
Please check with your airline to find out the regulatory size of your luggage.

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{"Peso":"10,70kg","Dimension":"76cm Slim : 55 x 40 x 20 / 76cm : 66 x 46 x 28 / 76cm : 76 x 51 x 29 cm (including pockets, wheels and handles)","Volume":"95 L","Material":"70% ABS + 30% POLYCARBONATE"}
[{"title":"DELSEY PARIS x UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON ","content":"The technical expertise of DELSEY PARIS as well as its design and innovation ability combines with the creativity and boldness of United Colors of Benetton.\n\nMinimalist and functional, the Now Hardside collection blends timeless design with a modern touch, symbolising universality and accessibility.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/25e03514-67ab-42b7-bbe6-front/original/delsey-now-hardside-B0376298645-05.jpg"},{"title":"SECURE","content":"Equipped with a TSA code lock, the case can be locked using a personal code while allowing the Transport Security Authorities (TSA) to check your luggage using a unique key reserved for their use. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/1122564f-dd7c-4488-82e8-front/original/delsey-now-hardside-B0376298645-06.jpg"},{"title":"OPTIMAL ORGANISATION","content":"The interior of the case is functional and has a set of adaptable straps and a net pocket for optimal organisation. ","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/5ffa6034-eac9-4501-ae18-front/original/delsey-now-hardside-B0376298645-07.jpg"},{"title":"QUIET WHEELS","content":"The cases are equipped with 4 robust multidirectional wheels.","image":"https://cdn.quable.com/delsey/bf77280f-bc65-4070-a89a-front/original/delsey-now-hardside-B0376298645-08.jpg"}]