
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

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{"Poids":"3.15kg","Dimension":"65cm : 65 x 44 x 26","Volume":"62 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée améliorée : ZST 2
[{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ","content":"Votre bagage est équipé du système de fermeture ultra-sécurisé breveté par DELSEY : le zip SECURITECH® 2. Cette fermeture unique est 3 fois plus résistante à l'intrusion qu'une fermeture à glissière classique et offre une sécurité optimale à votre bagage. Les tirettes sont également renforcées, jusqu'à 3 fois plus résistantes que des tirettes standards. Le zip antivol original est votre meilleur allié pour des voyages en toute sécurité. Et fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028969/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-08.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra légère et résistante","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028970/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-10.jpg"},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028971/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-13.jpg"},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028972/original/delsey-turenne-00162181004-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"Garantie mondiale 10 ans","image":null},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"3.30kg","Dimension":"70cm : 70 x 47 x 29","Volume":"81 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée améliorée : ZST 2
[{"title":"BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ GRÂCE À SON ZIP ANTIVOL ORIGINAL","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise. Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028987/original/delsey-turenne-00162182004-08.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra légère et résistante","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028988/original/delsey-turenne-00162182004-10.jpg"},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028989/original/delsey-turenne-00162182004-13.jpg"},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028990/original/delsey-turenne-00162182004-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"3.79kg","Dimension":"75cm : 75 x 48 x 29","Volume":"90 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée améliorée : ZST 2
[{"title":"UN BAGAGE ULTRA-SÉCURISÉ","content":"Votre bagage est équipé du système de fermeture ultra-sécurisé breveté par DELSEY : le zip SECURITECH® 2. Cette fermeture unique est 3 fois plus résistante à l'intrusion qu'une fermeture à glissière classique et offre une sécurité optimale à votre bagage. Les tirettes sont également renforcées, jusqu'à 3 fois plus résistantes que des tirettes standards. Le zip antivol original est votre meilleur allié pour des voyages en toute sécurité. Et fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l'abimer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029016/original/delsey-turenne-00162182104-08.jpg"},{"title":"Ultra légère et résistante","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029017/original/delsey-turenne-00162182104-10.jpg"},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029018/original/delsey-turenne-00162182104-13.jpg"},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0029019/original/delsey-turenne-00162182104-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"2.25kg","Dimension":"55cm : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"38 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée améliorée : ZST 2
[{"title":"UNE SERRURE À COMBINAISON TSA","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028935/original/delsey-turenne-00162180104-05.jpg"},{"title":"Seulement 2kg! ","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028936/original/delsey-turenne-00162180104-06.jpg"},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028937/original/delsey-turenne-00162180104-13.jpg"},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028938/original/delsey-turenne-00162180104-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1001:Cabin luggage","1023:Super light","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Poids":"2.81kg","Dimension":"55cm business : 55 x 35 x 25","Volume":"38 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Compartiment professionnel avant 14\" (poche pour câbles + poche filet + poche en tissu)
  • Compartiment de protection pour ordinateur et tablette
  • Un jeu de sangles et deux séparateurs zippés
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Câble pour batterie externe
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • Sangles dans le fond
  • Double ouverture avec poche business avant
  • Port USB
  • Porte-adresse
  • Flash code garantie
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
  • Ouverture Zip SECURITECH brevetée : ZST1
  • 2 serrures à combinaison TSA
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1036:Outside pocket","1069:Double lock","1011:PC Protection","1103:USB PORT","1001:Cabin luggage","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH"]
{"Poids":"2.10kg","Dimension":"55cm slim : 55 x 40 x 20","Volume":"35 L","Matière":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Intérieur":"
  • Toucher peau de pêche
  • Sac pour linge sale
  • Sac à chaussures
  • 3 poches zippées
  • Doublure recyclée
  • 2 Séparateurs en filet zippé
  • Serrure à combinaison encastrée avec TSA
  • Porte-adresse
  • Ouverture zippée
  • Poignée supérieure intégrée
  • Système Trolley multipositions léger
  • 4 doubles roues pour une rotation et une stabilité optimum
  • Poignée latérale intégrée
[{"title":"UNE SERRURE À COMBINAISON TSA","content":"Fini les valises endommagées par les douanes ! La serrure à combinaison TSA vous permet de sécuriser votre bagage avec votre code personnel, tout en laissant l’Autorité de Sécurité des Transports (TSA) contrôler votre bagage sans l’abîmer, par le biais d’une clé spécifique. La serrure se trouve sur le haut du bagage pour simplifier l'ouverture et la fermeture de votre valise.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028964/original/delsey-turenne-00162180304-05.jpg"},{"title":"Seulement 2kg! ","content":"TURENNE est l'alliance parfaite entre robustesse et légèreté. La sélection rigoureuse de ses composants a permis d'obtenir ce poids exceptionnel. Emportez toutes vos affaires, cette valise rigide les protégera et vous assurera des voyages confortables.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028965/original/delsey-turenne-00162180304-06.jpg"},{"title":"VOTRE VALISE S'ADAPTE À TOUS VOS MOUVEMENTS","content":"TURENNE dispose de 4 doubles roues très maniables et silencieuses. Robustes et multidirectionnelles, elles ont été spécialement pensées pour alléger le poids du bagage. Se déplacer aux quatre coins du monde et parcourir les aéroports est un plaisir grâce à son confort de roulage. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028966/original/delsey-turenne-00162180304-13.jpg"},{"title":"Un intérieur bien pensé ","content":"Cette valise dispose d'un intérieur fonctionnel pour les voyageurs les plus organisés avec un sac à linge, un sac à chaussures, deux compartiments zippés.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0028967/original/delsey-turenne-00162180304-15.jpg"},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""},{"title":"","content":"","image":""}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"4,02kg","Dimension":"80 x 36 x 37 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"91 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE","Interior":"
  • Peach touch
  • Recycled lining
  • 3 zippered pockets
  • Two sets of straps and two zippered dividers
  • Straps on the bottom
[{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0878f13d-fc7e-48d1-a8bd-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182802-05.jpg"},{"title":"ULTRA-SECURE LUGGAGE","content":"No more luggage damaged by customs! The TSA combination lock enables you to secure your luggage using a personal code whilst at the same time allowing the Transport Safety Authority (TSA) to check your luggage without damaging it using a special key. The luggage is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented ultra-secure closure system: the SECURITECH® 2 zip. Up to three times more resistant to intrusion than a conventional zip, this unique fastening system provides optimal security for your luggage.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/455a273c-cf55-44f6-9775-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182802-06.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL AND CONVENIENT LUGGAGE","content":" The interior of the suitcase features two compartments fitted with adjustable straps to make maximal use of the space available and enable you to store as many items as possible. The two pouches included can be used to store your shoes and dirty laundry and keep the rest of your clothes protected when travelling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/651b74f2-5211-4d0e-855b-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182802-07.jpg"},{"title":"YOUR SUITCASE ADAPTS TO ALL YOUR MOVEMENTS","content":"Practicality and ergonomic design are the key defining features of this luggage. Its innovative \"trunk\" format combined with its four tough and highly manoeuvrable double wheels makes it comfortable to roll along wherever you go. This luggage is perfectly suited to travelling by car or train.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/487e9519-76db-428b-ac62-front/original/delsey-turenne-00162182802-13.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Weight":"0,21kg","Dimension":"13 x 18 x 7 cm","Volume":"2 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"PRACTICAL","content":"A practical design to make carrying everyday essentials easy.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2cc8a7eb-8097-41a8-b4e8-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211534-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/23362afe-70ba-497e-8099-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211534-06.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The clutch protects your personal belongings thanks to its rigid shell and an anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket dedicated to protecting your electronic data. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3716ef03-bb95-4ee3-ad38-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211534-07.jpg"},{"title":"CAN BE ADJUSTED FOR COMFORT","content":"The shoulder strap is detachable, fixes to the sides and can be adjusted for customised, comfortable carrying.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/31a76802-4f92-4b48-93ad-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211534-08.jpg"}]
["1027:Shoulder carrying","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"0,21kg","Dimension":"13 x 18 x 7 cm","Volume":"2 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ea9a220e-b559-4aa6-a5cc-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211572RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"PRACTICAL","content":"A practical design to make carrying everyday essentials easy.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cb30bae5-32b4-4985-97c9-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211572RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/51c07f79-87fe-4126-b3b0-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211572RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"The clutch protects your personal belongings thanks to its rigid shell and an anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket dedicated to protecting your electronic data.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b1a1b8d7-6799-401e-959c-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211572RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"CAN BE ADJUSTED FOR COMFORT","content":"The shoulder strap is detachable, fixes to the sides and can be adjusted for customised, comfortable carrying.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bb84c82a-11af-4c4f-b10b-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162211572RG-09.jpg"}]
["1027:Shoulder carrying","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"4,05kg","Dimension":"76 x 48 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"91 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/07994473-3e61-42d5-a86e-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282134-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3da4d4d6-82e9-4b8d-9ee8-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282134-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/db337f20-c470-4f05-ba03-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282134-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f6c4493b-a6b1-4757-95c2-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282134-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/24b603de-d6bf-4d56-9a9e-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282134-09.jpg"},{"title":"4 DOUBLE SWIVEL WHEELS","content":"The cases are equipped with four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling."}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"3,85kg","Dimension":"73 x 37 x 38 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"87 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bbccd0a0-4dbb-42a4-b34e-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/467d8987-cdd2-4205-a4ee-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/282db7f0-a2e6-46d0-98ef-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7d06621b-8f4b-459a-b3e9-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d304ad80-5f0d-4fcd-bc83-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-09.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b6d860e1-b102-43ce-b2de-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281872RG-10.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Weight":"3,46kg","Dimension":"72 x 47 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"83 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/793a94a1-7237-418d-b3fd-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281934-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/aee91eee-ba10-41c4-b347-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281934-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/050d7f4e-3322-4743-a88d-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281934-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/660599fa-5874-4d70-bbb0-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281934-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3586c3c3-0b46-467f-a002-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162281934-09.jpg"}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"2,40kg","Dimension":"56 x 34 x 24 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e952da66-4117-42f2-9012-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280134-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ef0bd1a0-c0af-4ebc-bd72-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280134-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a7a00ac1-353a-4a0c-8d27-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280134-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6568fdcd-71d2-406a-90fa-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280134-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1cbff43c-58d1-4515-af77-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280134-09.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1001:Cabin luggage","1023:Super light","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
Cabin suitcase
S (55cm)
{"Weight":"2,40kg","Dimension":"56cm : 56 x 34 x 24 / 0
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS.","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/756e8fd7-a3bb-47a7-9c89-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e6697aba-34a5-49d4-863b-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5578a54a-05fd-4aab-8f93-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a51c1201-dbf7-44c5-8087-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3da05099-5355-4552-a709-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-09.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/289a0ea2-fd9b-4a57-a904-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280172RG-10.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1001:Cabin luggage","1023:Super light","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"3,26kg","Dimension":"56 x 35 x 24 / 27 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"42 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d2b9e98e-d9c0-4bb3-bcf6-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8de448d3-ec19-4d95-bd2c-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-06.jpg"},{"title":"A BUSINESS FORMAT ","content":"The compartment at the front of the case is ideal for storing all your electronic accessories, with dedicated pockets for your laptop, tablet and external battery. To recharge the phone, a USB port is integrated on the outside of the case.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4395439e-ddcc-4216-89a1-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d8c7ab42-d3c9-4b16-bd94-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-08.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/de5effc1-10e6-49dc-8c6a-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-09.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5506bc72-73c7-4a65-baa7-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280413-10.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1092:Shoes bag","1036:Outside pocket","1011:PC Protection","1103:USB PORT","1001:Cabin luggage","1030:Recycled materials","1008:TSA Combination Lock"]
{"Weight":"2,40kg","Dimension":"56 x 39 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"35 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1345be61-f211-4e61-b831-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280334-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5cd7a946-3995-44fe-a224-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280334-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e0fcc90f-cc59-4d72-9bf0-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280334-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3b8a819d-8af2-406c-8ce9-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280334-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5a5720ec-f6b3-4cb6-9d80-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162280334-09.jpg"}]
["1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1023:Super light","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials","1002:Slim carry-on luggage"]
{"Weight":"4,43kg","Dimension":"83cm : 83 x 53 x 29
(roues & poignée incluses)","Volume":"110 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3eeaacf7-f8de-43da-a041-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162283134-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/267dad48-87d5-45f1-95b1-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162283134-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2d3990f8-fae8-48a5-8432-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162283134-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/02f45446-1e88-454d-a26c-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162283134-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 DOUBLE SWIVEL WHEELS","content":"The cases are equipped with four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/19e233a3-3fbe-412a-8470-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162283134-09.jpg"}]
["1023:Super light","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1092:Shoes bag","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"4,10kg","Dimension":"80 x 36 x 37 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"91 L","Material":"100% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6dd597ad-6d64-4b0d-9a24-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282834-05.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0e4813f9-607e-4eed-a898-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282834-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/cb65212d-c42b-4c2a-a2ab-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282834-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d4d4808b-e6a5-4635-8690-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282834-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/96c41e24-5f70-4247-9bfe-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282834-09.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Weight":"4,02kg","Dimension":"80 x 36 x 37 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"92 L","Material":"POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b87c57b8-0b63-479d-ac1b-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, each case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/38b2a643-586e-479a-9f74-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"ROBUST ","content":"The lightweight, scratch-resistant shell of the Turenne 2.0 collection is extremely hard-wearing. Available in a wide range of colours, the cases are easy to spot at a glance!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a685ec35-3baf-4b98-b3ad-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. There's a special pocket to separate your shoes from the rest of your belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1fd71ada-0771-4ec0-9cb9-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! \nThe SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with prevents the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6513882d-6d4e-4424-a755-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-09.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8ba4a28a-9bd3-447b-b2de-front/original/delsey-turenne-2.0-00162282872RG-10.jpg"}]
["1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1092:Shoes bag","1030:Recycled materials","1023:Super light","1055:Double wheels"]
{"Weight":"1,14kg","Dimension":"39 x 35 x 17 cm","Volume":"0 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"ITS INNOVATIVE DESIGN HAS BEEN RECOGNISED BY RED DOT","content":"Thanks to its innovative French design and practical, secure features, the Turenne backpack has won the Red Dot Design Award 2022. Jury statement: “Thanks to its special features, the turenne backpack offers exceptional security. It is convincing, discreet and extremely versatile.\"","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f144489b-8ca8-403c-b7f1-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261034-05.jpg"},{"title":"INTELLIGENT SECURE FASTENING","content":"The design of the fastening system is unique. You simply attach the hoop with the carabiner to the second hoop. Moreover, it is made of water resistant material: it has everything you need to protect your personal belongings. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7f42b6c1-b980-47a8-80ad-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261034-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c6850768-5f13-4b38-b4bc-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261034-07.jpg"},{"title":"FEATURES DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND","content":"The backpack's straps and rear section are made from a 3D mesh foam to provide optimal comfort and prevent the build up of sweat.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/56c05a92-a13c-4a1a-bcc9-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261034-08.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6e3acc06-5d32-4151-a824-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261034-09.jpg"}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1065:Data protection RFID","1075:Bottle pocket","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"1,14kg","Dimension":"39 x 35 x 17 cm","Volume":"24 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ff365b16-90e0-4804-89bb-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE DESIGN","content":"The water-proof material and ingenious features make it an everyday essential.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/07b05dc7-3b2f-4fca-b6f8-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d74a8bb8-0d8e-4cf9-a4f8-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"FEATURES DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND","content":"The back of the bag and its straps are made from a 3D mesh foam to provide optimal comfort and prevent the build up of sweat.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a70a5137-aea1-4096-a397-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"CLEVERLY DESIGNED FEATURES","content":"This backpack has a large main compartment for storing all your essentials. On the back of the bag, a foam pocket protects your computer!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/36fd195f-06ad-407d-83c5-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-09.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH THE TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"A loop located on the back of the bag enables it to be placed on top of the suitcase trolley without risk of it falling off.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b91f830b-7bd2-4d04-9725-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163261072RG-10.jpg"}]
["1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1065:Data protection RFID","1075:Bottle pocket","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"1,61kg","Dimension":"35 x 55 x 24 cm","Volume":"47 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS, OFFICIALLY LICENCED BY ROLAND-GARROS","content":"DELSEY PARIS has created an elegant and sporty limited edition for ROLAND-GARROS with colours that echo the famous tennis tournament, featuring a DELSEY PARIS and ROLAND-GARROS dual-branded logo.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6c88c043-78d8-471f-a1a8-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-05.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE DESIGN","content":"The water-proof material and ingenious features make it an everyday essential.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c7093f55-a37a-42e5-84fd-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN ULTRA-SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® patented zip protects your belongings with reinforced security. Its unique fastening system is 3 times stronger than a traditional fastening system and can prevent your luggage from being broken into via the zip!","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ead89563-5974-474a-b86a-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-07.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/07a5a72b-998d-4b61-b539-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-08.jpg"},{"title":"CLEVERLY DESIGNED FEATURES","content":"This travel bag has a large main compartment equipped with two foamed pockets for tablet and laptop. This bag also has a shoe or laundry pocket directly accessible from the outside.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/05a09293-d141-4bbf-b09d-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-09.jpg"},{"title":"COMPATIBLE WITH THE TROLLEY SYSTEM","content":"A loop located on the back of the bag enables it to be placed on top of the suitcase trolley without risk of it falling off.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2cebd19b-822b-4105-b048-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163241072RG-10.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1084:Laptop and tablet compartment","1027:Shoulder carrying","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"1,15kg","Dimension":"25 x 45 x 24 cm","Volume":"26 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"WATER-REPELLENT","content":"The water-resistant material and ingenious features make these pieces everyday essentials.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2bdbba08-7b8c-43bb-8d37-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163240934-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE PIECE OF LUGGAGE","content":"The SECURITECH® zip is a unique closing system patented by DELSEY PARIS. A double row of zips makes this luggage 3 times more resistant to intrusion than a simple zip.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0054d963-765c-4d61-8839-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163240934-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/48cb80de-6065-4ff5-8e26-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163240934-07.jpg"},{"title":"CLEVERLY DESIGNED FEATURES","content":"This travel bag offers two foam pockets to secure your tablet and computer. To separate shoes or laundry from the rest of your belongings, a dedicated compartment is directly accessible from the outside.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/707179a6-905e-4cf5-bb98-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163240934-08.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":"A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c82c7e34-f8f3-4664-ad13-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163240934-09.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1027:Shoulder carrying","1038:Rainproof","1030:Recycled materials","1028:ZIP SECURI TECH","1067:Limited 3-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"4,70kg","Dimension":"77 x 50 x 33 / 35 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"111 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with the TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code! The Transport Security Authorities (TSA) can check your baggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7505da5b-50a6-4591-b002-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163282100-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE, WATER REPELLENT AND DISTINCTIVE","content":"Lightweight and durable, the case is made from 100% recycled materials! Designed to be extremely hard-wearing, this case is also water-repellent, making it the ideal travel companion.\nAvailable in a wide range of colours, the Turenne soft collection is easy to spot at a glance! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e8f8bc1d-a987-42a5-9747-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163282100-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/64b25807-f4e1-474b-9cb6-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163282100-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. In addition, the inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 60°","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/89440276-05fe-48fc-bf34-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163282100-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 DOUBLE SWIVEL WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8548e9bf-6e1b-4495-8be1-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163282100-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1019:Water repellent material","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"4,04kg","Dimension":"68 x 43 x 30 / 32 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"78 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with the TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code! The Transport Security Authorities (TSA) can check your baggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/fa781805-77d7-4b96-8448-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163281034-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE, WATER REPELLENT AND DISTINCTIVE","content":"Lightweight and durable, the case is made from 100% recycled materials! Designed to be extremely hard-wearing, this case is also water-repellent, making it the ideal travel companion.\nAvailable in a wide range of colours, the Turenne soft collection is easy to spot at a glance! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f751bd0e-ba33-493c-8dd2-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163281034-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/2c909a56-d606-48d0-b2e0-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163281034-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. In addition, the inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 60°","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1f35b0f5-4240-4fd2-9920-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163281034-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/151d764f-12fc-47dd-ae31-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163281034-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1019:Water repellent material","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"1,62kg","Dimension":"46 x 40 x 14 cm","Volume":"26 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"A WELL DESIGNED FORMAT","content":"With its minimalist design and water-repellent, hard-wearing fabric, this bag is an everyday ally. Practical and attractive, the external side pockets are discreet.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7d93e60b-aadc-4c0a-b7c5-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163262034-05.jpg"},{"title":"INTELLIGENT FASTENING","content":"The capacity is adaptable thanks to the backpack's innovative fastening. Simply use the magnets on the sides and roll them up to fasten the bag. Secure with the clip provided.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1c9e2500-94a1-4e2b-aeb3-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163262034-06.jpg"},{"title":"AN INNOVATIVE LINING","content":"The inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material! In addition, the SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria.\n*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e6960bde-146b-4840-aa88-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163262034-07.jpg"},{"title":"BUNDLE AND ROLL","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/04a41a8f-6604-4c24-8630-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163262034-08.jpg"}]
["1019:Water repellent material","1030:Recycled materials","1011:PC Protection","1065:Data protection RFID","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1004:TROLLEY system compatible"]
{"Weight":"3,30kg","Dimension":"55 x 36 x 26 / 28 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"44 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with the TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code! The Transport Security Authorities (TSA) can check your baggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/55f5ec77-ab68-40e1-9703-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163280134-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE, WATER REPELLENT AND DISTINCTIVE","content":"Lightweight and durable, the case is made from 100% recycled materials! Designed to be extremely hard-wearing, this case is also water-repellent, making it the ideal travel companion.\nAvailable in a wide range of colours, the Turenne soft collection is easy to spot at a glance! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5f80966b-f2c6-4100-802c-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163280134-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9d8fd47a-ec6a-43b6-99c4-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163280134-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. In addition, the inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 60°","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/250bd66e-9c4a-4978-b2c2-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163280134-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 SHOCK-ABSORBING DOUBLE WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels. Designed to absorb shocks, they guarantee optimised handling. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3a809309-0511-447a-8323-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163280134-09.jpg"}]
["1001:Cabin luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1019:Water repellent material","1030:Recycled materials","1055:Double wheels","1003:Expandable ","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2"]
{"Weight":"5,30kg","Dimension":"83 x 54 x 37 / 39 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"144 L","Material":"RECYCLED PU"}
[{"title":"SECURE","content":"For optimum security, the case is fitted with DELSEY PARIS's patented fastening system: the SECURITECH®2 zip. A fastening designed to be 3 times more resistant than a conventional fastening.\nAlso equipped with the TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code! The Transport Security Authorities (TSA) can check your baggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/969e3b3b-dd63-4526-8be1-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163283134-05.jpg"},{"title":"DURABLE, WATER REPELLENT AND DISTINCTIVE","content":"Lightweight and durable, the case is made from 100% recycled materials! Designed to be extremely hard-wearing, this case is also water-repellent, making it the ideal travel companion.\nAvailable in a wide range of colours, the Turenne soft collection is easy to spot at a glance! ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/74b0ea2a-07a6-41cd-9ab1-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163283134-06.jpg"},{"title":"SPECIAL EXPANDER FOR MADE-TO-MEASURE ADAPTABILITY","content":"A suitcase that can be adapted to the amount of luggage carried thanks to the expanders.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/11b94275-d74e-4eea-a07d-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163283134-07.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMISED INTERIOR","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. In addition, the inner lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material. Designed with convenience in mind, it can be removed and machine washed at 60°","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3344980a-da76-4cb1-828f-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163283134-08.jpg"},{"title":"4 DOUBLE SWIVEL WHEELS","content":"The suitcase features four quiet and robust wheels. They are multidirectional and specially designed to provide optimised handling.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/e3287941-146e-438e-94d9-front/original/delsey-turenne-soft-00163283134-09.jpg"}]
["1003:Expandable ","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1019:Water repellent material","1033:Limited 10-Year Warranty","1055:Double wheels","1078:Zip SECURITECH® 2","1030:Recycled materials"]
{"Weight":"4,42kg","Dimension":"76 x 50 x 31 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"102 L","Material":"80% ABS + 20% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nUCB stands for United Colors of Benetton. The Hardside collection focuses on elegance and simplicity, bringing us closer to the world of textiles. Soft colours are combined with a matt shell featuring a vintage grain and minimalist design.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bfad1781-0708-4428-8490-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376882100-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/8b0bc291-6341-4bd6-86d4-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376882100-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/adff1a15-38c6-448e-85ec-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376882100-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1138cab5-24a4-4b47-85b3-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376882100-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"3,60kg","Dimension":"66 x 45 x 27 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"68 L","Material":"80% ABS + 20% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nUCB stands for United Colors of Benetton. The Hardside collection focuses on elegance and simplicity, bringing us closer to the world of textiles. Soft colours are combined with a matt shell featuring a vintage grain and minimalist design.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/ae5f4893-3e7f-4a47-9daf-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376881009-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/00d621e3-19ec-4a55-846b-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376881009-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/6f9b0c02-145f-47e4-a909-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376881009-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1cb74c4d-6cb6-4c8d-b075-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376881009-08.jpg"}]
["1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"2,83kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"80% ABS + 20% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nUCB stands for United Colors of Benetton. The Hardside collection focuses on elegance and simplicity, bringing us closer to the world of textiles. Soft colours are combined with a matt shell featuring a vintage grain and minimalist design.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/9cf21b34-0b1f-4a96-87f7-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376880308-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/23c6c37b-3db8-4aeb-a0bf-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376880308-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a43356f0-e1ff-4a87-8b77-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376880308-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/c35b0346-2b42-4f9b-833b-front/original/delsey-ucb-hardside-B0376880308-08.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
{"Weight":"2,90kg","Dimension":"55 x 40 x 20 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"36 L","Material":"80% ABS + 20% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of Benetton.\n\nThis collection pays homage to the Benetton style: glossy shell, oversized and embossed \"United Colors of Benetton\" logo and, above all, multicoloured elements. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/63643228-5fe0-4dd8-b4de-front/original/delsey-united-B0376980357-05.jpg"},{"title":"A SECURE SUITCASE ","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/56317350-82ab-46bc-b5d8-front/original/delsey-united-B0376980357-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior has a set of straps and a divider for optimal organisation.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d5455528-81ac-42e5-bc9a-front/original/delsey-united-B0376980300-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The case is equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/0e70a700-8c02-4d9d-9679-front/original/delsey-united-B0376980300-08.jpg"}]
["1002:Slim carry-on luggage","1008:TSA Combination Lock","1055:Double wheels","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty"]
Cabin suitcase
S Slim (55cm)
{"Weight":"1,43kg","Dimension":"46 x 32 x 21 cm","Volume":"32 L","Material":"80% NYLON + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"A PRACTICAL AND SECURE EXTERIOR","content":"The integrated USB socket on the backpack offers the ultimate in practical convenience! There is a special pocket inside for an external battery. This built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket is designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it the ideal place for carrying cards and phones.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/3e155059-386d-40e2-a0b1-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119961002-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"For optimal storage of personal belongings the product has a large interior compartment and a pouch as well as a foamed pocket for a 15\" laptop and tablet. The lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! Its treatment with SILVADUR™ antimicrobial technology* allows it to inhibit the growth of bacteria.*SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/dfe84abb-2c65-4d65-84a1-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119961002-06.jpg"},{"title":"FEATURES DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND","content":"For optimal comfort, the backpack's straps and rear section have foam padding.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/436ca13f-849c-47cb-bfbd-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119961002-07.jpg"},{"title":"GROUP YOUR LUGGAGE AND ROLL IT ALONG","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/f5aab8ca-56bb-49f0-9b68-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119961002-08.jpg"}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1022:Leather","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID","1103:USB PORT"]
{"Weight":"1,98kg","Dimension":"50 x 36 x 24 / 28 cm","Volume":"50 L","Material":"80% NYLON + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"A PRACTICAL AND SECURE EXTERIOR","content":"The integrated USB socket on the backpack offers the ultimate in practical convenience! There is a special pocket inside for an external battery. This built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket is designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it the ideal place for carrying cards and phones.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/4765243d-0bab-4c79-81b2-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119962002-05.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":" For optimal storage of personal belongings the product has a large interior compartment and a pouch as well as a foamed pocket for a 15\" laptop and tablet. The lining is made of rPET; a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/32f73983-24f1-426b-8204-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119962002-06.jpg"},{"title":"A BACK PACK THAT IS ADAPTABLE, THANKS TO THE EXPANDER","content":"A backpack that can be adapted to the amount of belongings carried thanks to the expander.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d6a4f24d-a3a6-4333-b01d-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119962002-07.jpg"},{"title":"FEATURES DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND","content":"For optimal comfort, the backpack's straps and rear section have foam padding.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/b46bdac0-2dfa-4075-a390-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119962002-08.jpg"},{"title":"GROUP YOUR LUGGAGE AND ROLL IT ALONG","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a105f18d-219e-44f8-84ee-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119962002-09.jpg"}]
["1004:TROLLEY system compatible","1011:PC Protection","1022:Leather","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID","1103:USB PORT"]
{"Weight":"0,72kg","Dimension":"30 x 41 x 12 cm","Volume":"15 L","Material":"80% NYLON + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"AN ELEGANT AND PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"Its sleek design is highlighted by leather accents. Practical and elegant, the satchel is equipped with invisible side pockets, providing more storage options. In addition, the handles are magnetised for better hold. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/56294fb1-9dd9-40a2-be0a-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916002-05.jpg"},{"title":"SEVERAL WAYS OF CARRYING","content":"The product can be carried by hand or on the shoulder thanks to the adjustable and removable shoulder strap. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/60de53e6-c57d-49c5-a391-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916002-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"For optimal storage of personal belongings, the product has a compartment, and a pouch as well as a foamed pocket for a 15\" laptop. This built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket is designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it the ideal place for carrying cards and phones. The lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a570f0be-2fbe-4a3e-92c8-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916002-07.jpg"},{"title":"GROUP YOUR LUGGAGE AND ROLL IT ALONG","content":" A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1c512cfd-39f5-4479-922e-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916002-08.jpg"}]
["1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID","1022:Leather","1004:TROLLEY system compatible"]
{"Weight":"1,02kg","Dimension":"31 x 42 x 14 / 17 cm","Volume":"22 L","Material":"80% NYLON + 20% LEATHER"}
[{"title":"AN ELEGANT AND PRACTICAL INTERIOR","content":"Its sleek design is highlighted by leather accents. Practical and elegant, the satchel is equipped with invisible side pockets, providing more storage options. In addition, the handles are magnetised for better hold. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/d02fe8fb-bf17-417d-afbf-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916102-05.jpg"},{"title":"SEVERAL WAYS OF CARRYING","content":"The product can be carried by hand or on the shoulder thanks to the adjustable and removable shoulder strap. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/a6d8b6bc-3f80-4109-8830-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916102-06.jpg"},{"title":"A WELL-DESIGNED INTERIOR","content":"For optimal storage of personal belongings, the product has two compartments, and a pouch as well as a foamed pocket for a 15\" laptop. This built-in anti-RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) pocket is designed to prevent theft of your personal electronic data, making it the ideal place for carrying cards and phones. The lining is made of rPET, a completely recycled material! The SILVADUR™* antimicrobial technology it's treated with inhibits the growth of bacteria. *SILVADUR™ is a trademark of International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. or its affiliates.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/7a6a861b-c01b-41d1-98ca-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916102-07.jpg"},{"title":"GROUP YOUR LUGGAGE AND ROLL IT ALONG","content":"A support loop on the back of the bag allows it to be easily slid onto the trolley of the suitcase to bundle and roll the luggage in a single movement. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/82d36edd-9312-4278-85c8-front/original/delsey-wagram-00119916102-08.jpg"}]
["1011:PC Protection","1064:Limited 2-Year Warranty","1065:Data protection RFID","1022:Leather","1004:TROLLEY system compatible"]