottle pocket","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1103:USB PORT"]
{"Poids":"0.73kg","Dimension":"47,50cm : 47 x 32 x 17","Volume":"21 L","Matière":"POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
- Compartiment avant : organiseur, poche ample, poche zippée
- Poche anti RFID
- Flash code garantie
- Compartiment en mousse pour ordinateur
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Ouverture zippée
- Poche en filet pour bouteille
- Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
- Petite poche à l'avant
- Poche avant business
- Poignée supérieure en mousse
[{"title":"BIEN ÉQUIPÉ EN TOUTE LÉGÈRETÉ","content":"Le sac à dos AVIATOR vous permettra d'être bien équipé tout en restant élégant lors de vos déplacements personnels ou professionnels. Son tissu bicolore et sa finition en cuir végétal apportent la touche parfaite à ce sac durable et léger. Ce sac à dos possède deux compartiments spacieux pour rester organisé en toutes circonstances, comportant notamment une pochette rembourrée adaptée pour un ordinateur portable de 15,6 pouces.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ad46126e-1e21-439c-8baa-front/original/delsey-element-00064660101-08.jpg"},{"title":"POCHE ANTI-RFID","content":"Dans ce sac à dos est intégrée une poche anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), qui empêche le vol de vos données personnelles électroniques. La poche idéale pour toutes vos cartes et votre téléphone ! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7743ff28-9da0-46b1-9896-front/original/delsey-element-00064660101-10.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY","content":"A l'arrière du sac, une bande vous permet de l'accrocher au système trolley de votre bagage, idéal lorsque vous voyagez et que vous ne voulez pas le porter sur le dos. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5d213905-8ca7-46c6-b615-front/original/delsey-element-00064660101-14.jpg"},{"title":"DES AMÉNAGEMENTS ASTUCIEUX","content":"Ce sac à dos offre une grande capacité de rangement et une organisation bien pensée. Sa poche frontale zippée et ses deux poches latérales en filet sont pratiques pour ranger des bouteilles d'eau, un parapluie ou d'autres petits objets.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/30b467f7-6ec2-4ecd-9959-front/original/delsey-element-00064660101-16.jpg"},{"title":"UN CONFORT OPTIMAL","content":"La poignée de transport supérieure, les bretelles et le dos de ce sac sont rembourrés par une mousse mesh 3D pour plus de confort et un effet anti-transpirant. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/76e09182-12e0-40b7-8079-front/original/delsey-element-00064660101-06.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1065:Data protection RFID","1011:PC Protection","1075:Bottle pocket","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Poids":"0.78kg","Dimension":"44,50cm : 44 x 35 x 20","Volume":"24 L","Matière":"POLYESTER","Intérieur":"
- Compartiment avant : organiseur, poche ample, poche zippée
- Flash code garantie
- Compartiment en mousse pour ordinateur
- Une grande poche avant
- Compatible avec le système Trolley
- Ouverture zippée
- Bretelles de sac à dos confortables
- Petite poche à l'avant
- 2 poches latérales zippées
- Poche avant business
- Poignée supérieure
[{"title":"BIEN ÉQUIPÉ EN TOUTE LÉGÈRETÉ","content":"Le sac à dos FLIER vous permettra d'être bien équipé tout en restant élégant lors de vos déplacements personnels ou professionnels. Ce sac léger et résistant offre une grande capacité de rangement et beaucoup d'organisation. A l'intérieur; le sac est doté d'un organiseur et une pochette rembourrée faite pour accueillir un ordinateur portable de 15,6 pouces.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a32078f4-1fb7-4936-97dd-front/original/delsey-element-00064660400-06.jpg"},{"title":"DES AMÉNAGEMENTS ASTUCIEUX","content":"Ce sac à dos possède deux compartiments spacieux pour rester organisé lors de vos déplacements. En plus, ses deux poches avant et ses deux poches latérales vous permettent d'y ranger des bouteilles d'eau, un parapluie ou d'autres petits objets.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/077e285a-c88c-4178-8728-front/original/delsey-element-00064660400-07.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE AVEC LE SYSTÈME TROLLEY","content":"A l'arrière du sac, une bande vous permet de l'accrocher au système trolley de votre bagage, idéal lorsque vous voyagez et que vous ne voulez pas le porter sur le dos. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/290236df-4a81-44bb-8896-front/original/delsey-element-00064660400-05.jpg"},{"title":"UN CONFORT OPTIMAL","content":"La poignée de transport supérieure, les bretelles et le dos de ce sac sont rembourrés par une mousse mesh 3D pour plus de confort et un effet anti-transpirant. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1075:Bottle pocket","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"4,34kg","Dimension":"76 x 50 x 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"104 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nFabrica adopts the bright, vintage colours of Benetton's golden age in the 90s, while mixing in design elements from the 2000s. Its name is a tribute to the United Colors of Benetton art foundation, Fabrica, which supports young artists.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fa0463d8-1b20-44fa-bc35-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376682112-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE ","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6649699e-41b7-4c80-88cf-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376682112-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"The distinctive case shell is embossed with the first stitch insignia and is scratch-resistant.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/43741c39-d70e-4b0d-b300-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376682112-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6bb984d9-beb8-4c21-a096-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376682112-08.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4859e663-6689-4606-b0fe-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376682112-09.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,70kg","Dimension":"66cm : 66 x 45 x 28
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"71 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"71 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nFabrica adopts the bright, vintage colours of Benetton's golden age in the 90s, while mixing in design elements from the 2000s. Its name is a tribute to the United Colors of Benetton art foundation, Fabrica, which supports young artists.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a0d9890e-9396-4ada-a8a6-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376681012-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE ","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a286d8d3-b256-46c1-b889-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376681012-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"The distinctive case shell is embossed with the first stitch insignia and is scratch-resistant.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/06fbb513-ef98-4f79-a008-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376681012-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cba6d616-4ce0-4ec1-8e30-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376681012-08.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d5fc8374-5cd0-4d16-a7da-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376681012-09.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Weight":"0,50kg","Dimension":"44 x 30 x 14 cm","Volume":"19 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nFabrica adopts the bright, vintage colours of Benetton's golden age in the 90s, while mixing in design elements from the 2000s. Its name is a tribute to the United Colors of Benetton art foundation, Fabrica, which supports young artists.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/46538905-6868-46f5-8d4b-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376661012-05.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"This practical backpack has an outside pocket to keep all your essentials close at hand. Inside, there's a foamed pocket for a 15.6\" laptop. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6225600d-1a32-44d3-a35c-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376661012-06.jpg"},{"title":"COMFORTABLE TO CARRY","content":"Adjust the straps to suit you and take advantage of the reinforcements in the back and shoulders for greater comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7b99371d-a3b8-4434-b142-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376661012-07.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":"A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/054f60ed-afa5-4a7b-833d-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376661012-08.jpg"}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"2,80kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"37 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nFabrica adopts the bright, vintage colours of Benetton's golden age in the 90s, while mixing in design elements from the 2000s. Its name is a tribute to the United Colors of Benetton art foundation, Fabrica, which supports young artists.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a461843f-cc2e-45d3-a031-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376680303-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE ","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1d07c39a-e972-49be-b740-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376680303-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"The distinctive case shell is embossed with the first stitch insignia and is scratch-resistant. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/049bc304-4fc7-4741-8ff5-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376680303-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8982c61b-1bc2-4efc-8251-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376680303-08.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e1919f16-5380-42ad-8a29-front/original/delsey-fabrica-B0376680303-09.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,14kg","Dimension":"12,50cm : 12 x 9 x 1","Volume":"0 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,11kg","Dimension":"10 x 7 x 2 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
{"Weight":"0,27kg","Dimension":"16 x 22 x 8 cm","Volume":"3 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,18kg","Dimension":"9 x 14 x 1 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,20kg","Dimension":"10 x 16 x 3 cm","Volume":"1 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
{"Weight":"0,09kg","Dimension":"7 x 9 x 3 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,28kg","Dimension":"11 x 19 x 2 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"LEATHER"}
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID"]
{"Weight":"4,67kg","Dimension":"76 x 50 x 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"104 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/96bdbb3c-3b5a-4a72-953c-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385982143-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b15ec7c9-d317-4ab6-b630-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385982143-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/13ec3b2e-915a-4aa6-804e-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385982143-13.jpg"}]
["1037:158 cm max","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"3,71kg","Dimension":"67 x 44 x 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"70 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/39cb9d61-d819-4173-97c9-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385981043-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/262f93a9-0bdf-4356-ae7b-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385981043-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/db23db14-74c0-4d11-a75d-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385981043-13.jpg"}]
["1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"2.90kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"39 L","Material":"ABS / POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/43616916-b3bd-482d-aa3d-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ff4cf7dd-17a5-4386-888c-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/082a0751-710d-42b3-ab11-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980101-13.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"3,06kg","Dimension":"55 x 39 x 21 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"37 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times more resistant than a traditional fastening and avoids the risk of break-in by opening the zip! This suitcase features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cdf1477d-1f19-4c7d-b0f1-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980343-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aab0e78b-6411-4ccc-b90a-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980343-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They are specially designed to provide comfortable and responsively agile handling. Its manufacture has been conceived to make the luggage more portable.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9a940474-957c-40cb-aa02-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385980343-13.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Weight":"11,70kg","Dimension":"76cm Slim : 55 x 39 x 21 / 76cm : 67 x 44 x 28 / 76cm : 76 x 50 x 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"104 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip! This luggaage features a TSA combination lock that enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/da2723be-1776-4f1c-8cc4-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385998543-05.jpg"},{"title":"WELL-DESIGNED LUGGAGE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with adjustable straps to store as many items as possible, optimising the available space.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d37a77d8-371b-4ea5-9d74-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385998543-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They have been specially designed for comfortable and responsive handling. The whole design process aims to make luggage easier to handle.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9138d4cd-e637-48d1-95dd-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385998543-07.jpg"}]
{"Weight":"5,35kg","Dimension":"82 x 55 x 34 / 37 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"143 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with\n reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip! This suitcase has a TSA lock. This combination lock enables you to secure your luggage with your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check it without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/889862a4-cd07-46d8-9ce8-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385983143-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED CASE","content":"The inside of the FREESTYLE suitcase is made from rPET; a material manufactured from entirely recycled plastic water bottles! This luggage has a compartment fitted with an adjustable strap to store as many items as possible. In addition, it can be adjusted with the expander. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size when you need to fit even more belongings inside. Perfect for bringing back all those extra items you pick up on holiday.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/87bd0166-8cec-47f1-b1e6-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385983143-06.jpg"},{"title":"A SUITCASE THAT ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. They have been specially designed for comfortable and responsive handling. The whole design process aims to make luggage easier to handle.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f75d5ce1-4353-4107-8044-front/original/delsey-freestyle-00385983143-07.jpg"}]
["1055:Double wheels","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1030:Recycled materials","1003:Expandable "]
{"Weight":"4.78kg","Dimension":"76cm : 76 x 50 x 32","Volume":"114 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- 2 mesh pockets
- Flying pocket
- Straps on the bottom
- Multi position Trolley system
- Overweight indicator on side handle
- Recessed combination lock with TSA
- Ultra comfort top handle
- Zippered opening
- Expandability on main compartment
- Warranty QR code plate
- Double silent wheels
- Side handle
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/51a02534-0ddf-4786-aae6-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SMART SUITCASE","content":"GRENELLE 2.0 is equipped with the DELSEY PARIS patented overweight indicator. Integrated in the side handle, it does not need a battery. It allows you to be sure whether the baggage weighs within the maximum weight, i.e. 23 kg, in order to avoid additional fees at the check-in counter.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aaf9c3fe-fded-44df-b931-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"A case that can be adapted to all needs thanks to the extender. Simply enlarge it to its maximum size, using a simple movement, when you need to fit even more belongings inside. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/17c82ad5-1ef7-43e2-b253-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL OPENING","content":"The particularity of the GRENELLE 2.0 is its front opening allowing quick access to your personal belongings.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/43fb1dc7-3780-4efb-8808-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-09.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"The interior of the case provides an effective storage space. Practical, the lining is also detachable and machine washable at 30°!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1eac76c4-20a7-46d1-8dfe-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-13.jpg"},{"title":"ROLLING COMFORT","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and highly manoeuvrable wheels. Strongly constructed and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to provide enhanced rolling comfort.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9ead1367-7841-4674-9a69-front/original/delsey-grenelle-2.0-00208982101-07.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1037:158 cm max","1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1031:Over Weight Indicator™","1062:Removable and washable lining","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"0,72kg","Dimension":"31 x 51 x 25 cm","Volume":"35 L","Material":"POLYESTER"}
["1001:Cabin luggage","1027:Shoulder carrying","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,83kg","Dimension":"71 x 45 x 30 / 33 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"84 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- Removable pouch for toiletries
- 1 mesh pocket
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- 1 set of straps
- Mesh zippered compartment
- Expandability on main compartment
- Full length front pocket
- One large front pocket
- Foamed top handle
- Recessed side handle
- Bottom handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Corner Protection
- PVC protection between wheels
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Deluxe multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/763d1a75-5e67-4f79-8216-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782006-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/48402da9-5a18-488f-ab00-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782006-08.jpg"},{"title":"More volume with your medium sized suitcase","content":"Going away for a week or more? The medium size HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your trips thanks to its great interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d13a40ba-6a1b-4c2d-af17-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782006-10.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1f4544d4-be64-4962-aaa2-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782006-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/81e2d9cb-4489-400f-9eff-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782006-14.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1120:Removable pouch ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1003:Expandable "]
{"Weight":"4,40kg","Dimension":"78 x 49 x 31 / 33 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"115 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- Removable pouch for toiletries
- 1 mesh pocket
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- 1 set of straps
- Mesh zippered compartment
- Expandability on main compartment
- Full length front pocket
- One large front pocket
- Foamed top handle
- Recessed side handle
- Bottom handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Corner Protection
- PVC protection between wheels
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0cce5a79-5d70-4f8b-b13f-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782106-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bc9b084f-ed56-413f-8a3b-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782106-08.jpg"},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b37cd78e-c86c-436d-a35d-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782106-10.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b43545c3-b132-4c9e-a62d-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782106-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/58983360-7665-420a-a861-front/original/delsey-helium-00239782106-14.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1037:158 cm max","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1120:Removable pouch "]
{"Weight":"2,94kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 25 / 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"42 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- Removable pouch for toiletries
- 1 mesh pocket
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- 1 set of straps
- Mesh zippered compartment
- Expandability on main compartment
- Full length front pocket
- One large front pocket
- Foamed top handle
- Recessed side handle
- Bottom handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Corner Protection
- PVC protection between wheels
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Deluxe multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8ab5353b-27d4-40e2-b6c2-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780106-06.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/87666331-2221-469c-a941-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780106-08.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your HELIUM DLX cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/13073db5-1e30-4862-8eb3-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780106-10.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8d606e54-45f5-4985-b5e0-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780106-12.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9744d39a-e12c-46da-9ee3-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780106-14.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1062:Removable and washable lining","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1108:Dual density wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1120:Removable pouch ","1001:Cabin luggage"]
{"Weight":"3,20kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"35 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- Removable pouch for toiletries
- 1 mesh pocket
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- 1 set of straps
- Mesh zippered compartment
- Full length front pocket
- One large front pocket
- Foamed top handle
- Recessed side handle
- Bottom handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Corner Protection
- PVC protection between wheels
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"A TSA combination lock","content":"This luggage is equipped with a TSA combination lock for added security when travelling by plane. This enables you to securely lock your luggage using your own personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6f81559d-21cb-4881-89ae-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780306-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ee0f5f36-5d2f-47ba-b3f6-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780306-06.jpg"},{"title":"An efficiently filled cabin bag","content":"Go on a weekend with peace of mind with your HELIUM DLX cabin bag. It offers you ideal storage capacity for trips of a few days thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/99dfad53-affd-4d29-bc34-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780306-07.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ff5b24c0-0cee-4646-b9b9-front/original/delsey-helium-00239780306-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1062:Removable and washable lining","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty","1108:Dual density wheels","1120:Removable pouch "]
{"Weight":"2,29kg","Dimension":"37 x 39 x 23 cm","Volume":"25 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Foamed compartment for computer
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- One large front pocket
- Foamed top handle
- Bottom handle
- Centralized combination lock with TSA
- Corner Protection
- Side flat pocket
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Trolley system compatible
- Deluxe multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 2 wheels
[{"title":"Anti-pickpocket zip","content":"A secure closure system. The two zipper pulls each feature a special hoop designed for use with a padlock.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7c9d0b1c-6e95-4d71-9a3d-front/original/delsey-helium-00239745106-06.jpg"},{"title":"An ultra-practical and secure 15.6 inch twin-wheeled trolley bag","content":"Looking for the perfect business trolley bag? The HELIUM DLX boardcase is exactly what you require! As well as a foam-padded compartment designed to take a 15.6\" tablet or laptop and a second large compartment for clothes, it also has plenty of interior space in which to store the rest of your personal effects. Sober and modern in design, it offers a combination of both security and the practical convenience of two wheels. This business trolley bag is adaptable and versatile enough to use on all your trips.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/789872bd-06f7-4f25-b5e4-front/original/delsey-helium-00239745106-10.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH THE TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"A special strap fitted to the back of the bag enables attachment to your luggage's trolley system, perfect for when you're travelling with multiple luggage items. \n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6dc29db7-73ea-4677-818e-front/original/delsey-helium-00239745106-13.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"4,62kg","Dimension":"83 x 50 x 33 / 36 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"123 L","Material":"POLYESTER","Interior":"
- Removable and washable lining
- Removable pouch for toiletries
- 1 mesh pocket
- Fastening straps in main compartment
- 1 mesh pocket
- 1 set of straps
- Mesh zippered compartment
- Expandability on main compartment
- Full length front pocket
- One large front pocket
- Recessed side handle
- Foamed top handle
- Bottom handle
- Combination lock with TSA
- Patented zipsecuritech upgraded opening: ZST 2
- Corner Protection
- PVC protection between wheels
- Main compartment with interlocking sliders
- Multi position Trolley system with soft touch handle
- 4 silent double wheels
[{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA-accepted lock enables you to secure your luggage using your own personal code and at the same time allows the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage using a special key, without damaging it. The lock is located on the top of the luggage to make it easier for you to open and close your suitcase. Your luggage is equipped with DELSEY's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. This unique closing system is 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zipper and offers optimal security for your luggage. The pullers are also reinforced, up to 3 times stronger than standard drawbars. The original anti-theft zip is your best ally for safe travel.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9267052b-6eea-4b97-923e-front/original/delsey-helium-00239783006-05.jpg"},{"title":"Your suitcase moves with you","content":"HELIUM DLX has 4 double very manoeuvrable and silent wheels. Robust and multidirectional, they have been specially designed to reduce the weight of the case. Travelling around the world and travelling through airports is a pleasure thanks to its rolling comfort.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/254cb888-c464-4a25-b69c-front/original/delsey-helium-00239783006-06.jpg"},{"title":"A great suitcase to transport everything","content":"A trip of two weeks or more coming up? The large HELIUM DLX suitcase offers you ideal storage capacity for your longer trips thanks to its very welcome interior volume.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aaeeb5c4-2ad0-4857-89cf-front/original/delsey-helium-00239783006-07.jpg"},{"title":"Customised luggage size thanks to the expander","content":"No fears about not closing your suitcase! Adapting your luggage to your needs is a breeze thanks to the HELIUM DLX expander. Open it to store even more belongings. Ideal for holiday returns with those extra purchases.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/078cd1f4-3a23-4ef1-84c2-front/original/delsey-helium-00239783006-08.jpg"},{"title":"A well-thought-out interior with a washable lining","content":"Packing your suitcase has never been so easy! HELIUM DLX's clever storage features provide optimal organisational possibilities. The suitcase is equipped with multiple compartments and interior pockets designed to enable optimal organisation of your personal belongings!\n Thanks to its fully detachable and washable inner lining, you no longer need to worry about getting the inside of your suitcase dirty. Simply pop HELIUM DLX in the machine at 30° C and it will be clean and ready for your next trip.\n","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5bb555d8-f681-4b1b-8852-front/original/delsey-helium-delsey-helium-00239783006-09.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1062:Removable and washable lining","1108:Dual density wheels","1120:Removable pouch ","1003:Expandable ","1063:Limited 5-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,00kg","Dimension":"55 x 35 x 23/25 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"39 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"JEEP®\nGO ANYWHERE, DO ANYTHING","content":"The Jeep® collection is designed to enrich every experience. \nJeep® invites you to live your life to the full, and its wide selection of luggage offers comfort and durability, so you can face every journey with peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ed42a594-a14c-4fad-b813-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274280113-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be secured using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/73ea605f-5610-44bd-8622-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274280113-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"Reinforced corners and a water-repellent shell make this an ultra-resistant piece of luggage, for optimum protection.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/04311ad7-05aa-411f-a08b-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274280113-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The interior features straps to secure personal belongings, a flat pocket and a zipped mesh divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/710825c5-df73-43da-b3fc-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274280113-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL WHEELS","content":"4 double-swivel wheels for smooth movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cfd47241-9a5b-4baa-a2cd-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274280113-09.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1119:Corners protection","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"5,00kg","Dimension":"80 x 41 x 37/40 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"131 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"JEEP®\nGO ANYWHERE, DO ANYTHING","content":"The Jeep® collection is designed to enrich every experience. \nJeep® invites you to live your life to the full, and its wide selection of luggage offers comfort and durability, so you can face every journey with peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9da5e280-b653-4a04-aefd-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274282807-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be secured using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6c36eceb-07c1-47a8-af1c-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274282807-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"Reinforced corners and a water-repellent shell make this an ultra-resistant piece of luggage, for optimum protection.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ab77c1e8-983b-4275-9b3e-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274282807-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The interior features straps to secure personal belongings, a flat pocket and a zipped mesh divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/efa55f57-2012-4ca3-83ca-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274282807-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL WHEELS","content":"4 double-swivel wheels for smooth movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4b5664c3-fdac-413e-9446-front/original/delsey-jh002b-J0274282807-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1119:Corners protection","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,90kg","Dimension":"68 x 43 x 28/31 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"75 L","Material":"PC/ABS"}
[{"title":"JEEP®\nGO ANYWHERE, \nDO ANYTHING","content":"The Jeep® collection is designed to enrich every experience. \nJeep® invites you to live your life to the full, and its wide selection of luggage offers comfort and durability, so you can face every journey with peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/672b18ae-a8ab-4b7a-844b-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374482000-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be secured using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fadd42e8-fd80-4da2-b730-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374482000-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"Carry everything you need and more with the extender.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cc8e9ee2-3bc7-409a-bb33-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374482000-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The interior features straps to secure personal belongings and ensure optimum organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5fa9d0a3-8e1c-4c20-bad7-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374482000-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL WHEELS","content":"4 double-swivel wheels for smooth movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/55215d73-fc12-4b21-9d5f-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374482000-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"2,80kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"35 L","Material":"PC/ABS"}
[{"title":"JEEP®\nGO ANYWHERE, \nDO ANYTHING","content":"The Jeep® collection is designed to enrich every experience. \nJeep® invites you to live your life to the full, and its wide selection of luggage offers comfort and durability, so you can face every journey with peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f48b06a9-12a7-4a7f-b0f7-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374480312-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be secured using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dc173f14-59f7-403e-9124-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374480312-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"Carry everything you need and more with the extender.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c62ac902-bc6b-44da-adf1-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374480312-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The interior features straps to secure personal belongings and ensure optimum organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d5b0800c-a1a6-4ed8-9dcd-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374480312-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL WHEELS","content":"4 double-swivel wheels for smooth movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5013bde9-ff33-4306-bf7a-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374480312-09.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"4,90kg","Dimension":"80 x 50 x 33/36 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"120 L","Material":"PC/ABS"}
[{"title":"JEEP®\nGO ANYWHERE, \nDO ANYTHING","content":"The Jeep® collection is designed to enrich every experience. \nJeep® invites you to live your life to the full, and its wide selection of luggage offers comfort and durability, so you can face every journey with peace of mind.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b69103ca-bd86-42d1-be6e-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374483012-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be secured using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/269b703d-9f17-4d6a-ac4f-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374483012-06.jpg"},{"title":"ADAPTABLE","content":"Carry everything you need and more with the extender.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e328e253-1d23-4c7b-b1ce-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374483012-07.jpg"},{"title":"A PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"The interior features straps to secure personal belongings and ensure optimum organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a5a2dae9-fdcd-4d2f-9dff-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374483012-08.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL WHEELS","content":"4 double-swivel wheels for smooth movement.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2dfadfe0-c205-4617-a368-front/original/delsey-jh004c-J0374483012-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1055:Double wheels","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]